"Please, Mr. President." Soon, the president appeared on the stage. Besides the president, there was also a short man wearing sunglasses who stood out. That was Tresk, whom Raven Darkholm wanted to kill. .

"My fellow citizens, today we are facing the most serious threat in history..." The president walked to the stage and delivered a passionate speech to the crowd, roughly talking about the threat of mutants and the like.

And Charles Xavier, who was sitting below, was using his abilities to find Raven Darkholme while listening to these declarations of war.

But right now, his ability is not as good as when he was bald, and he doesn't have a brain wave enhancement device, and there are so many audiences, but he can't find it for a while.

"...to borrow Robert Oppenheimer's famous words, look, the world will change from now on!" On the stage, the president waved his hand, and a huge banner painted with stars and stripes fell down, and sentry robots appeared in front of everyone.

Charles Xavier is here with the President at the moment, but where is his old friend Eric Lanshere?

Lao Wan came to a football field at this moment.

"Do you need help?" an uncle weeding saw Lao Wan and asked.

"No need." Lao Wan said.

Then, his performance began.

I saw him stretch out his hands and activate his ability, and the huge football field was cracked inch by inch like an egg shell being knocked.

Then, the football field actually floated up!

The old Wanniu is broken, and he is going to heaven.

In fact, he really went to heaven.

He flew in the air with the football field, and flew in such a cool way all the way to find his beloved Professor X.

But now his beloved Professor X is with another woman, Mystique Raven Darkholm.

Raven Darkholm transforms into a secret service agent below the stage.

"For the mutant brothers and sisters." She reached into her arms and was about to draw a gun.

You say you can just dig it out, what kind of mental activities do you do before you dig it out?

If you usually do it, you can do it, but now that Charles Xavier, the strongest brain, is here, you can hear this voice right away.

Raven Darkholm then lost control of her body.

She can't move.

His hand touched the gun, but he couldn't take it out.

"Over there, that Secret Service officer, see? There is the stage." Charles Xavier pointed out the location of Raven Darkholme, and Hank McCoyen and James Logan hurried over.

But before they had time to catch people, the sentinel robot on the scene flew up, flew to high altitude, and opened fire.

There was a sudden commotion at the scene, and the president hid in the safe house under the cover of everyone.


’ roared Charles Xavier.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know it must be Eric Lanshere's handwriting.

Charles Xavier has already "call out affectionately", how can Eric Lanshere be "shy" and fly in the sky with the football field.

Those energetic sentinel robots also flew over and flew in front of him, like loyal guards.

As the football field got closer and closer, a large amount of steel also fell from the sky, just like the iron falling from the sky. Facing this situation, James Logan, Hank McCoy and others had to flee with their heads in their arms.

But Charles Xavier was not so lucky. He had limited mobility in a wheelchair and was crushed by the steel.


The football field was thrown down by Lao Wan and surrounded the entire conference site.

A large number of police cars are rushing here, but the surrounding of the football field is like erecting a reinforced concrete wall, blocking everyone out and not entering.

Eric Lanshere flew down.

Hank McCoyin was originally a gentleman wearing glasses, but when he saw Lao Wan, he immediately took off his glasses and turned into a beast.

He had no choice, and if he didn't change his face against Lao Wan, he would have no chance at all.

"Go and perform your duties." Lao Wan said, and then let the sentinel robot go.

Poor James Logan and Hank McCoy, they want to stop Lao Wan, but they can only be hunted down by the sentry robot first.

However, as familiar faces of the X-Men, Uncle Wolf and Beast still have some strength after all, and after some hard work, they dismantled those sentinel robots.

Uncle Wolf also successfully came to Lao Wan.

But it's better not to come, Lao Wan directly pierced his body with steel bars, and then threw him into the water with a wave of his hand.

Then Lao Wan stretched out his hand and forcibly tore out a steel safe house.

Then he pulled again, and the door of the safe house was torn open, and the president and other personnel appeared in front of him.

He didn't kill first, but made a move, and all the cameras were aimed at him.

He faced the camera and began to give a speech.

"You made these weapons to destroy us, why? Because you fear our gifts, because we are different. Humans have always feared what is different from them. I tell you now, tell the world, you should fear us, we It is the future, and we are the ones to inherit this land, and anyone who hinders us will face the same fate as them!" Having said this, Lao Wan pointed at the president and others who were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered .

"You originally wanted to show your strength, but I will give you a small reminder that my race can cause a devastating blow to you. Take this as a warning to the world." Lao Wan continued, "And To my mutant brothers and sisters, stop hiding, stop suffering, you have been in the shadow of shame and fear for too long. Come out! Join me, stand together, fight together! NEW Your tomorrow will start today!"

Obviously, after saying this, Lao Wan intends to kill the president in front of the world under these scenes.

But the president stood out from the crowd at this moment and came to the forefront.

"You want to make an example to other people!" The president pointed at Lao Wan politely, "It's okay to kill me, but let others go."

"Want to be a hero, Mr. President?" Lao Wan walked towards the president step by step, and a lot of guns floating in the air floated along with him, "But why didn't you think about letting us go? The future of our race will start from now start."

After saying these words, the guns in the air began to be loaded, and they were about to collapse.

But at this moment, a sentinel robot rushed towards Lao Wan.

When Lao Wan stretched out his hand, the robot disintegrated immediately.

However, such a distraction gave the president an opportunity. He took out a plastic-like pistol from his pocket, shot a bullet at Lao Wan with a bang.

The bullet passed through Lao Wan's neck, bringing out a spray of blood. Lao Wan immediately fell to the ground clutching his neck, and the guns in the air also fell to the ground.

The president squirmed and turned into a blue-skinned woman.

As soon as the space goes dark, the video ends here.

[This quiz is over, and the respondent is ready to return. 】

All the answering friends who answered the questions disappeared immediately.

"Huh?" Li Cheng was stunned, "Why did this round of answering questions end so quickly? Could something have changed?"

[The host obtains an eternal clone. 】

[The host gains the ability to travel through dimensions. 】

"Dimensional shuttle ability?" Li Cheng was slightly stunned by this reward. This reward caught him off guard. As the answer progressed, the rewards became better and better. The Celestial Clone and the Eternal Clone were created.

But what the **** is this dimension travel ability?

Dimensional shuttle, this ability sounds awesome, but it seems useless, it can't enhance one's own strength at all.

Well, being able to travel through dimensions and travel to another world anytime and anywhere is equivalent to giving him an incredible ability to escape.

But this ability is still too inferior compared to the Celestial Clone and Eternal Clone.

"Could it be that I'm leaving the Marvel world?" Li Cheng couldn't help but have such a guess. Up to now, he has basically finished answering the Marvel movies.

"Next, do you really want me to travel to other dimensions?" Li Cheng held his chin and pondered.

So far, it's not like he hasn't answered questions from other worlds. The Superman and Flash of the DC universe are all heroes from other dimensions.

So, even if there is really no reunion question in the future, and I can only answer all the questions from other universes, is it necessary to shuttle away?

[The main answers to this dimension have all been completed, please host the shuttle to the next dimension. 】

While thinking about it, the answer space gave the answer.

"Do you really want me to travel?" Li Cheng scratched his head, even if he could only answer questions in other dimensions, it seemed to conflict with him living in the Marvel Avengers universe, right?

Anyway, he is just hanging around in the world.

Just like now, he obviously has the strength to play with the Avengers, but so far all he has done is to go to work without even showing his face. He has never intervened in all the major events of the Avengers. The role of soy sauce for thousands of years, diving so deep that most people have forgotten that there is still the existence of him as the protagonist.

Oh, no, it should be that no one knows him at all.

In the world of Avengers, there are only John Wick who goes to work and fishes. No one has ever known his true identity.

So, is it really necessary to travel the world?

Looking at the current optional dimensions, there are more than a thousand worlds such as [dc TV series universe], [Naruto world], [One Piece world], [Journey to the West world], etc. UU reading www.uukanshu.com some worlds are very interesting. Familiar, some worlds are unheard of.

"There's Dongfang's back?" Looking at the options of Naruto, One Piece, and Journey to the West, Li Cheng smiled.

Compared to now, he would go to theaters to watch every Marvel and DC blockbuster, "Journey to the West" and "Hokage" are his childhood memories.

However, traveling to a world like "Journey to the West" has a problem. The world of Journey to the West has an ancient background. As a modern person, he must not be used to it.

Moreover, the ancient people dressed too tightly, but there were no long-legged ladies to look at.

But, what does that matter? As long as the rewards given are good enough, sister papers are nothing but clouds.

As long as you can become stronger, so what if you go to a world where there are no girls?

"I am already so strong now, I have to choose a dimension with a high power system." Li Cheng began to carefully pick up the more than a thousand worlds.

(End of the book)

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