Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 170 SHIELD's reaction

When Li Yue first appeared, S.H.I.E.L.D. had already discovered it, and reported the news to Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury was having a headache about how to remove the Hydra in SHIELD. After all, under his secret investigation, he found that there were too many Hydra agents in SHIELD, as Li Yue said before. In that case, it can already be renamed Snake Shield!

With so many Hydra agents, it is difficult for a small number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to catch them all in one go. So it's been so long and Nick Fury hasn't figured out a proper way!

He didn't expect such an incredible thing to happen all of a sudden!

But things have already happened, and Nick Fury can only put aside his thoughts and focus on this sudden event.

"Director, this is all the information found about the person in the video at this stage, please take a look!"

Agent Hill hands Nick Fury a file!

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is also unable to use satellites or other surveillance facilities to see exactly what the person flying in the air looks like.

However, the professionals of S.H.I.E.L.D. analyzed his general strength based on his flying speed and performance in flight. The information collected after his appearance was made into a special personnel file.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has collected innumerable copies of the files of this special human being, and those special human beings who know their identities have special personnel to monitor!

"Is that only what he found in his information?"

However, Nick Fury, who got the information, fell into silence for a long time, and it took a long time to ask Hill! Many of the materials are written as unknown, but in the strength column, the words "immeasurable, incomparable" are marked!

And there is also a detailed analysis of Li Yue's ability.

The first is that it is extremely fast, and can fly at speeds in excess of Mach 15! There is also a body stronger than steel, and the skin is not afraid of thousands of degrees of high temperature burning. You can go to space with your physical body, you don't need oxygen to breathe, etc.!

But there is also a sentence behind it, I can't be sure that this is his limit!

In short, all this shows that this person cannot be confronted by ordinary means, and if he goes crazy, there are hardly any weapons and no one can stop him!

However, it is also noted in the data that

This person should not be too destructive, after all, when he was flying fast, he had avoided collision with the plane in the sky countless times.

"Director, we really only found these. However, as far as I know, our satellite is also the same as that of the US government, and cannot clearly photograph his figure and face. It may be that a powerful hacker is interfering! "

"It's just that the opponent's strength is very strong, and our technicians can't detect the opponent for a while, let alone carry out an effective counterattack! Therefore, this person's information cannot be inquired in detail at this time."

Hill replied helplessly to Nick Fury!

"Well...then continue to send more people, and be sure to find a way to photograph his true appearance. By the way, it really doesn't work, you can go to Stark for help! Also, let Natasha drive the Quin-style fighter to the target location. , remember to hide your figure well, don't let him find out."

"If you are still found by him, go back immediately, don't make any intention to attack, and avoid angering him!"

Nick Fury thought for a while, and then gave an order to Hill!


"Is he also like Carol Danvers? Only, I don't know if he is an enemy or a friend!"

This far surpassing human strength inevitably reminds Nick Fury of the man who called himself Captain Marvel more than ten years ago! It is precisely because of her that Nick Fury came up with the idea of ​​establishing the Avengers!

However, the implementation of this plan was extremely difficult, even far beyond Nick Fury's imagination.

It has been more than ten years, and he feels that the plan is about to be implemented, because he finally found a few special talents who can become members of the Avengers!

However, if Nick Fury knew that most of the people he had ordered had already joined the Justice League, I wonder how he would feel!


"But what is he going to do next? What is the source of his ability? The Cosmic Rubik's Cube has always been in our hands, and no one has ever touched it! Moreover, he so blatantly exposed his ability. for what?"

Nick Fury has a lot of questions and curiosity about this sudden appearance in his heart! But just like their advice to the US government, he also did not dare to rashly provoke this person in the past!

After all, Nick Fury has seen what Carol looks like when he is in a rage. The huge Star Troopers have no power to fight back in her hands. After she blew up countless warships, they were driven out of the earth.

And the person who appeared now, although with the strength he showed at this time, should not be able to compare with Captain Marvel. However, it must be regarded as standing on the top ranks.

His ability surpasses that of Iron Man Tony Stark, and even in Nick Fury's view, it should surpass that of Thor, the hammer-wielding Thor, who was mentioned in the news brought back by Coulson a month ago. Come out of strength!

At least there is no weapon on the earth that can destroy him 100%! There is still a glimmer of hope if a nuclear bomb is used, but that's not something they can live with!

"I hope I won't have the chance to use that! But it seems that the Tianma plan is going to step up the implementation of the second stage! Otherwise, we will not be able to effectively fight back against these unknown special humans!"

But of course Nick Fury still has a backer, the one who left the earth left him, a pager that can transmit messages between galaxies! It's just that Nick Fury doesn't want to use it until the critical moment!

"But we still have to see what this person is going to do next! If he is a human who can be controlled, he can be added to the Avengers' pre-recruitment staff!"

Nick Fury temporarily put down his thoughts. The implementation of the second phase of the Tianma Project still needs a lot of preparation. Now let's focus on this unknown human who suddenly appeared in front of him. Maybe it can bring unknown benefits. indefinite!


Looking at Li Yue's side, he just thought hard about how to make this B-suit look cooler and also show his powerful strength!

However, he had to admit that he really had to pretend to be invisible to be fatal.

Because after thinking hard, he could only think of whether to use qigong waves to blow up a mountain or something. At least it can have the effect of deterring other organizations!

After all, he has nothing to pretend to be his target now! And he just wanted to show his strength a little bit, and not let others provoke him casually.

But since it's just a show of strength, Li Yue is going to find a place where no one is there, otherwise, if he accidentally hurts other people, Li Yue will definitely feel bad about it!

Li Yue was in the sky, and as far as his eyes could see, there was a place that made him feel very suitable, so he flew directly towards it!

Li Yue's speed was fast, and it was not too far from there, so after only ten seconds of flight, he reached the sky above that place!

This is an uninhabited area of ​​unknown extent. Not only is it extremely desolate, but there are not even weeds and trees growing around, and there is no water source.

Looking around, you can see the yellow sand that can't be seen. There are few people here, and there is not even a bit of green life.

Only the bare ground that was about to be reduced to a desert. However, unlike the desert, there are countless stone pillars piled up by gravel on the ground here, and there are many stone piles like mountain peaks not far apart, but only a few tens of meters high.

"Then choose here!"

Li Yue's body stopped in the sky nearly 100 meters from the ground, and his spiritual power poured out. He did not find any signs of life within a radius of 10,000 meters. He simply prepared to release a qigong wave here!

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