Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: Solution

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Gray Mist keeps chasing Li Cha, and Li Cha flies helplessly quickly-he wants to fight back, but in the face of the gray mist that unravels the twelve seals, it is difficult to find a chance.

No way, his combat power is now suppressed by the gray fog, and he is unable to find suitable conditions for use, whether it is "gloom of the world" or tactical nuclear weapons.

The only thing he can do is to dodge, dodge, and dodge again.

Once the shot is slow, there is a risk of being attacked by the gray fog. He can resist it once or twice, but with more times, he is in danger.

After a few minutes.



Gray Mist hit again with a punch, and after being escaped by Richard again using the void spell, he stopped his movement and moved his eyebrows, revealing a somewhat unpleasant look.

Turning his head to look at Richard, who reappeared tens of meters away in the distance, gray mist opened his mouth: "Hey, boy, you will only hide now? Isn't your previous pride, where did you go? You tried to kill me I’m still waiting for you to surprise me again. If you really can continue to kill me once, twice, or three times, maybe I will be surprised when I unlock the power of the seal, I will thank you then."

"Forget it," Richard said.

"How?" Gray Mist asked.

"I'm afraid, I don't have any means now, I can confidently kill you completely." Li Cha spread his hand and said frankly, "I must admit that I lost this battle. At first I can beat you , Kill you, but as you continue to grow stronger, you can only barely parry your attack-you are right, killing you is equivalent to killing myself, your so-called'immortal' is more than I thought Stronger than me."

"Um--" Gray Mist said in his mouth, looking at Li Cha with a slightly surprised look. "You even confessed? I thought that people like you would never admit defeat."

"I am a person who talks about reality. Although I have my own pride, reality is reality and will not change with my own will." Richard said, "Although I really don't want to be like this, but it happened, I have to accept it."

"So, did you really concede defeat?" Gray Mist confirmed. The voice inside his mouth grew loud, as if it was done intentionally, so that the entire battlefield could be heard clearly.

Richard did not tweak, did not find a reason to cover up because of failure, and responded seriously: "Yes, I really admit defeat!"

Hearing the words from Richard, the people of the alliance, whether they are the four magical knights or Sauron watching the game, were immediately moved.

They have fully realized the power of gray fog, and have reached a conclusion without doubt: with their power, they can't really kill gray fog, an already indescribable powerful existence.

But even so, the reason why they did not retreat is that they think that Li Cha is the last hope. Maybe Richard can take out his killer and suddenly kill the gray fog-after all, Li Cha has done so many times.

And found that this last hope was also shattered, and suddenly fell into a situation of total despair.

Is it true that the gray fog can't be killed? Is it true that the truth cannot really be overcome? Could this battle be defeated?

The atmosphere was dull.

The Alliance Army is still trying to continue to besiege the Wizards of Truth, but it has begun to keep its hands-three-point attack, seven-point defense-and watch out for the gray fog to rush over again and start the slaughter.

The wizard has different expressions. The green-robed wizard puts countless shields on his body, thought it was safe, and now continues silently to shield.

The four magical knights commanded the weapons in their hands and prepared to fight desperately, but in the face of the gray fog, they really didn’t know how many rounds they could hold on.

Sauron's expression on the edge of the basin also became solemn, and a shadow appeared behind him, as if to cover him away.

Sauron didn't move, looked at the field and thought for a while: "Wait again."

The shadow was puzzled, but did not say anything. He stopped behind Sauron and made a gesture of protection at any time.

At this time, the gray fog in the field sounded again, and looked up and down at Richard for a long while, and asked, "Then what are you going to do next? Surrender? Just grab your hands? Rejoin our organization? But your crimes cannot be forgiven. Even if you surrender, I can’t save you from sin, but I can give you a chance to avoid death, depending on whether you can grasp it."

"Thank you for your kindness, but you don't need it." Richard said softly.

"Huh?" Gray Mist wondered.

"Because, I didn't think of surrendering," Richard said.

For a while, Gray Haze was confused by Richard's thoughts: "Aren't you admitting defeat, already admitting defeat, don't you surrender? If you don't surrender, why do you admit defeat?"

"Confessing defeat is a fact, confirming that I am at a disadvantage during the battle, and confirming that I am not sure to kill you completely. Not surrendering is my choice." Li Cha explained.

"So, you admit defeat, then prepare to continue to resist, and finally die with dignity?" Ash fog asked.

"Neither." Li Cha shook his head. "I just prepared to solve you by another means."

"Huh?" Gray Mist opened his eyes wide and stared at Li Cha for a few seconds before speaking out. "Aren't you kidding me, kid? You are not my opponent anymore, and you think you can solve me? You I can't beat me anymore, still think I can solve me?"

Richard's face did not change much, calmly said: "In fact, there is no conflict. In the battle, I am indeed not your opponent, but it does not mean that I can't solve you. Even compared, the solution can be simpler- Sometimes, we are just bound by our imagination."

Gray fog listened to want to laugh, but did not laugh, because he found that Richard was serious.


Gray misty eyes narrowed, blinked, and said with interest: "Then I really want to see what your so-called "means that are not bound by imagination can solve me"."

"As you wish." Richard said.

Words falling A little under my feet, my body twisted and disappeared quickly.

At the next moment, he appeared again, and had reached a few meters away from the left side of the gray fog. With his hands pressed, a familiar blood energy column condensed, and the blood energy extraordinary factor entangled the gray fog again.

Ash Mist attacked with a punch, Li Cha did not verbosely distort his body again, and then appeared behind Ash Mist.

Therefore, the technique is re-applied and pressed with both hands, the second blood energy column condenses, and more blood energy extraordinary factors entangle the gray fog.

Gray Mist attacked again with a punch, and Richard disappeared one step at a time, and then appeared in all directions around the gray fog, setting up one blood energy column after another, and finally generated nine blood energy columns.

After finishing, Richard stepped back a few steps, raised his hands, the power of the four energy furnaces spewed out, and the air condensed, condensed into many air walls, wrapped around the fog.

Grey fog waved his fist, "Wah La La" smashed the air wall, Li Cha kept re-condensing. It seemed that Richard was more efficient, so the trade-offs took shape, and a new conical building gradually took shape.

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