Make France Great Again

Chapter 977: orsini death

March 20, 1858.

The regicide Orsini and his two accomplices in the assassination announced their execution in the suburbs north of Paris.

On this day, the temperature in Paris was unusually warm. In the sea-like sky, there was only a hot orange-yellow sun and wandering clouds floating around the sun.

In such a suitable weather, many residents living in Paris, adhering to the character of trying to get better at everything, spontaneously arrived at the execution ground on foot, waiting for Orsini to be shot.

When the group of citizens arrived around the execution ground, they saw a heavily armed army in the distance.

Although the fully armed army stood still around the execution ground, they managed to throw the residents of Paris into brief chaos.

In the end, it was with the help of this army that the crowd who came to observe did not continue to expand the chaos.

The crowd who regained order began to wait quietly around the observation area that they believed to be isolated in an orderly manner. During this period, a few courageous people should discuss with the soldiers stationed at the execution ground.

After some discussion, it was learned that they were temporarily transferred from the army to station here two days ago.

In addition to carrying the mission of monitoring and beheading, they also played a role in preventing riots in the venue.

When Paris residents asked when their executions would start, the soldiers also shook their heads and said that they did not know the exact time of the executions.

The Paris residents surrounding the execution site could only stand quietly and wait.

One hour, two hours... The time soon came to 11 o'clock during the long wait. Some citizens who arrived at the execution ground early looked a little impatient, and they turned and went home.

Most of the Parisians who stayed were people with small assets and a lot of time.

They continued to stand where they were, awaiting Orsini's execution.

When the time came to 11:30, a carriage slowly drove towards the execution ground from a distance.

When the distance between the carriage and the crowd was close enough, the citizens of Paris discovered that there were not one, but three carriages, and the people sitting on the three carriages were Orsini and his two collaborators. .

The carriage stopped slowly at the execution ground, and Orsini, who was full of energy, got out of the carriage. He looked at the crowd in the distance with a smile on his face, and then walked towards the execution ground with his head held high.

Judging from his expression and demeanor alone, Orsini at this moment does not look like a prisoner, but like a victor.

Immediately afterwards, the two collaborators stepped out of the carriage one by one. Their faces were haggard, and their eyes still contained the fear of death and nostalgia for life. Their expressions and demeanor were like people who were really facing death.

The stark contrast between Orsini and the two collaborators made the onlookers in Paris full of respect for Orsini.

Orsini stepped into the execution ground step by step, then stood in front of the guillotine, looked at the brand-new guillotine in front of him with a little confusion in his eyes, and shouted involuntarily, "Long live the Republic! "

After hearing Orsini's cry, the surrounding Republicans were stunned for a moment, and then followed Orsini in shouting: "Long live the Republic, die to the Empire!"...

The officer in charge of guarding the execution ground felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly after hearing the slogan "Long Live the Republic". Now he can't wait to find someone in the crowd who shouted "Long live the Republic, die to the Empire".

It's a pity that the current situation makes him dare not take any action at all.

Otherwise, with the more than one hundred people in his hands, he couldn't stop these Paris residents.

Fortunately, after the Republicans in the crowd finished chanting this slogan, someone else began to shout, "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Republic, long live the Empire!"

Driven by this group of people, the surrounding Parisians once again called out the slogans seven years ago.

[PS: Jerome

When Bonaparte was president of the Second Republic, he often used "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire" and "Long live the Republic, long live Bonaparte" as slogans, which the army and the citizens of Paris shouted.

After the establishment of the empire, "Long live the Republic" was deleted, leaving only "Long live the Empire, long live Bonaparte"]

The face of the officer guarding the execution ground softened. Anyway, the slogan "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire" is much better than "Long live the Republic, die to the Empire"!

The republicans in the crowd showed a look of unwillingness after hearing the shouts of the citizens of Paris.

Right now, it is impossible for them to take the initiative to stand up and guide the people to shout, and they can only choose to follow the crowd and shout "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire."

The shouting lasted for more than 30 seconds and then stopped, and the entire execution ground fell into silence again.

Another 10 minutes passed, and another carriage came from a distance.

When the carriage stopped, a priest wearing a red robe and holding a Bible appeared.

