Make France Great Again

Chapter 382: Say no to high prices!

Jerome Bonaparte's suggestion can be said to be a wake-up call to George Haussmann. For a long time, Osman has always paid too much attention to the transformation problem on paper, and has never asked about the details of the transformation.

Many details of housing prices are handed over to his subordinates, and his subordinates only hand over the price of subsidized housing per square meter in an area to him, and then he allocates funds from the city government's finances. This can indeed save a lot of time, but it completes the intermediate link that Osman cannot control.

Once a mistake occurs in a certain link in the middle, for example, the purchase price of the house is inflated, the public officials and the landlord jointly raise the unit price, or the house in the area that needs to be purchased is informed in advance, and some noble items that do not belong to them are placed at home and lied to be Animals in your own home, thereby maliciously raising the purchase price, etc., will cause the result of the acquisition to exceed its own estimated value.

Excessive overdraft of the financial capacity of the city government will also give those city hall members an opportunity to counterattack.

You must know that there are not many candidates who really support Ottoman's transformation in the entire city hall, and most of them are opposed to Ottoman's radical policies.

If it wasn't for the Emperor himself, Osman wouldn't even be able to get past the level of the city hall.

Haussmann also understood that the support and trust given to him by the emperor followed his achievements in the urban transformation of Paris.

It can be said that the whole of Paris is the examination given by the emperor to Ottoman. If successful, he will have a chance to hit the public minister/secretary of state. If he fails, he will have nothing.

Ottoman, who regards his political life as second only to his own, will never allow anyone to do anything in this area. From the time he presided over the reconstruction of the city of Paris to the present, there are only a few dozen people who want to have a relationship with him, and there are many of them. high-ranking ministers.

Except for some ministers who really have no way to refuse (for example: Minister of the Interior Pessini, Minister of the Seal Morny, and Minister of State Fuld) who want to inquire about news from themselves, the remaining people who can shirk Osman have tried his best to shirk , he really didn't want to cause his status in the emperor's heart to decline because of these problems.

The emperor was incredibly frugal compared to his uncle, Emperor Napoleon, and the kings of the previous two dynasties (Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Philippe), while serving the empire. Efficiency issues are also somewhat severe.

If it weren't for the fact that the empire was still in the name of the empire, and Jerome Bonaparte's title was emperor, Ottoman almost thought that he was still in the period of the republic.

Frugality is thrifty, and Osman also found that the emperor had unimaginable dedication and generosity in steel, construction, hospitals, and factories, and he also had an extraordinary sympathy for the poor.

In the months after the emperor's marriage, the number of serious **** held was not as many as the number of times the emperor and the queen spent in welfare homes, workhouses, and charity hospitals. The number of meetings with nobles is not even as many as Jerome Bonaparte himself has seen with those sans-culottes.

There are no less than eight charitable hospitals in Paris named after the emperor and the queen alone, like a stingy but generous father.

It's just that this "father" has some poor children who are too close to him.

Under the rounds of propaganda by the emperor and the queen, the whole of Paris also set off a love of the bottom. The ladies around the queen scrambled to build welfare homes and charity in Paris in order to stay by the queen's side. Hospital.

So much so that the number of Paris Charity Hospitals exceeds the reserve of Parisian medical staff.

Even those republicans who opposed the Empire had to keep silent about this phenomenon.

If the First Empire gave the impression of a luxurious upstart, then the Second Empire was known for its frugality and charity.

How dare the Ottoman Empire under the influence of this atmosphere take the initiative to get in trouble.

[PS: Historically, Osman was prosecuted by the Republicans for budget overruns, and he himself did not find any clear signs of corruption after he stepped down. It can be said that it is a minority of public officials who are not corrupt. 】

As an aspirational high-ranking public official, Osman swore that he would not be sacked in this corruption.

Having said that, although Osman himself is not too greedy for money, he underestimates his subordinates and the people around him.

After Jerome Bonaparte's "remarks", Haussmann suddenly realized that there might be some problems in the middle link.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment!" Haussmann said to Jerome Bonaparte in a panic.

"Yeah!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded lightly.

