Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 626: Laughing Gordon

The weird smile that suddenly appeared on Commissioner Gordon's face made Batman instantly realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, he finally understood in his heart why he always felt that Director Gordon was acting a little strange just now.

It turned out that he had already been infected by the clown virus.

At this moment, he finally showed his true face after being infected.

A weird and crazy smile appeared on his face instantly.

At this moment, Director Gordon is no longer the original Director Gordon, but the maniacal Gordon after being infected by the maniacal virus.

"When did he get infected by the Laughing Bat?"

At this moment, even Batman had a surprised look on his face.

He had absolutely no idea when Commissioner Gordon was infected with the laughing virus.

"Could it be that the chaos that happened this time was a conspiracy they deliberately created?"

At the same time, Batman suddenly realized that the reason for the chaos this time was probably a scene directed and acted by the Laughing Bat and the infected Director Gordon.

And their purpose is probably not to create chaos in this world, but they know that Batman will never sit idly by.

So, their purpose is to attract Batman to come.

Or, to be able to attract people more important than Batman.

"No, Kara is in danger!"

Almost instantly, Batman thought of the opponent's main goal.

Supergirl Kara, the Kryptonian Kara, possesses the power of a god.

But as a Kryptonian, she also has many weaknesses. In addition to her justice and compassion, Kryptonite, which can temporarily invalidate her abilities, is undoubtedly her most fatal weakness.

Under the influence of kryptonite, Kara is not much different from ordinary people.

Her powers will disappear completely, and so will her body of steel.

At this time, Kara,

can be hurt.

The most important thing is that at this time, Kara is the most vulnerable and most easily infected by the Laughing Bat's Laughing Virus.

And Batman knows how powerful the Kryptonian will be after being infected.


When Batman saw the smile on Chief Gordon's face, he immediately thought of all this.

However, Director Gordon suppressed the uncontrollable excitement and madness in his heart, and continued to pretend to be Director Gordon before he was not infected. Naturally, it was not just for now, but Batman felt a strong shock.

At this time, he has approached Batman under the identity of Director Gordon and Batman's trust in him.

At the same time that he had a strange smile on his face, there was an extra injection needle in his hand.

And it was filled with a very strange looking green liquid, as if it was some kind of strangely colored potion!

Afterwards, Chief Gordon laughed wildly, and while Batman who was in shock didn't react, he stabbed the syringe in his hand directly into Batman's body.

Gordon, who had fallen into a manic laughter, did not hesitate at all, as if standing in front of him at the moment was not the dark knight he had trusted most for many years, but a very evil criminal.

Although Gordon is also just an ordinary person, as the police chief, his physical fitness is still very good, at least beyond the average ordinary person.

However, this level is not enough for Batman, who is at the peak of human physique.

However, it may be the extreme madness after being infected, or it may be that the physical fitness has improved after being infected by the maniac virus.

In short, the speed of the manic laughing Gordon at this time has become extremely sensitive and fast.

Even Batman, after feeling that Gordon was infected, fell into a strong shock, and then noticed Gordon's actions, and he didn't react.

However, he is Batman, and even in the face of Superman, he dares to fight the other side head-on.

And he has experienced so many years of punishing evil and eliminating evil, and his combat experience is not generally rich.

Therefore, with just his fighting instinct, he successfully blocked Chief Gordon's attack.

When Gordon stabbed his needle and was about to stab his body, Batman stretched out his hand and precisely grabbed Director Gordon's wrist.

The powerful force prevented Director Gordon's hand from advancing at all.


However, Director Gordon, who was intercepted, did not seem to show any surprise and unwillingness due to the failure of the sneak attack.

There was still that crazy smile on his face.

Then, ignoring his captured right hand, he continued to wave at Batman with his uncontrolled left hand.

However, nothing happened, and his hand was blocked by Batman again.


However, Batman, who blocked Director Gordon's unexpected attack, could not feel any joy in his heart anyway.

Because at this time, he was worried about the infection of Chief Gordon.

As the only person in the Gotham City Police Department who trusts him, there is some kind of inexplicable trust between Chief Gordon and Batman.

At this time, Director Gordon was infected by the Laughing Bat, and his personality changed drastically. Even the self he trusted was able to carry out conspiracy calculations and attack.

It can be seen that this kind of crazy laughter virus has a great impact on people. I am afraid that after contracting this virus, it will directly become another person.

The things that I cared about and cared about originally, after contracting the virus, will not continue to care at all.

At this time, Batman has yet to find a way to relieve and cure this virus. He doesn't know how long it will take him to find a way.

And during this period of time, those who are infected need to continue to be in this state of madness.

At this time, Batman's most trusted Director Gordon is exactly the same.

However, at a time when Batman is worried about how to relieve Director Gordon of the virus.

The original vitality behind him gradually disappeared, and the manic laughing bat, who was on the verge of death, suddenly stood up from the ground without knowing when.

He licked the blood on his hands with his mouth, and the smile on his face became more and more sinister and strange.

Then, a bat dart appeared in his hand again, and there was still a faint green light flickering on the blade.

The next moment, he waved his arm directly, and the bat dart in his hand came out directly.

call out!

At this time, the distance between the Laughing Bat and Batman was not far, not to mention the bat dart he shot was extremely fast.

With a faint sound of breaking through the air, the Batdart came to Batman's back almost instantly.

And Batman was aware of this the moment the bat dart shot at him.

But at this time, he was in a dilemma.


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