Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 665 This is your future!

"Okay, now things have come to an end for the time being, let's talk about what's going on in this world!"

In a blink of an eye, he brought everyone back to the bat cave, and then Li Yue spoke slowly.

And the eyes of Batman and Clark from another universe, while Li Yue said these words, looked at the Flash and Batman of this universe.

"Yes, since this is the case, I think you should also let us know the cause of everything!"

"Why did Clark in your world become like this? Why, on the earth of your world, is there a guy with wings on his body that can fly like a demon?"

"Why, the earth's environment in your world is changing to an extremely bad situation. I'm afraid, in a few years, the earth will no longer be suitable for human existence."

"Why is all this? Before bringing us to this universe, what exactly did you experience!"

After Li Yue spoke first, Batman on the side also asked with a very serious expression.

Moreover, he asked several questions in an instant.

Including the changes in the environment that Li Yue felt, I didn't expect him to discover the same!


The Flash and Batman of the local universe couldn't help but glance at each other in the face of the serious questioning from the three of them.

"Well, it is indeed time to tell you the truth of all this!"

In the end, the two people who looked at each other made a decision, and they were going to tell the truth of all this.

"First of all, I need to say sorry to you guys, I'm sorry I deceived you in some situations before!"

The Flash was the first to speak, and at this moment, a very guilty expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"You lied to us? What the hell is going on here?"

Hearing the Flash's words, the expressions of Batman and Li Yue still did not change, but Clark's face showed a puzzled expression and asked a little strangely.

"Actually, as I told you before, this is just a parallel universe among many parallel universes, not the real situation!"

Now that the decision has been made, The Flash is prepared to stop hiding everything.

"This is not a parallel universe? So what is this place?"

Hearing that the lightning had just started, such surprising news was released, Clark said that it was somewhat unacceptable.

"Yes, this is not a parallel universe, but the future of your universe."

However, The Flash seemed to feel that they were not shocked enough, and then came out with an even more explosive news!

"What, here is the future of our universe? How is this possible?"

At this moment, Clark felt shocked, he couldn't believe what The Flash said.

Even Batman had a look of surprise on his face, although he knew that The Flash had concealed something from them before.

But he never imagined that what the other party was hiding would be so unbelievable.


"Here, it is the universe you are in, the scene that will happen in the future."

"Of course, this is just one of the timelines. It doesn't represent your universe. The future will definitely become the current situation!"

"As long as you can change the outcome of certain things, you can prevent this world scenario from becoming the future of your universe."

The Flash then continued to explain.

"What the hell is going on with all this! Why is our future like this?"

However, The Flash's explanation does not make Clark fully accept this matter.

Originally, I just thought that I followed the lightning to save a parallel universe where Superman was blackened.

But I didn't expect that the real situation was that they came here to save the future of their universe.

And the most unacceptable thing for Clark is that he just fought,

It's not just his doppelganger, but his own after blackening.

In a way, he was just fighting himself.

"In fact, everything that happened before us here is not much different from what you have experienced."

"Until, after you fought side by side and defeated Doomsday, something unforeseen happened."

The Flash understands that even they may not be able to accept this explosive news quickly.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to Clark's extremely shocked expression, and slowly began to tell what happened before.

And with The Flash's narration, Li Yue finally fully understood what happened in this universe!


It turns out that this is indeed the future of Clark's universe.

And what the previous Flash did was to reverse the future.

However, at that time, although he was able to master the speed force very proficiently, he was a little ignorant of the speed force space without trying to travel through time and space.

Therefore, he originally wanted to travel to a point in time that could change everything to change what happened in the future.

But at the time of the first crossing, he ran too far, so he reached the time line when Bruce and Clark had not yet reconciled and fought side by side to defeat the Doomsday.

Therefore, the Flash at that time just wanted to remind Bruce, and then returned to the speed force and continued to his destination.

However, Li Yue suddenly appeared and dragged him out of the speed force.

What happened after that was the Flash's temporary idea, thinking that he could use the power of Clark, who was not blackened at that time, and add Batman's wisdom to go back to the future, and maybe he could also solve the crisis and reverse the future.

However, the sudden appearance of Li Yue also made The Flash extremely curious.

He didn't understand at all where Li Yue came from.

Because, although he had just obtained the speed force at that point in time, he had not yet joined the Justice League to fight evil.

But he also knew that there was absolutely no such person as Li Yue at that time.

Therefore, this made The Flash suspect for a time that he did not come to the previous timeline, but to a parallel universe.

But after further exploration, he found that except for Li Yue, who seemed to appear out of thin air, everything else was exactly the same as his own experience in the universe.

This made him sure that that world was indeed the past of his universe.

However, for this sudden appearance of Li Yue, he was completely unable to figure out the details of the other party.

Just like this, the Flash also has great vigilance against Li Yue. It was not until he saw that Li Yue had the combat power to destroy the Doomsday that he thought of taking Li Yue back to the future to solve the crisis.

Only in this way will they have a better chance of winning!

After all, that powerful existence that can control Superman is definitely not so easy to defeat!


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