In the sight of Jerome Bonaparte, Haussmann left the high-ranking office and almost fell to the ground in the middle.

Judging from Haussmann's behavior, Jerome Bonaparte conjectured that Haussmann was likely to have been colluded with inside and outside in the previous transformation.

"I hope the amount is not large!" said Jerome Bonaparte lightly.

Not long after, Osman returned to the high-ranking official's office. At this time, his face was inexplicably pale, and his cheeks were trembling visibly.

And he has all the housing quotation forms in the first round of urban renovation.

Haussmann staggered to Jerome Bonaparte and said to Jerome Bonaparte in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, this is the report of the last round of urban transformation!"

After speaking, Haussmann put the urban transformation form in front of Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte looked at the housing information on the form page by page, and soon he saw the clues in the housing information.

The area of ​​many rooms is not large, and the original compensation amount should not be much, but the furniture in the room is unimaginably expensive, so that the subsidy price of the whole house is directly raised by a single house. .

More importantly, the expensive furniture styles in many rooms are exactly the same. It is an unrealistic guess that Parisian tastes are all the same. There is only one possibility.

That is, the street landlord who needs to start the construction rents a set of expensive furniture in the market in advance before the negotiation to deal with the negotiating personnel.

After the funds are finalized, all the expensive rental furniture will be returned.

In this way, the house in their hands can be promoted.

However, apart from the inner ghost, the only ones who could do this were the ministers who had looked for Osman.

After receiving the news that Osman had started construction, these ministers bought houses from some people at a low price in advance, and then hoarded them in their hands to share the appropriate century and sold them at a price 30% higher than the purchase price.

Judging from the uneven prices on the report and the detailed information of the property owners, this kind of acquisition was probably leaked out by the insiders of the city hall in advance, and then the people in the area deliberately raised the price due to the time difference.

"Alas!" Jerome Bonaparte put the report in his hand on the table, with his hands folded flat, he looked at Haussmann in front of him and said lightly: "Be careful next time!"

"Yes!" Haussmann, who was originally willing to accept the punishment, finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Jerome Bonaparte's light-hearted attitude, and also secretly vowed to find the damned inner ghost.

"Also, you'd better set up a real estate review committee directly under you, preferably from the provinces, so that you can cut off their advice with Seine-Saint-Mainland, and then use it to survey the areas you need to renovate in advance! In this case, The funds needed may be less!" Jerome Bonaparte once again put forward some suggestions to Haussmann, which is not deeply connected with the local forces in Paris, and even said that there are some haters (outside Paris and local forces) as a In the case of the Real Estate Review Committee, they will be able to give the people of Paris a special "surprise": "One more thing, after each review! The original committee members had better be dismissed and replaced, and then review!"

"Yes!" Haussmann responded again, and he couldn't help but admire Jerome Bonaparte in his heart.

There are some seemingly simple questions that most people don't even think of.

The reason why Jérôme Bonaparte was able to think of this was that he had previously mobilized the police forces from other provinces to cleanse the umbrella of the underworld forces in Paris.

Paris can only be governed by someone who is not deeply involved in the This is the eternal truth.

"Right! One more thing!" Jerome Bonaparte suddenly thought of the purpose of his trip. He hurriedly got up and went to the map, pointing to the suburbs of Paris in a broad sense (the territory outside the 12th arrondissement of Paris) To Osman: "Tell me! If I build a "worker's residential area" here that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of Parisian workers, will the Paris city government approve this piece of land to me!"

"Hundreds of thousands of Parisian workers!" Haussmann was shocked by what Jérôme Bonaparte said.

The transformation of the current Paris urban area has not been completed, and the emperor has already thought of the transformation outside the urban area.

Osman really didn't know whether he should praise the emperor for his foresight, or should he say that the emperor was unfounded.

"Your Majesty, these lands are not under the jurisdiction of the Seine Province!" Baron Haussmann hurriedly responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Don't worry! It won't be long before this is your administrative division! I plan to put all the factories in Paris on the outskirts! Factories and workers should be closely linked!" Jerome Bonaparte pointed to Paris on the map "And the original area of ​​Paris will become an area that attracts people from all over the world to travel and vacation."

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