Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 539 Another Bruce

"This is Clark's doppelganger?"

Except for Li Yue, no one else was in the mood to think about such a thing at this time.

The one who was most shocked at this time was Clark, who looked exactly like himself in front of him.

Even the figure with his own family logo on the chest of the armor, Clark was full of surprise.

Before accepting this mission and preparing to go to another world, Clark had already prepared in his heart to face another self.

Even, he is also ready to fight with another self.

But at this time, seeing this "self" dressed in a strange costume and exuding some kind of strange light in his eyes, Clark still couldn't help but feel extremely surprised.

"Hehe, Barry, although I don't know which parallel universe or which timeline you are from, I still want to thank you for sending my partner to my world again!"

Clark, who was dressed in an evil and domineering outfit, looked at Clark and Bruce, and instantly showed a very satisfied smile on his face.

Then he spoke directly to Barry.

It's just what he said that made Barry a little unclear, but he had a bad feeling.

"What do you mean by these words?"

Barry recovered from his surprise, his eyes fixed on the strangely dressed Clark in front of him, and he asked in a cold tone.

Just meeting, Barry felt that the Clark in front of him was the same kind of person as the Clark in his own world.

Therefore, Barry also felt some hatred for this Clark.

"Calm down, Mr. Allen! We'd better figure out what's going on here first!"

Bruce reminded Barry, and then looked at the other Clark in front of him again.

Bruce was a little surprised. Although the two Clarks looked the same, they gave him completely different feelings.

Clark in his own world, although he has the power of a god, but after close contact, Bruce found that he is not an unattainable god, but an ordinary human with humanity.

And he is always restraining his own momentum and strength, and he doesn't want others to find out that he is Superman.

But seeing this Clark at this time, in less than a minute of seeing him, Bruce could feel that there was that powerful momentum in his eyes.

He seems to be showing his powerful strength to outsiders all the time, telling that he has a powerful strength like a god.

"This... Mr. Clark, we came to this world by accident. I wonder if you can give us a brief introduction to the current situation in this world?"

Suppressing the feeling in his heart, Bruce asked Clark in front of him as if he was just a passerby!

"Hehe, Bruce, it's a shame you're speaking to me in this tone. Have you forgotten the wonderful moments we had together before?"

Clark seemed a little dissatisfied with Bruce's tone.

"From the beginning of everything, Doomsday, to the Apocalypse Invaders, we fought together. Until the Joker incident, we parted ways because of different ideas."

"However, later we joined forces together, defeated Brainiac, and took back the city he took from him."

"However, there were serious differences between us again after that... Fortunately, the final result was good. With my efforts, we can continue to fight side by side in the future, and there will be no differences due to different ideas."

Clark of this world slowly recounted everything he had experienced with Bruce.

"Unfortunately, you don't seem to know this yet. It seems that you haven't experienced these things."

However, after telling the story, Clark of this world looked up at Bruce, only to find that his expression did not seem to have changed.

In just a moment, Clark of this world seemed to have found the reason, and said with a surprised expression.

"I really don't know which time line you are from, Barry, who came to my world with them who haven't experienced much to try to stop me."

Then, he quickly restrained the surprise on his face and turned to the Flash.

"Haha, this is so ridiculous, you're right, my forever buddy, Bruce!"

Then, as if seeing what a ridiculous thing, he showed a mocking smile on his face, and then said loudly.


Bruce didn't know how to answer the call, and he was also in a state of confusion at this time.

"Clark, you're right, their thoughts and behaviors are indeed very ridiculous..."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from a distance, responding to Clark of this world.

"This is?"

Barry couldn't help but looked up, and saw a bat-like aircraft flying rapidly from a distance, and it came to the top of their heads in just a moment.

Then a figure jumped out of it and landed here.


The figure fell to one knee and let out a roar. Precisely landed next to the other Clark.

Then he stood up slowly, his face expressionless, and even his eyes seemed to look at everyone out of focus.

His attire is very similar to Clark next to him. It is also a pitch-black metal armor with purple light embellishment on his body.

The slight difference is that the pattern on his chest is composed of purple light, and there is also an S-shaped logo in the middle, but the overall appearance is a purple bat shape!

"You're late, Bruce!"

Clark smiled and said to Bruce next to him as if no one was there.

"I'm carrying out the christening ceremony for our future partner, and I came directly after receiving your news!"

The tone of Bruce, who had just arrived, seemed a little stiff when he spoke, as if he couldn't feel any emotion in it.

"Oh? How are our future partners doing?"

Hearing Bruce's words, Clark asked curiously.

"Most of them have been successful, but a few are still resisting strongly, but it shouldn't take too long."

Bruce still replied with a blank expression.

"I see."

Clark seemed to be used to Bruce's tone.

"However, it seems that it is time to count the few people who just arrived."

Then, Clark suddenly looked at Li Yue and others on the other side, and said confidently.

"It doesn't matter, just use them to experiment, how much strength do those successful partners have!"

Bruce continued to speak expressionlessly.


And the moment he finished speaking, all kinds of noisy voices suddenly came from the surroundings!

Lightning bolts rushed towards them from all directions, and there was a huge roar in the sky.

Several bat-shaped aircrafts that were the same as just now also flew quickly from afar.

The next moment, in less than a few seconds.

Li Yue and the others were shocked to find that several figures suddenly appeared beside them, surrounding them in the middle.

Their attire is almost the same, and the dark armor is dotted with purple rays of light.

Some of them float in the air, some appear on the ground.

And the most important thing is that their faces are the same as Barry, Bruce, or Clark!


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