Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 29: The most famous Lao Wan

  Everyone got on the plane and fastened safety measures.

   "We should start!" The beast directly started the plane, the plane slowly accelerated, and then whistled directly into the sky.

   At this time, Li Yue discovered that not only did the aircraft look more advanced than in this era, but the speed was already able to reach supersonic speed, and he had to admire the mind of the beast.

Not long after, Li Yue and their planes had arrived at the place of the incident. At this time, the US and Soviet warships had locked the opposite ship. As long as the intermediate cargo ship passed the embargo line, it would directly fire, and then the war would have to Start.


   "Three minutes before the cargo ship crosses the embargo line, sir."

   "If they cross the line, they will ask for more blessings. May God bless you! Raise the alarm and prepare for battle." The US military commander gave the order.

   US warships are ready for battle. If Soviet cargo ships do not return, they will be directly hit by them.

  The Soviet commander, who was ready for the war at this time, received an order from the superior to allow the cargo ship to return, not to cross the line. But no matter how the Herald ordered, no one on the cargo ship responded and continued to drive forward.

   "There are no more living people on the cargo ship. Sebastian Shaw has been there. He killed all the people." The professor directly used telepathy to detect the situation on the cargo ship.

   "How to do, if the cargo ship continues to travel, it will be hit by the US warships, and then the Soviet troops will also fight back, and the war will come." The female agent of the CIA said with some concern.

Professor    thought for a moment, and directly controlled an officer on the Soviet warship with his psychic abilities.

   The eyes of the officer suddenly became sluggish, and went straight to the control position, pushed away the soldiers sitting there, and pressed directly on the missile launch button.

   The officer who finished these things suddenly seemed to be refreshed, standing stunnedly in place, not knowing what happened.


   At this time, everyone on the plane was in danger because the missile's direction of advance was exactly where the plane was traveling. If there was no accident, the missile would first hit the plane.


  The beast directly roared to control the aircraft's steering to avoid close contact with the missile.

  However, Li Yue discovered that this missile, which had been unavoidably frightened and avoided in the movie, could not be avoided anyway at this time. Seeing that the missile would collide with the aircraft.

  At this moment, Li Yue had too little time to think about it. He used his abilities directly, and took the plane and the people in the plane to disappear directly on the route of the missile, and then appeared in the air not far away.

   "Hoo! Li Yue, you are so cool!"

  Everyone on the plane escaped the threat of death and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Li Yue, thank you for saving all of us!" The professor expressed gratitude to Li Yue.

   "Professor, let me say it when I do this again!" The beast expressed his dissatisfaction with the professor. Just now, if it was not Li Yue, they would die. Because of the sudden incident, Magneto did not react.


   Everyone on the Soviet warship watched their missiles blow up their cargo ship, and they all watched dumbfounded as things happened. Until now, there has been no response.

   "Good job, you just avoided a nuclear war!" At this time the commander said to the officer who was still being forced.


   "Come here, take him to the confinement room!" The commander said that this pot still requires you to carry it.

   "What, what happened?"

   The officer was taken down with a brutal look.


   The red devil on the cargo ship felt the danger and teleported directly to the submarine.

   "It's those Soviets who opened fire on their cargo ships."

   "They came, they did it, I already felt it." Sebastian Shaw said, and then picked up the trait helmet and put it on.

   "Did they just ruin our plan like this?"

"No, we just need to use another'matchstick' to ignite the fuse, we also have the most powerful weapon in the world, that is me, as long as I absorb 100% of the energy of the nuclear reactor, during this period I can't be disturb."

  After speaking, Xiao went directly into a room in the submarine. The red devil outside turned on the nuclear reactor switch. Xiao held the reactor in both hands and began to absorb it.


On the plane, the professor said: "Xiao must be hiding under water, but we did not have sonar detection and could not find his specific location."

  After listening to the professor, everyone on the plane felt a bit regretful. Magneto was even more sorry. This kind of feeling that the enemy is not far away, but he can’t avenge himself is the most unacceptable.

   "No, we have a sonar!" The Kraken suddenly broke out, interrupting everyone's contemplation.

Professor    and Magneto both looked up in surprise, looking at the Kraken, yeah, how could he forget him.

Professor    and Magneto directly unbuckled their seat belts, stood up, and took the Kraken to the back of the plane.

   "Open the hatch, beast!"

   The hatch slowly opened to both sides, and the professor did not forget to ask the Kraken.

   "Your vocal cord is like a muscle, you just need to control it. We will see you later." The professor pointed to his head, indicating that I would enter your mind in a moment.

   The Kraken jumped off the plane directly and shouted when he was about to fall into the sea. He had to buffer the falling speed first. After gliding for a while by the power of recoil, a fierce man got into the sea.

  The sea monster who entered the sea shouted directly, and a circle of visible waves quickly spread to the distance, and then touched the submarine and reflected back.

   "The Kraken is looking for the location of the submarine, Hank, the plane drops a little. Eric, are you ready."

   "Let's go find him!"

Professor    felt the information in Siren’s mind and told Magneto that the professor asked Hank to fly the plane closer to the sea.

   Magneto directly grasped the aircraft landing gear with his left hand, and reached the sea with his right hand to fully launch his ability. However, no matter how Magneto increases the output of power, he cannot pull such a heavy submarine out of the sea.

   "Eric, remember, the key is to stay somewhere between anger and calm."

  After being encouraged by Professor Haoyou, the Magneto burst into self-confidence instantly, the magnetic control ability fired fully, and the submarine in the sea rose at a speed visible to the naked eye until it was pulled out of the sea.

   Everyone in the military has been stunned to see this Can't believe this is something human can do. The human beings used at this time also saw the terrible place of the mutants.

Li Yue was also shocked in his heart. He deserved to be the most famous Lao Wan. On the scene, he could really feel the shock brought by Lao Wan's ability. Looking at the submarine weighing thousands of tons, he was so punished. Magnetic King is in the air, no one can calm down.

   The hatch above the submarine opened, and the hurricane headed out, looking at the aircraft not far away, and his submarine was being lifted into the air by some force, he was ready to start making waves.

   turned directly into a hurricane and blew towards the plane.

  Under the strong hurricane, the plane could no longer maintain a smooth flight. The wing on one side was blown off, and the plane rushed towards the coast like a kite with a broken line.

Professor    did not forget to rescue the old man who was still outside the plane in anxiety. Sure enough, he was a pair of good friends, and the cabin of the plane also became a mess. Various lines sparked, and the beast was fully controlling the plane.

Li Yue did not want to try the feeling of the plane crash, and directly launched his ability to take the plane to the beach on the nearby sea. Although the impact is still very strong, it is still within the range that it can bear. The plane did not Disintegration, just gliding a distance, then stopped.

   There were people who were shocked and unhurried to unfasten their seat belts and helped each other to come out of the plane.

What is different from the movie is that Sebastian Shaw has absorbed the energy of the reactor at this time, directly blasted a big hole with the energy on the submarine, and came out. The red devil and hurricane also stood like guards Behind him.

   "So you didn't die!" This is Xiao's first sentence after seeing Li Yue.

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