Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 602 The choice that needs to be made by Superman

This idea is no doubt crazy and almost completely unrealizable.

But after watching all the other party's memories, it also made Louise understand that the other party did this entirely because of her death.

It was precisely because of her death that Clark wondered whether his previous behavior of letting go of the wicked and not wanting to kill was the right choice.

Moreover, Clark has always blamed herself for her death.

If he had killed a madman like the Joker before, the terrible thing that the Metropolis was destroyed by a nuclear bomb would not have happened.

Louise wouldn't die from the Joker's madness either.

The whole world will be different because of this.

"Clark, thank you for your hard work!"

Recovering from watching these memories, Louise once again faced this Clark, who was completely different from her previous memories, without any vigilance in her eyes.

She also didn't blame Clark for the changes she remembered.

No matter whether he was so cruel and cold-blooded in that memory, Louise knew that she had no right to blame him for the change at all.

Because everything he did was because of his own death.

Although, Clark's behavior after that may have become a little paranoid, a little crazy, and even a little unscrupulous.

But for Louise, none of that matters.

The important thing is that Clark loved her deeply, even after she had been dead a long time ago.

And she also loves each other deeply, and will not change because of the misplaced choice of the other party when she is helpless.

She also believes that as long as she exists, the former Clark, Superman incarnate of justice, will definitely return to her side.

She believes in herself, she believes in Clark, and she believes that the love between them can change everything.


"All right……"

Li Yue didn't want to pay too much attention to what happened next. The two of them reunited were naturally very happy.

And Li Yue didn't want to be fed a mouthful of dog food, so he could only pay attention to the Joker and Batman on the other side.

At this time, they still haven't recovered from the situation that just happened, and they don't understand what happened at the scene.

Why was he still the same as them, not believing that the person in front of him who was dressed up and had a look on his face was different from the Clark they knew before, it was the Clarke Louise they knew before.

Why suddenly, he believed the other party, and showed an apologetic and extremely distressed expression to the other party.

Especially Batman, I feel that this scene is a bit weird.

He knew very well that the real Clark should still be fighting Doomsday at this time.

And his girlfriend, Louise, fell into the arms of another person suspected of being "Clark".

He was very torn about whether to tell Clark about it later.

If you tell him, what should you say?

Do you tell him that you have been given green by someone who looks the same as you and looks like another you?

The thought of that scene made Batman shudder a little.

Estimated Angry Superman,

He will punch him hard.

And, if it's said to Superman, what happens after that may be completely beyond his control.

But hiding it makes Batman feel a little sorry for his good friend Clark.

So, for a while, he was caught in a dilemma.

However, he didn't know that his current embarrassment was completely useless, because there were some things he didn't know at this time...


What happened after that did not need to be described too much, Louise had already accepted that the superman in front of her came from the future after she died in a nuclear bomb explosion.

However, she was also a little confused about what to do next.

Although the other party is also Clark, he and the other party are not from the same world after all.

And in his own world, there is another Clark who has not experienced the memory of his own death.

This made Louise fall into an extremely tangled emotion for a while.

As an excellent reporter, although she has a very strong heart, her ability to accept things is far beyond ordinary people.

But in the face of such an incredible thing, she still couldn't fully accept it in a short period of time, and she couldn't make a choice directly.

Although, her heart is more inclined to Clark in her own world.

But she also understood that losing herself twice in a row would be a huge blow to the already tormented Clark in front of her.

And these are not what she wants to see.

However, her entanglement at this time is also the same as the entanglement in Batman's heart here, which is completely unnecessary.

Because everything that happened here is not real.

As Li Yue said before, everything here is unreal, not just the detonator in the clown's hand.


"Okay, Karl El, now that you have seen your lost relatives as you wished, I believe your heart is still very excited."

"However, there is still a lot of time in the future, so don't worry about it. But now, I have a choice for you to make. I don't know how you will choose!"

Afterwards, Li Yue said solemnly to Superman who was immersed in great joy.

"Mr. Li Yue, you should call me Clark."

Hearing Li Yue's words and letting himself choose something, there was no unexpected expression on Superman's face.

He didn't answer directly, but asked Li Yue to call his name on Earth again.

This is enough to show that after seeing Louise again, he did not have any surprises, and his mentality changed again.

"I've always understood that to get something, you have to give something!"

However, he soon faced Li Yue's problem.

The previous experience has made Superman understand that some things are destined, and if you gain something, you will lose something.

For example, for the sake of all human beings, he would not fear him or reject him, a Kryptonian from an alien planet, so he chose to help humans.

And it has never broken the principle of not killing human beings.

However, in the end, it was because of this principle that he lost the person he loved most on earth.

And now, he has found the person he loves the most again, which also indicates that he should give up something.

As for what Li Yue wanted him to give up, he didn't know at this time.

However, he doesn't care what Li Yue wants him to give up at all, as long as he finds the person he loves the most, everything else is no longer important to him.

Even if he had to use his own life in exchange for Louise's life, he would choose to agree without hesitation.

"So, if I need to choose, tell me, as long as Louise survives, I can give up anything!"

Then, Clark said to Li Yue in a very firm tone!


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