Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 209 Sol's Return

When Natasha left with Captain and Tony, Nick Fury, Hill and Coulson escorted the bound Loki to the place where he was held!

"Director, don't we really care about Stark's private establishment of the Justice League? After all, you first proposed the plan to establish the alliance! And what qualifications does Stark have to lead these special talents!"

"I think these people with special abilities, if they are controlled by Stark, are likely to cause great hidden dangers!"

After walking for a distance, Hill finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said to Nick Fury with a puzzled face! She didn't know what Nick Fury was thinking at this time! It was obviously the director who first proposed the plan to form an alliance, and he even invited that Stark to join it before!

But now Stark has taken the lead! The first to create a superhero organization called the Justice League!

And looking at the director's appearance at this time, he seems to be indifferent to Stark's private establishment of the Justice League! "I have my own sense of this matter, you don't need to say more! Our main purpose at this time is to figure out what this Asgard man came to our earth for!"

"And find out the whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube as soon as possible, and recapture it, and continue to keep it under our S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury said in a deep voice with no expression on his face!

In fact, he didn't feel some anger in his heart, seeing that the Avengers plan was about to pass this emergency and pass the review of the council!

It's a pity that now he suddenly learned that almost all of the members he had reserved were poached by Tony first! This made Nick Fury, who just got the news, almost scolded his own mantra loudly! It's just that the foreign enemy has not been eliminated, the universe Rubik's Cube is still outside, and only Loki has been captured, but Hawkeye and the Doctor and others have not been captured! Certainly not the best time to make this a priority!

And he has a strong hunch that this matter will not end so easily! And at this time they also need the help of those special people! So being unhappy with them is not the right choice!

"Haha, it seems that the stronger Earthling just now doesn't wear the same pair of pants as this group of people!"

Behind them, the bound Loki suddenly showed an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and disappeared in a flash!


The aerospace carrier is very big, and there are many rooms in it! But soon Tony and the captain, led by Natasha, came to the room where Banner and the others were!

"Hi, long time no see everyone!"

Seeing everyone in the room, the captain was the first to greet everyone with a smile!

"Stark, captain, you are back! How are you, have you caught that person?"

Banner, who was busy beside the computer, turned around and said in surprise after seeing Tony and the captain!

"Of course, you don't even look at who came out, how could he escape! What kind of Loki was called, he just raised his hand and surrendered after being beaten by me! Look, this is my trophy!"

Before waiting for the captain to speak, Tony took the lead with a bright smile on his face.

"You actually caught him so easily? But why do I feel something is wrong! After all, he is Sol's younger brother, so he shouldn't be caught so easily by you! But I couldn't think of it for a while. What the hell is wrong!"

"However, Tony, what the hell are you holding this?"

Banner couldn't help feeling very surprised when he heard that Tony really caught Saul's brother! It's just that for a while with his intelligence, he couldn't think of what conspiracy and tricks Loki had!

After seeing the inner staff in Tony's hand, I felt a little curious and couldn't help asking what it was!

"Who knows what this is, anyway, I heard that Sol's younger brother used this thing to make their elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. mutiny! It should be the same thing as the magic wand in fairy tales!"

"But I've tried many times,

But can't use this thing! But as the spoils of our Justice League, I'm going to save it and bring it back to the Justice League headquarters to say! Anyway, they can't be cheap their S.H.I.E.L.D.! "

Tony put the mind scepter on the table next to him! Although he said that this is his trophy, let Nick Fury not shoot it!

But Tony didn't pay too much attention to this thing that he tried all kinds of methods and couldn't use it! In his heart, as long as it is not taken by S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Stark, why do you suddenly have such a big prejudice against us S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Natasha on one side was very puzzled about Tony's performance today. He shouldn't be so hostile to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"You are ashamed to ask me, you forgot what you did to me at the beginning? The feeling of deceiving me...cough, anyway, I don't believe in you S.H.I.E.L.D. who was infiltrated by the Hydra! I don't believe in the head of the secret agent. Bald-headed egg!"

Tony said to Natasha in a resentful tone!


Natasha was speechless for a while! Is this Stark so vengeful?

"By the way, hasn't Saul appeared yet? Where did he go, and he said he was going to find his younger brother! Now his younger brother has been caught by us, but he has disappeared!"

For a time, the atmosphere at the scene was a little embarrassing, and Tony could only start to change the subject and ask about Sol!

But he was also really curious, where did Sol go? Haven't seen him for a long time!

"I don't know. After you left, we were brought here by your aircraft. I was arranged here by Director Nick Fury to track the traces of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube! We haven't seen Sol since!"

Banner doesn't know where Sol is going either!

"Okay, let's leave him alone! How about Bruce, has the universe cube been found?"

Tony didn't care too much about where Sol went. Hearing that Banner was tracking the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube, he couldn't help asking if he had gained anything now!

"It's not that easy. Although as long as you find abnormal gamma ray emissions, you can find the traces of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but the world is so big, trying to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

When it comes to this matter, Banner is also helpless at this time! Because until now, they have not gained a little bit!

"Wait, we'll talk about this later! I didn't expect that Sol would suddenly appear as soon as we mentioned it! Let's go, let's go meet him!"

At this moment, Tony suddenly closed his eyes, and after feeling it carefully, he suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, and said to everyone unexpectedly!

"Stark, how did you know Thor was here? Why didn't we find anything unusual?"

The captain was very surprised when he heard Tony's words. How did Tony know that Thor was here!

And the others, like the captain, were very puzzled! Tony didn't have this kind of radar-like ability before!

"I guess it's because of magnetoelectricity, right, Stark!"

Only Banner pondered for a while and quickly got the answer!

"That's right, Bruce is still smart! Let's hurry over now! That idiot, Saul, fights with the SHIELD guys again!"

After Tony finished speaking, he turned and left! Except for Natasha, the others understood instantly after listening to Banner's words!

"Hey, what are you talking about? What magnetism, what electricity? How on earth did Tony notice that Thor was coming?"

"I'm going, why are you running so fast!"

Only the scumbag captain is still confused! I didn't understand it, but I could only quickly follow with full of doubts!

"How on earth did Stark know? What is the connection between this magnetism and electricity?"

And Natasha also followed this question with this question!


And when Tony and the others came in a hurry, in the aerospace aircraft carrier command war room, a group of agents with guns were surrounding one person!

And there were several agents lying on the ground around the man who didn't get up for a long time!

"Hurry up and put down your weapons, or we'll shoot!"

An agent yelled at the mobbed people!

"Are you guys sick? I've said it all. I'm here to find my buddies. They're on this plane!"

Sol felt speechless for a while, whether these agents are fools, he has already explained his intentions, and there are still people who want to subdue him!

Of course Sol can't be easily subdued by a group of humans, otherwise, wouldn't he be very embarrassed! So with a gentle shot, the agents who came forward were knocked down to the ground, and they didn't get up for a long time!

"You put down your weapons first. Who are you? When the chief arrives, you will naturally know!"

One of the leading agents shouted sharply at Sol! But he didn't dare to go any further! After all, they have just seen this person's terrifying combat power!

"Put down your guns!"

At this moment, a voice came over, breaking the deadlock on the scene!

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