As soon as the priest came, he attracted everyone's attention.

The priest in the red robe is none other than Moreau, Archbishop of Paris.

The clerical newspaper clearly stated that Morlo would never forgive a regicide like Orsini, why did he appear in the execution ground.

Everyone was full of doubts. Under the watchful eyes of the Parisians, Archbishop Morlo walked up to Orsini and the others with a solemn expression.

Orsini also showed a surprised expression, and then whispered to the bishop in front of him, "Your Excellency, please!"

Bishop Morlo said calmly, "I am also entrusted!"

Immediately afterwards, all the Parisians in front of Archbishop Moreau told them that the reason why he stood here to listen to the last prayer of Orsini the Kingslayer was not because of Orsini who he had forgiven.

It was because His Majesty the Emperor begged him to give Orsini a last mile.

His Majesty said that he himself had forgiven Orsini for his offense.

All the Parisians present showed shocked expressions after hearing the words of Archbishop Morlo,

Unexpectedly, the emperor even forgave Orsini, who assassinated him.

"Your Majesty's heart is so broad!" Archbishop Moreau praised Jerome Bonaparte, and then he looked at the fellow Orsini and asked in a serious tone, "Orsini, are you willing to plead guilty! "...

Orsini bowed his head and said to Archbishop Morlo, "Your Excellency, I am willing to plead guilty!"

Before Archbishop Morlo could say another word, Orsini added another sentence, "But I only admit that I am wrong to His Majesty Jerome Bonaparte, and I will never admit the republicanism I believe in." It was a wrong note!"

"You!" Archbishop Morlo pointed to Orsini and wanted to reprimand him again.

It's a pity that the time has come to 11:50, and the officer in charge of guarding the execution arrived at the side of Archbishop Morlo and whispered, "Your Excellency, the time is almost up!"

Bishop Morlo had no choice but to put down the thought of reprimanding, and instead resumed his solemn expression and prayed to Orsini, "May the Lord..."

After hearing Morlo's prayer, Orsini and the two collaborators immediately understood that it was less than 10 minutes before they stepped onto the guillotine.

Orsini faced the imminent death calmly, while the two collaborators were ashen-faced, their legs trembling uncontrollably.

Prayer At 11:55, Bishop Morlo opened his eyes again and asked Orsini and the two collaborators, "Do you two repent for your previous actions!"

"I'm guilty!"

"I'm guilty too!"

The two collaborators hurriedly answered Morlo for spiritual comfort.

Orsini categorically said to Bishop Morlo, "I regret the assassination of Emperor Jerome Bonaparte, but I never regret that I used this method to complete the unification of Italy.

! "

After hearing what Orsini said, Bishop Morlo's face became even more ugly.

What Orsini said just now was a naked provocation to their church.

"It's time to start!" Archbishop Morlo said to the officer beside him with a gloomy expression.

The officer hurriedly signaled the two soldiers under him to pull Orsini to the guillotine. He had seen too many people who spoke impassionedly, but actually went to the guillotine and were scared out of their wits.

The two soldiers quickly came to Orsini's side. Orsini glanced at them and said with a smile, "I'll do it myself!"

After finishing speaking, Orsini knelt on the wooden board of the guillotine, then put his head under the knife rest of the guillotine, and then continued to say to the two soldiers in a flat tone, "Can I trouble you two to fix it for me?" !"

The two soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then, at the urging of the officer, they lowered the fixing plate of the guillotine, and at the same time placed a wooden barrel obliquely below the head. The head will be rolled into the wooden After doing all this, the soldier put on a black blindfold for Orsini and waited for 12 noon.

When the time reached 12:00 noon, the officer gave the order for execution.

The soldiers next to the guillotine quickly pulled down the bolt that kept the 32 kg oblique blade knife from falling, and the sharp knife knife fell quickly under the action of universal gravitation.

In a few tenths of a second, the knife touched the skin of the back of Orsini's neck, and then cut through the epidermis like a ox.

A few tenths of a second passed, and the knife edge completely severed the back of the neck bone.

At this point, even the best doctors are powerless.

When the time came to the first second after the switch knife fell, a large head fell on the barrel, and blood dripped down the knife edge.


Ganges catfish

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