Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1321 Mass production of “tool men”

That's right, in Li Yue's view at this time, the consciousness clones that he differentiated are just "tool men".

After all, in order to save energy and consciousness, I can create more consciousness clones.

Therefore, the energy contained in almost these "tool people" themselves is not very sufficient.

Even its soul and consciousness are not perfect.

Although it has intelligence and the ability to think, it is actually not much different from a real robot.

Of course, Li Yue has given him enough knowledge and all his memories in his consciousness and soul.

It's just that because the body's energy is weak, such a huge amount of knowledge and memory cannot be activated at the beginning.

Only after the chaotic energy in the reincarnation space is strengthened and enters the reincarnation world.

Only then will all this knowledge and memory be awakened.

Let him understand what he is doing at this time and why he entered the world of reincarnation.

Therefore, at this time, these consciousness clones differentiated by Li Yue were all differentiated from Li Yue.

But it's not much different from a real tool person.

It just sends Li Yue's consciousness and soul into the world of reincarnation to obtain the knowledge, abilities and information in the world of reincarnation.

Finally, after returning, he reintegrated with Li Yue's main consciousness.

Allowing them to gain immense amounts of knowledge, abilities, and information about the world of reincarnation in a shorter period of time.

Therefore, what is important is naturally Li Yue's differentiated consciousness, and these bodies condensed with a small amount of energy will only be integrated with Li Yue again.

He is worthy of being called a "tool man".

Although he was thinking about this interesting thing, Li Yue's steps did not stop.

As he continued to move forward, Li Yue also discovered a special situation.

It is not that the reincarnation passages in this reincarnation space are endless and cannot be seen at a glance.

But in this reincarnation space, both vision and perception are limited to a certain range.

Beyond the range, all that is seen and felt is nothingness.

But as long as he entered this area, Li Yue could find the reincarnation passages arranged randomly in front of him.

Soon, Li Yue re-entered a reincarnation passage that had not yet been occupied by his differentiated consciousness clone.

"Then, let's occupy this entire place first!"

Afterwards, Li Yue stopped, preparing to continue dividing his conscious clones and occupy the surrounding reincarnation channels.

The next moment, illusory clones of consciousness once again flew out of Li Yue's body one after another.

After being given soul and consciousness, he gradually walked towards the unoccupied reincarnation passages around him.

Li Yue once again began to continuously create "tool men"!

Li Yue is like a "robot" assembly line.

Soon, consciousness clones were transformed again.

The moment his soul and consciousness were given, he began to walk towards the nearby reincarnation passage that had not yet been occupied.

This time, in less than ten minutes, Li Yue successfully created hundreds of consciousness clones, successfully occupying all reincarnation channels within his sight.

The consciousness of the consciousness clone has entered the world of reincarnation, leaving only an illusory soul, still outside the passage, as if time has been deprived of meaning and frozen in place.

"Since this place is completely occupied, let's continue moving forward."

It took more than ten minutes to once again occupy all the nearby reincarnation passages.

Li Yue did not choose to rest here.

Instead, he just stepped forward and headed towards the unoccupied area beyond his sight.

After walking for less than a minute, Li Yue once again came to a place where the reincarnation passage was not occupied.

Li Yue, who was already very skilled, naturally began to separate his consciousness clones on the spot again, creating a large number of "tool men".

One after another "tool men" emerged from Li Yue's body, and then walked towards the nearest time and space channel, and his consciousness went deep into the world of reincarnation.

In this way, Li Yue continues to create a large number of "tool people" to occupy the time and space channels, and his consciousness goes deep into the world of reincarnation.

Gradually traveled throughout the entire reincarnation space.

After nearly ten times of walking, listening, and dividing his consciousness clones, Li Yue finally used his consciousness clones to completely occupy the visible reincarnation passage in the entire reincarnation space.

In the end, according to Li Yue's calculations, he had four to five hundred consciousness clones each time.

The stop-and-go process also went through seven or eight times.

Therefore, it can be seen that although the number of reincarnation passages in this reincarnation space seems to be very large, it seems that there is no end at a glance.

But in fact, this is entirely due to the special illusion produced by this reincarnation space.

Because the location distribution of the reincarnation passage is irregular, some are widely separated during the period, and some are very close.

Moreover, in the reincarnation space, people seem to have a sensory barrier.

Your vision and perception can only see and feel a limited range.

Therefore, the reincarnation passages here are actually not as numerous as Li Yue thought.

If you calculate it carefully, it's probably only about three thousand.

"However, this amount is also surprising enough."

After all, it is just a special area, but the power of reincarnation actually exists.

Moreover, there are about three thousand reincarnated worlds among them, which itself is extremely surprising.

Even though Li Yue has the ability to travel through various universes, he has only entered less than ten universes and worlds so far.

Compared with this reincarnation space, the number of three thousand reincarnation worlds is completely dwarfed and cannot be compared at all.

However, at this time, Li Yue's separate consciousness clones have all penetrated into the surrounding world of reincarnation.

Just wait for a while, and a conscious avatar may return from the world of reincarnation.

The returning consciousness clone naturally carries all the memories experienced in the world of reincarnation.

It includes knowledge, the abilities it acquires, and even the knowledge of the world of reincarnation.

If these memories are completely integrated by Li Yue, Li Yue's strength may not be greatly enhanced in a very short period of time.

But the path after Li Yue is definitely well improved.

Even Li Yue's state of mind, which is not very powerful and outstanding, will have a huge impact.

After all, no matter who it is, if it is someone who has experienced three thousand reincarnations in the world.

Then for him, no matter in terms of knowledge, ability and cognition, earth-shaking changes will occur in an instant.

Li Yue is naturally no exception.

As long as the conscious clone returns, Li Yue will obtain life memories containing extremely huge knowledge and abilities!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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