Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 634 Dark Multiverse

After entering the space station, Superman easily saw the Laughing Bat that he was chasing.

At this time, the maniacally laughing bat was dressed in black, and the corners of his mouth were as red as blood, but his eyes were covered by a strange ring.

Above the ring, there is a protruding thorn.

In addition to the Laughing Bat, there is another person who is very familiar to Superman by his side.

And this person is the infected Batman.

At this time, Batman has the same weird and crazy smile on his face as the Superwoman and Emperor Shazam that Superman just got rid of.

It's like a vivid clown mask replaces their original faces.

Moreover, the attire on his body has undergone tremendous changes from before. The original black metal armor has turned into a strange silver-white armor at this time.

Batman has many armors, each of which can deal with different enemies and dangers.

But he almost never wore a full set of silver-white armor.

Because he is the dark knight, under the night, the black is more mysterious and deterrent than the silver.

However, at this time Clark has no time to pay attention to the huge changes in Batman's armor.

His eyes, as if ignoring the two in front of him, stared closely behind them.

Looking at everything in front of him, Clark's originally calm eyes became more and more angry and colder.

Under the intense anger, an incomparably terrifying momentum rose up from Clark's body in an instant.

The surrounding space seemed to tremble because of this powerful aura.

The entire space station began to vibrate slightly.

Ordinary people are angry, and at most blood splatters five steps.

And Superman's anger can make planets shatter and stars collapse.

What's more, today's Superman is far more than just ordinary anger.

Because, at this time, he saw something that was absolutely unacceptable to him!


Behind the Laughing Bat seems to be a passage without any light.

However, on both sides of the passage, it seems to be an exhibition hall with many "objects" on display!

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it is an item, because it is the corpse of a dead person.

However, if it was just an ordinary corpse, it would naturally not make Superman show such anger.

However, judging from those corpses, the time of death was not very long, maybe only a few years.

And what makes Superman extremely angry is that he can judge from the characteristics of those corpses, almost all of them are people he knows.

Even in death, Wonder Woman still holds a sword and a shield.

However, at this time, the long sword and shield in her hand had long since become rotten for some reason! The blade of the long sword was broken, and the shield was completely broken, leaving only half of it in the hands of Wonder Woman.

And it's not just Wonder Woman that makes Superman feel familiar with the corpses here.

There are dark passages dozens of meters long, and there are also dozens of booths on both sides.

Among them, the appearance of most of the corpses, Superman can know the identity of the other party just by looking at it!

Green Lantern wearing a rotten lamp ring.

The whole body is composed of machinery, but it seems to be a steel bone that is about to fall apart!

There is also the Flash who is wrapped in chains all over his body, wearing a red uniform, with a withered yellow lightning symbol on his chest...

Everything made Superman who saw these feel very familiar, but after that, incomparable anger instantly flooded Superman's mind.

Crossing the booths on both sides of the dark passage, three corpses that were also somewhat decayed were displayed there.

Unlike the other corpses, these three corpses were shrouded in a special dark green light.

It can make people see it more realistically.

However, it was precisely this that made Superman's intense anger instantly uncontrollable after seeing the three corpses.

Because, the identity of these three corpses,

Superman is no stranger either.

On the contrary, few are more familiar than Clark.

Because these three corpses are his family!

Including himself, as well as his wife and son.


"How, did this gift surprise you? Hahaha..."

Seeing that Superman was instantly plunged into incomparable anger, the Laughing Bat, who was ignored by Superman, immediately began to laugh wildly.

"What the hell did you do?"

At this moment, Superman could no longer restrain his anger, and stared at the Laughing Bat with incomparable anger, as if to tear him apart.

"Hahaha...what did I do?"

"It's just that I personally slaughtered all the people who claim to be righteous in my universe. Compared to my next plan, this is nothing at all!"

Hearing Superman's questioning, the Joker grinned instantly, and the corners of his blood-red mouth cracked into a very terrifying arc.

If ordinary people saw him, they would be scared to look at him in the blink of an eye.

But today's extremely angry Superman will naturally not be frightened by the crazy appearance of the Laughing Bat. He couldn't wait to tear him to pieces directly.

"Of course, it doesn't matter what my great plan tells you, because you can't stop it now."

Then, perhaps because of self-confidence, or perhaps because of showing off, the Laughing Bat stopped the frantic laughter and continued to speak.

"In this world, where there is light, there is darkness!"

"So, if you have a multiverse, you also have a dark multiverse! And I am from the dark multiverse..."

Talking about the origin of his universe, the Laughing Bat seems to have finally recovered from the madness.

He quietly revealed the secrets of the multiverse.

It turned out that Papetua, the goddess of darkness, designed the entire universe into a ternary system, with the multiverse on the front and the dark multiverse on the back.

The boundary is the antimatter universe, the third dimension is space, the fourth dimension is time, the fifth dimension is the imagination that exists in the entire multiverse, and the sixth dimension is the center that controls the entire world.

The normal multiverse represents light and justice.

The dark multiverse, however, represents the darkness under the light.

Just like, even the sun, there are places where it can't shine!

In the dark multiverse, the most obvious difference from the normal multiverse is that there will always be people who were originally in the righteous camp and eventually fall into darkness because they cannot withstand a certain blow.

In the universe of Laughing Bat, it is he who has fallen into darkness, and it is also Batman who originally represented justice and defended Gotham City.

But in the end, he fell into darkness, killed the clown himself, and was infected by the virus in the clown, becoming the most unique existence in all the multiverses.

Combining the wit of Batman with the madness of the Joker.


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