Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 216 The suspicion of Tony and others

Except for Tony and other insiders, almost everyone who is watching here thinks that Li Yue has left the earth at this time!

After more than ten minutes, a rescue team with guns arrived here, but it was someone sent by S.H.I.E.L.D.!

And Tony and the others didn't continue to pretend, they all staggered up from the ground!

The expressions on their faces are full of grief and anger, as if the battle just now failed, not only severely injured their bodies, but also suffered a serious blow in their hearts! And Natasha reported what happened here as soon as she regained her mobility. A man who claimed to be Thanos took away the Rubik's Cube of the Universe and the Mind Scepter to his boss. Nick Fury!

And before Li Yue left, the remarks that he said to destroy the current universe and reshape another universe were also fully reported!

"Sir, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. What should we do now? Could that person really destroy the entire universe? This is too incredible!"

After receiving Natasha's report on the scene, Nick Fury, who was far away on the aerospace carrier, couldn't help but fall into contemplation! But Hill, who was standing beside him, couldn't hold his breath!

Just kidding, knowing that someone is about to destroy the entire universe, even Hill, who is a top agent, can no longer maintain a calm expression at this time!

At this time, only Nick Fury was able to maintain his composure! It is estimated that the US government is now in a panic!

"What exactly are the Infinity Stones? Why are there six in total?" "And that person took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Mind Scepter from the earth, indicating that he has already got two gems! So, in the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, are they different from each other? A gem of the kind he speaks of?"

"But where are the other four gems now? How is he going to capture those gems? And what he said, after collecting all six gems, can destroy the entire universe with a wave of his hand, is it true!"


At this time, although Nick Fury was relatively calm on the face, no one knew that he was thinking hard about what to do next!

The appearance of the man named Thanos made Nick Fury feel like he was in touch with an unknown world again!

And this world is even more dangerous. There is a lunatic who disagrees with each other and will use six special gems to destroy the entire universe!

Although Nick Fury doesn't know how credible what that person said, the person who is so powerful that he can easily defeat all the members of the entire Justice League should not be aimless!

However, if what the other party said is true, then the time left for them now is only the time the other party needs to capture the other four gems!

But this time does not have an accurate number, maybe the other party won't be able to get the other four gems for tens of thousands of years! If this is the case, you can almost sit back and relax!

It's just that the other party is very likely to get the other four gems in less than a year, or a few months, or even a few days! If the situation is so bad, then can't I just watch the entire universe be destroyed by him?

"In this situation, do you want to call her back!"

However, what Nick Fury was most entangled with at this time was whether to use that pager to call that person back to Earth to help because of this unclear matter!


At this time, Li Yue didn't know that a remark that he made up before leaving to destroy the universe actually made Nick Fury so entangled, and even wanted to notify Captain Marvel to rush back to Earth!

At this time, Li Yue had never left the earth at all. He opened the wormhole just for other people to see. The purpose was to make others mistakenly think that he had left the earth with the cosmic Rubik's Cube!

In this way, even if the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. want to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, they don't know where to find it at all!

After he passed through the wormhole, he appeared directly beside Tony and others in the future!


I have all the space gems and the mind gems now. In addition to the time gems I already owned, the three gems have been collected, and the purpose of your coming here has been successfully completed! "

"So, should we go to your universe now, I can't wait!"

Li Yue, who walked out of the wormhole, threw the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand into the mirror space, and then shook the cosmic cube and the mind scepter at them! Indicates that the thing has been received, and it is time to carry out the next action!

"Mr. Li Yue, it seems that your understanding of us is far beyond our imagination!"

"Not only do you know our purpose here, you even know about Thanos! I think you know everything that happens in our universe!"

"Just, why do you have to go to our universe? I don't think you are going to our universe, it's just a visit! I think you must have other purposes!"

Looking at Li Yue who came out of the wormhole, the expressions on the faces of Tony and others from the future were a little solemn! They just watched the whole process of Li Yue taking away the Rubik's Cube!

Although the information they got was not comprehensive, it shocked them a lot. Li Yue's power was beyond their imagination!

In their opinion, Li Yue's strength at this time is comparable to that of Thanos who wiped out half of their universe's life! Of course, this is under the premise of not counting Infinity Stones!

They had been skeptical about Li Yue's request to visit their universe before, but at this time it was even more directly confirmed that Li Yue wanted to visit their universe, it was definitely not just a visit, there must be other purposes!

As for Li Yue's purpose? No matter how they guessed, they also figured out what Li Yue wanted to do!


"Everyone, so, are you going to regret it now?" Li Yue asked calmly!

But his heart is very helpless! "I used to help you fight Thanos! You don't know good people!"

Of course, Li Yue really wanted to help them defeat Thanos and prevent Tony from snapping his fingers to sacrifice! But he is not entirely out of good intentions! just want to help them!

If he really wants to help them, Li Yue can directly expose the fact that Nebula has been dropped, so it is estimated that Thanos in 2014 will not be able to go to 2023! Li Yue can solve the four crises of the Avengers without even having to do it!

Li Yue's main purpose is to fight against Thanos, and see who is stronger between himself and Thanos at this time! It just so happens that Thanos in Avengers IV does not have Infinity Gloves, nor an Infinity Stone!

I don't need to be afraid of him at all, I really can't, I can even wear gloves made by Tony and snap my fingers to play! Anyway, in Li Yue's opinion, with his current physique, snapping his fingers probably won't hurt!

"No, we didn't regret it! We will keep the promise and take you to our universe!"

To Li Yue's surprise, Tony answered Li Yue's question directly! And said that they will continue to take Li Yue to their universe! "Oh? Since you have doubts about my purpose? Why do you still insist on taking me to your universe? Are you not afraid that I will be bad for you?"

Li Yue asked curiously!

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