Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 596: The Disappearing Detonator

With the detonator in the clown's hand pressed, the nuclear bomb will be detonated directly.

Even how angry Batman is at this time, it doesn't help.

The clown's desire to use a nuclear bomb to blow up a city into the sky has finally come true.

When the clown saw that the detonator in his hand was fully pressed, the slow time seemed to recover in an instant.

There was no way for Batman's forward body to stop, and the Joker was knocked to the ground directly.

At the same time, Batman clenched his hands into fists and slammed the Joker's wrist with the detonator.


The huge impact force made the clown a little unbearable. After groaning, he was directly knocked to the ground by Batman.

At the same time, the detonator he was holding in his hand, after Batman hit his wrist, instantly let go and flew out.

clang clang!

The metal detonator flew a few meters away, and after falling to the ground, it continued to roll for a few weeks before finally stopping.

I don't know what material this detonator is made of. After suffering this kind of damage, it did not shatter directly.

Instead, it seemed to be still intact and rolled onto the ground.

It's just that although the clown has been hit, even the detonator in his hand has been thrown away and flew out.

"Joker, you are such a lunatic, you have killed millions of people, don't you have any regrets?"

But after the Batman stopped, there was no happy expression on his face, but he became more dignified.

He stared at the clown with incomparable anger, and asked the clown, trying to see a different expression on his face.

"Hehe, dear bat, are you kidding me?"

The clown looked indifferent, as if he had just pressed the button to detonate the nuclear bomb, causing hundreds of people to die indirectly in his hands, which was not what he did.

"Clown, you kill innocent people indiscriminately! You will pay a huge price for your crazy behavior!"

Hearing the indifferent words of the Joker made Batman even more angry.

Moreover, because of the huge anger in his heart at this time, he couldn't help but want to directly learn about the clown's life, even if he broke his own principles.

Because he had just clearly seen that the Joker had pressed the button of the detonator before the detonator was knocked flying by himself.

This kind of nuclear bomb detonator, press the button, it means that the nuclear bomb in the distance has been activated.

At this time, it was too late to stop it.

I believe that in the near future, I am afraid that the distant metropolis will begin to be baptized by nuclear bombs.

And with the terrifying power released after the nuclear bomb exploded, the entire metropolis will be in ruins.

However, in the end, reason prevailed, and Batman did not get carried away by the huge anger, and did not directly kill the Joker who fell to the ground.


"Hahaha, the price? So, are you going to kill me now? I really can't wait. The angry Batman began to break his own principles, and he wanted to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to it. If you do this, how will the people of Gotham City continue to view your existence!"

"At that time, you will be no different from me!"

"No, there is still a big difference, because a good person doing one bad thing will always be more angry than a bad person doing ten or a hundred things!"

However, in the face of Batman's extremely angry expression, as if he was about to kill himself, the Joker had no fear at all.

He even talked and laughed casually, without any fear of death at all.

Are clowns really not afraid of death?

Yes to Batman, because as the saying goes, Batman in Gotham City exists because of the Joker.

Everything the Joker does is to make Batman break his own principles and let the world understand that even the dark knight who punishes evil and evil is only a mortal after all.

He also cannot escape the bondage of human nature.

If it really died at the hands of Batman this time, then although the Joker is dead, the years of battle between him and Batman can declare victory.

And Batman obviously knew this, so in the huge anger, Batman slowly calmed down with his strong willpower.

His eyes recovered, although still full of anger, but the strong killing intent in his eyes had disappeared.

"Haha, what a pity, it seems that you can't kill me again today!"

The Joker in front of Batman could easily sense the change in Batman's mood, and his face, which was already full of smiles, now showed an even more sarcastic expression.

However, there is actually a hint of helplessness in the Joker's heart. It seems that the plan to anger Batman this time has failed again.

"The rationality of this bat is really scary!"

The clown sighed secretly in his heart.

"Although I can't kill you, you will live in a dark prison from now on. Eternal darkness will wash away your monstrous sins."

Batman, who recovered his senses, declared his judgment to the Joker.

"But not everyone can be like me..."

However, after the trial was announced, Batman, who knew that even killing the Joker would be useless at this time, sighed secretly in his heart!

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


"Clark, I hope you don't get carried away because of the huge anger. Otherwise, I am afraid that the whole world will suffer a huge impact because of your behavior that breaks the principle!"

In an instant, the calm Batman remembered living in Metropolis, Superman's only relative on earth.

The other party is also likely to be injured by the explosion of the nuclear bomb.

And what Batman was most worried about at this time was that Clark couldn't bear the blow of Louise's death, and ultimately couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

It's time to make some crazy moves to break the image of the messenger of justice he had established before.

At that time, the original panic because of the event that the Metropolis was destroyed by a nuclear bomb can only be blamed on the ordinary people who are not able to protect the superheroes above them.

I'm afraid that after Superman's crazy behavior, it will become more panic.

Humans who are in panic will cover themselves with anger, and often do many more outrageous things.

At that time, the whole world will be plunged into great chaos.

Chaos is often what the wicked like to see most.

Because that way, they can come out and hunt like sharks that smell blood.

And such chaos will make the whole world again full of violence and death.

"Hopefully, this doesn't happen!"

However, Batman couldn't stop it at this time, he could only pray in his heart that Clark would not do anything against the principle because of his great anger.

However, at this time, Batman did not find that the detonator that fell to the ground in the distance had undergone some strange changes!


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