Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1288: Opinion staff

"Okay." Li Cha listened to Bibi's words and cut the belly of fried fish and the wings of roasted chicken and stuffed it with the other party.

Bibi swallowed it all in one bite and chewed a few times, and spit out the fish bones and chicken bones easily, and the remaining parts disappeared completely in the mouth-there was no stomach, and I didn't know where to go.

Richard looked a little curious, but he was too lazy to study this mechanism. After all, he was too busy at the moment. Baltarvin and the extraordinary factor were enough. As for the special doll Bibi, although good, it is only good, and can not be compared with any of Balthavin and the extraordinary factor.

So Bibi, a puppet, can study it when you are bored in your free time.

In this way, Li Cha ate his own breakfast, and occasionally cut off a part of the food in Bibi's shouts and threw it to the other party.

One minute, two minutes, one third...

Time lapsed, and it was not long before the end of breakfast. Richard was preparing to eat the last small piece of white bread to end the breakfast. The report sounded from his door.

"Master Richard, General Sauron sent someone to inform you, I would like to invite you to go to the command room immediately after breakfast to participate in the latest military meeting."

"Okay, I know." Richard responded.

"Yes." The men replied as they retreated.

Richard stood up, stretched his hand to send the bread into his mouth, and stepped out.

As a result, the steps were not taken, and a voice came from the side.

Bibi opened her mouth to the maximum, staring straight at the bread piece in Richard's hands, and made a "ah" sound, the meaning of the expression was clear-give me, I want to eat!

"You eat it all? Don't you just like meat?"

"Who said, I also like to eat bread, ah-"

Richard shook his head, too lazy to care about Bibi, threw the bread and threw it toward Bibi.

Bibi opened her mouth, bite it accurately, swallowed it quickly, and showed a satisfied expression.

"Okay, breakfast is over," Richard said. "I'm going out. You'd better be honest. Otherwise, I'll consider putting your mouth back on."


"That's good, bang!" Richard covered the wooden box lid with one hand and walked out.


Soon after, Richard visited the command room once and saw the army commander Sauron Bonaparte.

Sauron seemed to haven't slept all night, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, but his face didn't show any fatigue, and there was a little fanaticism in his eyes. Seeing Richard coming, there was no wordy pointing at the sand table: "Lord Richard, I will tell you about the latest situation."

"Okay." Richard nodded and walked to the sand table.

Sauron took out the wooden stick and spoke on the sand table for a while, and within a few minutes he clarified what happened that night.

The first is the army infiltrated by the Sika Kingdom. Under the urging of the Alliance forces, they have no choice but to move to the east. They are close to the planned city of Gotha, and it will not take long before they can really launch an offensive and wipe them out.

In this matter, it went smoothly.

Something is not going well, it's another thing, that's an authentic search.

Within the predetermined range, including the five miles that Richard expanded, a large number of troops repeatedly searched. Apart from finding several abandoned cellars, caves, and secret rooms, no shadow of any underground passage was found.

Using a wooden stick in the sand table, Sauron looked at Li Cha with a solemn look and asked, "Your Excellency, what do you think is better next?"

"Well--" Li Cha naturally had an answer in his mind, but in order to avoid being too careless, he deliberately pondered and then replied: "I suggest to continue to expand the search range to the north, tentatively ten miles."

"Continue to the north?" Before Sauron made a statement, a staff member next to him made a speech. Richard looked at it and it was the white robe staff he had met with before.

Although only two people attended the Supreme Military Intelligence Conference, the staff also qualified to make suggestions. Richard now also knows the identity of the other party. It is regarded as the chief of staff of the entire command room, the so-called chief of staff. More vividly, it is Sauron's military division.

The other party's official position may not be high, but in fact its status is not low, it is Sauron's confidant. Therefore, Sauron would send the other party and invite him to see the first highest military situation meeting in order to express importance. Now the other party is speaking, it is not excessive, just a little abrupt.

After all, it stands to reason that Sauron should express his position first, and then the other party should follow the words.

"Mr. Kun, isn't it." Richard looked at the other party and knew that the other party was called Kun Dalsey. He frowned slightly and asked, "Do you have a different opinion?"

"Lord Richard, please forgive me for being offended." The other party made a loud voice, the expression on his face became very obvious, and the eyes of a pair of light blue eyes were very firm and said, "I have no intention to question you The wisdom is just that I want to tell you from some basic information that it is not a wise idea to continue searching north.

Because, the more north you are, the closer you are to the residents’ villages, and the lower the chance that the exit of the tunnel will be found. In this way, instead of continuing to explore north, it takes a lot of manpower. It is better to turn to explore south, and there may be unexpected discoveries. "

"No, I still insist on going north, Mr. Kun."

"But lord, your thoughts..."

"No, this is not an idea, but an order." Richard said, too lazy to explain too much, after all, things that were out of the body could not be believed. Since he does have the right to be a second-in-the-army, then he resolved it in the simplest Kun, I ordered the army to continue searching north, ten miles away. "

"I..." The white robe's face was slightly difficult to look, and he turned to look at Sauron.

Sauron looked at the white robe staff unexpectedly, and at the same time looked at Richard, thinking for a few seconds: "Executing Lord Richard's order, this is what I mean."

"This... yes." The white robe staff lowered his head helplessly and conveyed the order.


In the morning.

Bloodstone Mountain defense line.

In a temporary camp, the soldiers of the Hongfeng Cavalry Regiment are resting.

The overnight search was fruitless, making them both tired and bored, and a trace of anger hidden deep inside.

You know, as a soldier, the greatest glory is the achievement of war. Only when you have won enough victories and made enough victories can you be awe-inspiring, and you can get the best equipment and the best supply from the logistics.

In order to get the merits of war, there must be warfare, and we must fight the enemy.

This time they were stationed in the mainland for nearly half a year of training. They finally encountered the outbreak of war and the penetration of the army of the Kingdom of Sika, and seized the opportunity to make military achievements.

On the battlefield, when they contacted the people of the Sika Kingdom, they directly eliminated the opponent's squadron of 100 people, and caused a lot of chaos in the other party. If the task at that time was to investigate the enemy's situation, it directly impacted the opposing Chinese army battalion.

Later, they investigated the enemy's situation and found the weak points of the Sika army. They all had a decapitation plan. Who knew they had an order and transferred them directly to this place, and they searched the so-called tunnel entrance with a group of second-line troops.

This is simply an insult to them and to the entire Red Maple Cavalry Regiment!

Great insult!


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