As Thanos issued the command to prepare to attack, countless strange-shaped monsters slowly emerged from the spaceship behind him!

As if thousands of cavalrymen in ancient times stepped on the ground together, there was a loud rumbling sound, and a piece of black monsters marched side by side, like a black cloud pressing the city, the scene was extremely shocking!

There are the Qitarui race army that once attacked the earth in Avengers 1, and the vanguard army like zombie dogs that appeared in the middle layer of Avengers 3...

There are huge ape-like creatures that are slowly walked down from the spaceship by people, and there are flying warships that look like giant dragons hovering in the air, as if covering the sky! In short, thousands of monsters are almost endless, which is countless times more than the monsters that appeared in the first and third battles of the Avengers! There are also many kinds of them!

These are the armies that Thanos gathered under his command when he was fighting the universe to help him fight and slaughter other planets!

And now, these armies are coming behind Thanos in a mighty manner, and at the forefront are the four powerful men of Thanos, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, Dark Night Proxima and General Deathblade! It is worth mentioning that there is also a superstar in the original comic! It's just that in the movie universe, for some reason, it didn't appear!

At this moment, they stand respectfully behind Thanos, and just wait for the order of the attack from Thanos at the front, and they will instantly tear everything in front of them to shreds!


"Oh, the well-known Thanos, who can't single-handedly beat others, do you want to call your own men to besiege me now?"

At this moment, Li Yue alone faces thousands of troops, and it can be said that he is in charge of one husband! However, there was no serious expression on his face! Instead, he mocked the Thanos in front of him with a relaxed expression on his face! Naturally, Li Yue also saw that Thanos in front was assembling his army and preparing for a full-scale attack on the earth! However, Li Yue did not stop it!

Because Li Yue knew very well in his heart that just after he fought against Thanos for a period of time, it had been a long time since he snapped his fingers to rescue the disappeared person!

It is estimated that the army of the Avengers will be assembled soon, and it should be teleported to the battlefield through the aperture soon!

For this epic battle, Li Yue still wanted to watch it on the spot! And, he wants to be involved in it himself! Fight side by side with Tony and the others!

It's not in vain for him to come to this universe for a walk!

Otherwise, he would have put on his gloves long ago, and a snap of his fingers would easily turn Thanos' army into ashes!

"Your name is Li Yue, right? It seems that you were right before the battle with me! You do have the qualifications for me to keep your name in my mind!"

"You are not only able to defeat me, but even successfully cause me such serious damage! It's incredible! I have to say that your strength has won my respect!"

"It's just that no matter how powerful you are, you are only one person! And behind me, there are thousands of troops! I want to slaughter all the human beings on this planet. You alone can stop me?"

Thanos' eyes are solemn and with a hint of admiration, looking at Li Yue, who is still very relaxed even in the face of his own army, and said to him with a heavy tone!

"No no no, purple sweet potato essence, you are wrong, he was never alone!"


When Li Yue hadn't come and responded to Thanos, a voice suddenly came from afar, and it seemed that the distance was getting closer, and the tone was full of jokes!


After that sentence was said to the end, the owner of the voice seemed to have come to Li Yue's side!

And this is indeed the case. As soon as the voice fell, a figure wearing bright red metal armor descended from the sky, and landed directly beside Li Yue with a bang!

"Hi, Mr. Li Yue, we are here to support you!"

After the man opened the metal mask, a face that was very familiar to Li Yue was revealed.

It was Tony. And he said to Li Yue with a smile on his face!

Tony's voice just fell, and another figure slammed down next to Tony, with lightning flashing all over his body, holding a storm axe in his right hand, and Thor's Hammer in his left hand!

The figure that followed Tony was none other than Sol! And on his shoulders, he was carrying a skinny raccoon! Holding a metallic red glove in his hand!

"Saul, your speed seems to have slowed down a lot! I think you should lose weight!"

Tony turned his head to look at Sol, who landed right behind him, and said jokingly to him!

"Humph! Stark, don't be too proud, this time I let you! You didn't fly with a burden just now!"

Facing Tony's slightly sarcastic tone, Sol snorted coldly and said stubbornly!

"Hey, wait, Sol, make it clear to me, who do you call a burden? I think you are eating too fat, you can't fly! I think Stark is right, you are indeed I should lose weight!"

"And, have you forgotten that when we came back from another universe, your mother specially told you to eat more vegetarian food!"

Rocket flexibly jumped off Sol's shoulders and landed on the ground, when he heard Sol actually say that he was a burden! I couldn't help but retorted to Sol!


Sol, who was attacked by the rocket, was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer! He simply turned his head to look at Li Yue!

"Mr. Li Yue, what is the lightning energy you just used?"

When Sol arrived, the first sentence he opened his mouth was to ask Li Yue this question!

"Don't you already know what energy I use! That's right, the truth is exactly what you think in your heart!"

Li Yue replied to Sol indifferently!

"It really is the power of thunder..." There was a clear look on Saul's face!

"Li Yue, you already knew that Nebula was a counterfeit, right! Why didn't you just say it clearly, I almost let her deceive the Infinity Stones in my hands!"

And the Rockets also complained to Li Yue! But it was Li Yue's fault for not directly speaking out about the fake Nebula!


"Sorry, Mr. Li Yue, we are late!"

With another bang, Rhodes in the armor also came here, because his armor carries a lot of heavy firepower, and he is not as advanced as Tony's armor, so his speed is much slower than Tony's. !

At this moment, there are several figures, rushing towards Li Yue quickly!

But they were not as happy as Tony and Thor, they ran straight from the ground!

Of course, there is also a green giant. Although he didn't fly over, he jumped to a height of 100 meters, which is not much different from flying!

Dr. Banner in the Hulk state arrived first, and when he came to the crowd, a figure suddenly appeared on his body, from small to large! But it was Ant-Man who was lying on Banner and hitched a ride!

Less than ten seconds later, the other people running on the ground also successfully reached Li Yue! Among them are Captain America, Hawkeye and Nebula, as well as the green-skinned Gamora!

"Mr. Li Yue, it seems that this time, we are finally going to fight side by side!" The captain holding a shield came to Li Yue with a smile on his face and said to Li Yue!


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