Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Prometheus

The night continues.

Richard returned to the Blue Lake Manor.

In the study of Shilou, Richard sat at the table, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking about various matters.

He had previously said to the elder Lich Afu and Pandora, "It's okay" and didn't tell lies. After the Shambhala uranium mine was first explored, he made a lot of arrangements and made preparations for confronting the truth.

According to his design, his construction of the mine may be doubtful, but all can be explained, so as to obtain a result that the truth will accept, and no longer affect his subsequent nuclear weapons research and manufacturing plan.

But in theory it is one thing, in fact it is another.

For example, someone took a box of ore powder today, which was an unexpected event that he did not expect.

Although this unexpected event is still within the acceptable fluctuation range, it made him more cautious.

The research and manufacturing plan for nuclear weapons is one of his most important things. He has a high priority. No matter what aspect he considers, he does not want to let this plan die.

Therefore, the confrontation with the truth society should be as foolproof as possible.

"Click, click, click..."

Richard tapped on the table, constantly sorting out various clues, trying to find the points that might be missed, and then patched them one by one.

After a while, Richard exhaled and said to himself: "Well, there should be no problem."

"However, it's better to make the last preparation." Richard chatted again, groping for a gray ring on his right hand.

To the naked eye, it is a relatively special ring. Compared to the iron ring in space, it is a little wider and has a pattern carved on the surface: a small circle and a large circle closely attached to it.

This is the symbol of the Prometheus Society, the wizarding organization of the Northern Soma Alliance. It is similar to the infinite symbol "∞" of mathematics on the earth, which symbolizes the Prometheus' exploration of infinite knowledge.

This purpose is somewhat similar to the "pursuit of absolute truth" of the truth society.

The Prometheus, it was his disguised identity that was mixed into the Truth Society, which was originally obtained in cooperation with the mysterious black-faced old man Oscar with the fourth-level wizard protection.

Correspondingly, Bo Weiwei, who was a cooperating member, disguised himself as a member of the Land of No Ownership.

The land of no lord is a wizarding organization also from the Northern Soma Alliance. It was once very popular, and then I did not know what the reason was, it quickly declined and perished. So far, only sporadic personnel exist, but the strength of each member is not weak, so it comes with a sense of mystery.

Regarding this identity, Richard, Bo Veitch and Truth will be disguised after contact. Among them, Richard was very careful in disguising, and did not let the other party find anything wrong.

However, considering the next confrontation, Richard felt that it would be better to learn more about the Prometheus and improve the identity in disguise.

"Maybe a little too hard, but... too much force is better than not being prepared." Li Cha murmured, and flipped a hand to remove a piece of paper and a bottle of ink from the space iron ring.

The paper is snow-white paper, condensed like snowflakes, with a mysterious texture on the surface. The ink is gray ink, which is interspersed with colored spots, like stars in the night sky.

This was Oscar, the mysterious black-faced old man, who gave star pattern paper and starry sky ink for long-distance communication.

After pursing his lips, Richard reached out and took a new quill pen from the table, dipped it in the starry sky ink, pondered for a moment, and began to write on the star pattern paper.


For a moment, Li Cha stopped writing and watched the ink on the paper dissipate, waiting patiently.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes.

After half an hour passed, there was no response from the star pattern paper. Richard thought that there was something wrong with the mysterious black-faced old man Oscar, or he refused to give help. He shook his head and put the star pattern paper away.

As a result, the hand just touched the star pattern paper, and the star pattern paper lit up, and the handwriting appeared quickly on it.

Richard looked over and squinted to read the words above. The voice of Oscar the black-faced old man appeared subconsciously in his mind.

"The details of the Prosciutto? Well, it's really a bit troublesome, because they have always been mysterious, which is one of the reasons why you were pretending to be this identity.

But fortunately, I have contacted some of their members and learned some inside information, which may be helpful to you.

The Prometheus is said to have been established in ancient times, and it is a loosely organized organization of wizards. There are not many members of them, and they are not close to each other. Only at a specific time will they gather to discuss some major events-the token ring that was originally given to you is said to be able to receive information about the party, but after I got it There has been no such performance.

In any case, what is certain is that their members have been carefully selected and have undergone multiple tests before they can successfully join. they……"

Richard continued to read it and waited until all the writing had disappeared, replying with a "thank you" and starting to think seriously.

Originally he knew the Prometheus only to ensure that the identity disguised was more reliable. And from the answer of Oscar, the mysterious black-faced old man, he found that Prometheus seemed a bit difficult.

According to the mysterious black-faced old man, although he has some information about this organization, he does not dare to guarantee that this is the whole of the Prometheus. It is very likely that this information is only a part of the Prometheus-a very small part.

The mystery of the Prometheus is beyond the imagination of most people. Most members are outside the sight of mainstream wizards, such as islands in the endless sea, oasis in the vast desert, caves in the northern wilderness mountains, However, there is sufficient evidence to prove that in history, there are many outstanding big men who have made amazing achievements, and behind them are the shadows of the activities of the Pro Institute.

Li Cha blinked, the behavior of the Prometheus made him think of the Black Spirit King who was once on the East Coast.

According to the identity description in the treasure of the Black Spirit King, he was taught all abilities by a mysterious old man, and then built the Black Spirit Empire.

According to the latter results, all this is more like an experiment of the mysterious old man used to fight against the truth society.

In other words, should the so-called Provincial Society be the organization led by the mysterious old man?

Or, is he thinking too much?

Richard pouted her lips.

The key now is to complete the research and manufacturing plan for nuclear weapons. In the future, if you have the opportunity, you may try to understand the Prometheus to see if the other party is pretending to be a ghost, or is it really related to the Black Spirit King's teacher.

Richard thought, taking a deep breath, and with a decision, put away the star-shaped paper and went into the Garden of Eden.

Now, he is ready to deal with everything the truth society, the next step is to busy his own affairs, while waiting for the truth to take the initiative to find the door.

"Hope, don't wait too long."

Richard whispered and walked to the front of a huge iron can in the Garden of Eden.

Here is the raw material production sector, specializing in the production of a variety of chemical raw materials.

Li Cha first observed a few instruments next to the iron can to determine the reaction status of the chemical solvent in the iron can, and then went to the warehouse on the side, took out a large can of green liquid and added it.

Pull the joystick, and the liquid in the iron can starts to stir.

Pull the joystick again, and the liquid in the iron can begins to heat up and accelerate the reaction.

Richard is constantly busy.


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