“I’m a criminal, and I don’t have time to care about everyone’s life or death. For me, everyone’s life is not worth mentioning, I only care about interests, and those things that are good for me, I will be extremely happy to do. Luo Bing stopped laughing.

He looked straight at the North Star.

Step by step, he approached her.

With each step closer, say to the North Star: “I don’t know who your parents are.” I don’t even know their names when they die. Let me think. What they look like. ”

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can remember. I only know that people who have been injected with the desperate virus basically have no good ends, and most of them have died. High temperature burning, explosion death…”

“You’re angry, aren’t you? I can sense that you are angry. To tell a funnier joke, you want to kill me now, don’t you…”

Every time Luo Bing said a word, the smile on his face deepened a little.

At the same time, Polaris’s face darkened a little.

She seemed to be holding back.

From her strong ability fluctuations can be felt.

Luo Bing stood in front of the North Star, and the two of them were very close at this time.

Close enough that Luo Bing could see Polaris’s body trembling violently.

“For … What…” After a long silence, North Star slowly spoke to Luo Bing.

“You always like to ask why, but the facts have already happened, is it useful to ask why?” After listening to Polaris’s words, Luo Bing frowned, as if he was pondering something.

While pondering, he uttered the words that brought Polaris close to collapse.

Polaris glared at Luo Bing angrily, at this moment, she was almost unable to control her emotions.

“What are you holding back, I’m standing in front of you, why don’t you dare to kill me?!” You have the ability. At this moment, Luo Bing suddenly whispered in Polaris’s ear.

Without the slightest warning.

With both hands, he directly hugged the North Star.

Snap –

Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Boom –

The sound of popping sounded in the street.

Mixed with one strafing sound after another, the helicopter in the sky smashed uncontrollably into the tall building not far away.

All the police cars exploded in place in an instant.

Those armed forces who had not had time to flee all fell in response to the hail of bullets.

The streetlights on the side of the road burst in an instant, and the power bars also exploded.

The railing made of iron broke directly and smashed towards the middle of the road, and the sound of electricity could be faintly heard.

Gunsmoke fills this rather spacious street.

There were scattered spots of fire in the smoke.

On the road, densely packed with armed forces wearing body armor.

Bucky’s steel arm was directly twisted off and fell to the ground, making a “sizzling” electric sound.

The steel armor worn on him was also tightening.

As if to squash his whole person.

To save his life, Bucky had to throw the iron armor to the ground, use the dead corpses as shields, and retreat.

At the time when Pierce gave Bucky a task.

It’s not that Bucky didn’t take the North Star into account.

But after learning about Nick Fury’s existence in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bucky believes that the North Star does not belong to the Lobing lineup.

Even if it belongs, it completely underestimates the power of the North Star.

One obvious reason is that Bucky didn’t know Magneto existed.

In all the years that Bucky has contributed to Hydra.

All of Bucky’s knowledge of the outside world can only be learned from the information given by Hydra.

Hydra’s mission did not assassinate Magneto.

So, he didn’t know that Magneto existed.

Although Bucky has an understanding of the capabilities of the North Star, Hydra gives very little information.

He didn’t know that Polaris alone could directly destroy the elite troops of dozens of them.

In particular, he was powerless to fight him.

“It’s terrible.” Luo Bing, who was shrouded in smoke, looked at the entire street that was basically scrapped and sighed.

It’s scary, though.

However, Luo Bing didn’t seem to have any panicked expression, but was a little excited.

The smell of blood filled the air, and corpses were densely packed around him.

Polaris, who was held in his arms, apparently didn’t realize what he had done.

For her with bipolar disorder.

Once emotional, almost all her emotional fluctuations are not managed by her heart.

Especially her hatred for Luo Bing now has reached the extreme.

At this time, all of her eyes were Luo Bing’s face with clown makeup.

“You think I don’t dare to kill you!” Polaris pushed Luo Bing away and yelled at him.

In an instant, dozens of weapons were aimed at Luo Bing, encircling Luo Bing.

“I also think that if you kill me now, it will make you feel better.” Luo Bing shrugged his shoulders and continued to North Star: “After all, Killian is dead, and you need someone to find out. People in this world are always like this. Most people think of others as simple bad people and complex good people themselves. ”

“You obviously killed them, why do you have to say as if you haven’t done anything?!” Polaris looked at Luo Bing, and almost every word she said was roared.

“I just say that to make you feel better. After all, Killian is dead now, you have no place to vent now, you always need a place to vent, don’t you? Luo Bing looked at the North Star and spoke calmly.

He is not as hysterical as Polaris.

Speaking peacefully is terrible.

It was as if at this moment, those dozens of guns were not aimed at him.

“No, you just killed so many people.” Luo Bing smiled and looked at the North Star.

By this time, the smoke had cleared.

Luo Bing’s words seemed to remind Polaris of something.

It made her consciousness instantly sober up.

Only then did she react and see the person who had fallen to the ground.

Polaris covered his mouth with his hand and showed a terrified expression.

“I…” After a while, Polaris squeezed out a “I” word in his throat, trembling his body, not speaking, but slowly squatting down.

“You can understand now what I just said.” Luo Bing looked at the North Star squatting on the ground and said to her with a smile.

Polaris didn’t answer, just looked up at him in horror, it was clear that she didn’t understand what Luo Bing was talking about at all.

“It seems that I overestimated your understanding.”

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