Marvel: Awakening Words, Follow the Law, and Defeat Thanos

Chapter 146 Refreshing!! Blood!! Energy!!

The corner of Lynn's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the Ancient One magician agreed to meet him.

Soon, he followed Mordo magician into the tea room.

Looking at the Ancient One magician who was pouring tea, a faint smile appeared on Lynn's face.

It seems that this time the results should not be too bad.

Otherwise, just because the Ancient One magician can see the future, can directly reject himself, instead of having such a good attitude.


There was a flash of pain in Lynn's eyes.

This time, the price will probably not be less.

Immediately afterwards, Mordo magician brought Ling into the tea room, bowed slightly, and then exited.

When Lynn saw this, he bowed slightly, and when he saw the Ancient One magician stretched out his hand, he sat on the futon.

Wei Wei took a sip of the tea in the cup, put it down, and said softly to the Ancient One magician in front of him.

"Sorcerer Supreme, there is one thing I would like to ask."

Immediately afterwards, Lin looked at the Ancient One magician and nodded slightly and continued.

"Recently, I plan to build a teleportation system exclusively for Xingyao."

"In order to cope with the many changes in the future."

"But .35

“I have not done in-depth research in this area. 39

"So, I hope to get your guidance.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and waved, and three different colored energies emerged, namely indigo blue, red-red and purple-gold. The three exuded not weak energy fluctuations.

Then, Lynn said loudly.

"Sorcerer Supreme, as the price of your guidance.

"This is the result of my latest research.

"This indigo blue energy, which I call the energy source, can quickly replenish any form of energy, including the magic of the magician."

"Such a serving is enough to replenish 10 average magician energy."

"And Zhenfei is red energy, which I call the power of qi and blood, and its function is to rapidly strengthen physical fitness. 55

"It only takes one tenth of it to break through the peak level of the human body, and if you consume a whole serving, it is enough to improve the physical fitness of the human body by 6 to 10 times.

"And the dark purple energy, which I call the power of rejuvenation, can quickly recover and strengthen people's spirits.

"It's going to be very different depending on the mental level of people."

"And in the three energies, I'm giving away 1,000 copies each, hoping to get guidance from you, Sorcerer Supreme, and Kamar-Taj.

Lynn looked at these three energies, and there was a flash of pain in his eyes, not to mention how much it cost to create these three energies?

At the current level, to condense a source of energy, it would need to consume 1 million wealth points, a power of qi and blood would consume 2 million wealth points, and the power of rejuvenation would consume the most terrifying power. One copy would consume a full 5 million wealth points.

This gift alone would cost 8 billion worth of wealth.

Converted into real assets, equivalent to 80 billion yuan.

It is equivalent to being promoted to rank 5, which is nearly one tenth of the consumption.

If it wasn't for the recent annexation of the Ten Rings Gang and the acquisition of hundreds of billions of assets, Lynn would not have given such a huge gift.

Although the price paid is high.

But with only the Kamar-Taj teleportation system available, the price is worth it.

As for what to say about getting it for free, Lynn didn't think much about it, and didn't dare to think so.

Looking good for free.

But in fact, most of the time, it is a poison wrapped in sugar, and it is difficult to spit it out after eating it.

This is the principle that Lynn believes in.

At the same time, sending these gifts also means making a good relationship with the Ancient One magician.

As a well-known powerhouse in the universe, such a gift is worthy.

Otherwise, send a 10,000 yuan mobile phone or gift to a strong man like Ancient One magician to exchange their years of experience in building a teleportation system.

Is this forcing the other party to turn his face?

Sincerity is still required, and this matter is very important for the future development of Xingyao.

It's all worth it.

The Ancient One magician at this moment looked at the three energies in front of him with interest.

Feeling that these three energies are of great benefit to Kamar-Taj's magician, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he spoke slowly.

"Thank you Lynn for your kindness.

"You can learn from Kamar-Taj's teleportation system."


Speaking of which, Ancient One magician paused, looked at Lynn opposite, and said in a leisurely tone.

"You need to be clear about one thing."

"You know the magicians of our Kamar-Taj, who are best at using the dimension Beelzebub's Power. 99

"So, our teleportation system is also closely related to the power of dimensions.

"Each transmission, although it seems to be no consumption, actually consumes the dimensional power all over the earth."

"We set up such a formation, on the one hand, because the teleportation system consumes a lot of energy, and gathering a large amount of dimensional power with the formation is enough to make up for it, and there is even a lot of surplus for all magicians to cultivate and consume.

"On the other hand, the gathering of a large number of dimensional forces, although it means that the rest of the earth will be safer, but this means that it is more vulnerable to the prying eyes of the dimensional Mephista. 35

"So, if you're going to borrow our teleportation system."

"Either find a suitable energy source, or gather the power of dimensions like us and provide consumption.""

"But at the same time, you must also be wary of the invasion of the dimension Mephista.

"They are not good people. 99

Speaking of which, Ancient One's tone has become very serious.

"Now, do you still need it?

900 Lynn heard what the Ancient One magician said, thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and waved, three rings appeared in front of him, and said to the Ancient One magician.

"Sorcerer Supreme, this is my gift, three rings, each containing 1000 copies of the corresponding energy.

"Convergence of the power transmission system of dimensions, we want it."

"As for the invasion of dimension Mephista...

Speaking of At the moment, Lynn's eyes flashed fiercely and he said proudly.

"Come on one, let's kill one."

"Come on a pair, we'll kill a pair. 95

"They, don't scare me, Lynn. 35

After the Ancient One magician heard it, he nodded his head in admiration, and waved his hand away from the three rings floating in front of him. At the same time, a book list appeared in the air and said softly.

"Okay, the gift is accepted."

"You also take this book list and go to the library to read related materials."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can talk to me directly."

"I am very supportive of energetic juniors like you."

Lynn said softly with a faint smile on her face when she heard it.

"Thank you Sorcerer Supreme for the recognition."

"In the future, we, Xingyao, will also be a force to resist the invasion of Dimension Mephista.

"Hopefully there will be a chance to play alongside Kamar-Taj's magician in the future.

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