Man of Dungeon

02. Uncle, elaborate on collecting monsters

Gisan's first capture was by a monster named Marimo Slime.


■ Marimo Slime Rank C

Level: 14

HP: 287 MP: 80

AT: 52 AG: 91

Magic: None

Skills: Sticky, Photosynthetic

Characteristics: None


Monsters also had levels and had player-like statuses available.

And there was something called rank that players didn't have.

Marimo Slime's rank is C.

Is this rank good or bad...

He cared about it and taemed the next monster.


■ Silver Fang Rank E

Level: 21

HP: 648 MP: 67

AT: 65 AG: 120

Magic: Ice Knuckles

Skill: Biting

Characteristics: None


The next person he tamed was Silver Fang.

It was clearly a more advanced monster than Marimo Slime.

Silver Fang ranks E.

Something in the jisan caught fire in the exact bust size method.


Marimo Slime Rank C4

Midchu Rank D12

Moon Sphere Rank D6

Silver Fang Rank E2

Salamander Rank F1


It's a monster that Zisan taemed on her first day.

Tame and you'll be registered to the monster atlas to watch.

On the contrary, that's all I can do.

But still enough for Jisan, it was fun.

On the first day, the highest ranked monster I could taste was Salamander.

Jisan had already leveled more advanced monsters against her than this, but she couldn't quite take a taste for it.

The feeling of what rank it would be if I taemed them dominated him.

Jisan then proceeded to a deeper hierarchy for new monsters.

There was also a desire to capture low-ranking monsters in the shallow hierarchy, but in the shallow hierarchy, they could meet another player.

Jisan tried her best with the other players and didn't want to see them.

There was also some desire to go to another dungeon.

However, he had not yet reached the lowest level in the first Kaskabe Outline Underground Dungeon of his choice.

Going to the lower level, Gisan thought it would be better to attack this dungeon first, as new monsters emerged.

It was not long before he found out that this dungeon was the only infinitely extended dungeon in the country.

That brings a turning point to him again.

Characteristics obtained with a Class Change Bonus to a class called < PetBreeder >.

This makes his monster collecting life so rich.

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