Sure enough, how could Tony be someone who couldn't extricate himself from being immersed in sentimental emotions? His mind jumping was amazing, he was still sighing just now, and in a blink of an eye, he proposed to hold a celebration dinner!

"Forget it, I'm not going to any receptions! There's a lot going on today, I'm going to go back and sort out my thoughts! And what about Nick Fury? Are we going to keep what happened today to him?"

Captain America took the lead in rejecting Tony's invitation to the banquet and asked everyone!

"It must be kept secret from him! If he knew that we had formed an alliance, he would definitely intervene and destroy our alliance! I know them too well, agents like them are the best at doing this kind of thing!"

Hearing Captain America's question, Tony hurriedly said, not to mention the dinner. And his tone was full of distrust of Nick Fury, maybe it started from the last time he found Black Widow approaching him!

However, Li Yue thinks Tony's concern is still very reasonable. After all, Nick Fury has been preparing for the Avengers plan for more than ten years, and the results are about to come out soon.

However, others took the lead, not only took the lead in creating the Justice League, but almost all the members were predetermined by themselves! It's no wonder that Nick Fury, who got the news, is not mad! His Avengers plan was forced to end almost before it was implemented!

However, Li Yue felt that even if he wanted to hide it, he probably wouldn't be able to hide it for too long. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have been paying attention to the whereabouts of Dr. Banner. Banner suddenly disappeared from their sight, which would definitely cause S.H.I.E.L.D. attention.

Moreover, when Li Yue and others went to the town, they did not hide their whereabouts, but went straight to look for Banner. I believe that the pervasive S.H.I.E.L.D. could easily find out that before Banner disappeared, these people went to find Banner. pass him!

"Okay, I get it! It's hard to imagine that, as a soldier whose duty was to obey orders, I would deceive my superiors with you!"

"But it doesn't matter anymore. After all, we are comrades who have experienced life and death together! Then I'll go back first. Remember to notify me if you have any situation, and I will be there right away!"

Captain America replied! Then he got up from the sofa and was ready to say goodbye to everyone.


In the end, Captain America and Sol both left, and after Captain America left, Sol also said that he needed to go back to see his girlfriend Jane. Just use the storm axe to fly into the sky and leave quickly!

"The world is crazy!"

Watching Thor fly away,

Banner sighed for a while. He also just learned about Sol's identity, and he is actually the God of Thor in mythology! He felt that his scientific outlook had completely collapsed!

Mythical characters have appeared, what can't appear! Even if the alien suddenly appeared in front of his eyes later, Banner should not be surprised! But Banner didn't know at this time that the aliens really appeared in front of his eyes very soon!

After Captain America and Sol left, only Li Yue, Tony, Banner and Annie were left in Tony's Villa!

"Tony, how is your nanotechnology research? Can you make the kind of nano armor I described to you before?"

Everyone sent Captain America and Sol away, and returned to the villa. Li Yue asked Tony curiously. He was really curious. After a month, how was Tony's research on nanotechnology!

"Li Yue, you really don't have a backache when you stand and talk. Do you think technological progress can be researched overnight? Not to mention the nanotechnology that I need to study from scratch!"

"Although I am the most talented person in this century, it will take a long time to make a breakthrough, okay! Now that I have done this is the result of my sleepless work! If I do what you say It will take at least a year or so! That's a conservative estimate!"

Tony's tone was full of helplessness. With his genius mind, he also encountered many bottlenecks and problems in the research and development of nanotechnology.

After all, Li Yue just described to him the situation of the nano armor he developed in the future, but he did not have detailed nanotechnology information. Tony could only start from scratch and move forward slowly!

"That, Mr. Stark, are you researching nanotechnology now? Is it to apply it to your armor?"

Banner, who heard the conversation between Tony and Li Yue, asked curiously, he is not unfamiliar with the word nanotechnology, after all, he was also a scientist! It's just that I've been heartbroken about the Hulk thing in recent years!

"By the way, I almost forgot! We now have another person who understands science!"

"Dr. Banner, you are much more useful than people like Li Yue who can only talk and don't do it! Let's go, let's go to the basement laboratory now, I will show you my research results, I hope you can suggest some references. Views!"

Tony was pleasantly surprised when he heard Banner's words, and then he remembered that Banner was a scientist with the same talent as himself, and he was definitely more helpful to him than someone like Li Yue who just said nothing!

"Li Yue, you are free, I will take Banner down to visit my laboratory!"

So Tony couldn't wait to pull Banner to go to the underground laboratory!

"Hey, forget it, let's go to Wakanda sometime!"

Seeing Tony leave with Banner, Li Yue sighed softly and muttered!

He originally thought that if Tony's nanotechnology research level is almost the same, he can also let Tony make a nano armor for himself, which can be used as his armor when fighting, and can also prevent his clothes from burning because of his speed. Embarrassing situation to get up!

However, Tony's research level did not meet his expectations at this time, so he still found time to go to Wakanda for a walk and get a set of Zhenjin armor to wear!

"Wait, Li Yue, what did you just say?"

However, hearing Li Yue's whispers, Tony suddenly stopped rushing to take Banner to the underground laboratory, but quickly turned back and asked Li Yue a little excitedly!

"What's wrong?"

Li Yue was also a little puzzled, why Tony was so excited!

"I seem to have heard the word 'Wakanda' in your mouth just now? Do you know about Wakanda? Or have you seen news of Wakanda in the future?"

Tony asked Li Yue!

"I just said Wakanda, what's wrong? Are you looking for this place?"

Hearing that Tony was so excited about Wakanda, Li Yue also knew a little!

"Of course, I heard that there is a very special and very hard metal in the world called vibranium."

"I thought about using this metal to make steel armor, but I couldn't collect this metal despite spending a lot of money. After you proposed the nano armor, I stopped paying attention to the news of Zhenjin! "

"And according to the news I got before, the source of Zhenjin is a place called Wakanda! However, Li Yue, are you talking about this Wakanda? Also, what are you going to do there?"

Tony explained to Li Yue in detail why he was so excited, and asked curiously!

"Well, then I think what we call Wakanda should be a place, and this place is very unexpected! The technology there is decades ahead of the entire world!"

Li Yue has nothing to hide about Wakanda.

"What? Their technology is decades ahead of the world? You're not lying to me, are you? My profile shows that Wakanda seems to be a very backward country in Africa!"

Tony said he couldn't believe what Li Yue said!

"If you don't believe it, let's go see it together tomorrow!"

Li Yue did not explain much, but directly suggested to Tony!

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