Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1193: 1 more cup

   Seeing Bibi, the bartender's eyes light up, and the first thought is: this person is so beautiful.

   Then came the second thought: Since he looks so beautiful, his brain should not be too smart, maybe he can buy the other party a beer or two.

  Thinking about this, the bartender greeted enthusiastically: "Hello, this beautiful lady, is there anything you need?"

   Bibi glanced at the bartender and approached the counter unguarded, looking at the bartender bluntly, "I'm looking for someone."

"Look for someone?!" The bartender grinned and smiled broadly. "Ha, this lady, if you are looking for someone, just ask me. Just ask, who are you looking for, what does he look like, as long as I I will remember it when I see it."

   "Who..." Bibi's eyes flickered, shaking his head seriously, "I don't know."

   Bartender: "..."

   The scene was briefly silent.

   However, after all, the bartender is well-informed, and can hold the scene. There is a silence for a moment: "I don't know what it looks like. Does the other party have any characteristics?"

   "I don't know." Bibi replied again.

   The bartender heard his breath stagnate, his temples swelled, his blood vessels protruded, and he kept beating. The expression on his face was distorted, the expression was almost untenable, and he looked at Bibi with wide eyes. If he didn't look at Bibi beautifully enough, he would really scold.

   "You don't know what the other party looks like or what the other party's characteristics are, so how do you find the other party?" The bartender took a deep breath and asked patiently.

  Bibi calmly: "I don't know, so I came to ask you."

   "I..." The bartender utterly blocked, and felt that the words couldn't last anymore. In his view, Bibi was either deliberately in trouble, or had a bad brain.

   If it is the former, he can be ready to call people, if it is the latter, there is a chance to sell Bibi a few more beers.

   The bartender keeping his duties in mind blinked, looked at Bibi, and tentatively said: "If you ask me how to find someone, I can indeed give you an opinion."


   "I can tell you everyone I have seen in the past few days, one by one, if you listen, you may find who you are looking for."

   "Really?" Bibi frowned and asked, she was not an idiot, but had no life experience, and the subconscious feeling was not very reliable.

   "Don't draw conclusions like this first." The bartender said convincingly, "Since you don't have a solution now, why don't you try what I said-if you don't try, how do you know if it will work?"

   "It seems to make sense." Bibi was persuaded and looked at the bartender, showing a serious expression, "Well, you say it."

"Don't worry." The bartender showed an iconic smile from a profiteer. He poured a large glass of beer from the beer barrel next to it and put it in front of Bibi. "This beautiful lady, you should know that there is no free thing in the world. . I can’t just tell you anything. If you want to listen, you have to buy me a beer."

   "Buy beer, would you tell me?" Bibi confirmed.

   "Of course." The bartender was very sure.

   "How much is that?"

   "Three...amount, five copper coins."

   "Isn't it expensive too?" Bibi said, without hesitation, he reached for his pocket, took out a handful of coins, and counted five of them to the bartender.

"Of course it's not expensive. The wine in our tavern is cheap and delicious. That is, if you come early, you won't be able to buy it at all." The bartender said to Bibi while putting the money in the cash box inside the counter. Of course, if you don’t like to drink beer, I can also help you drink, saving waste, there have been guests before...amount!"

   Put the copper coins in place, the bartender looked up to Bibi, just about to show his service, when the sound stopped, he saw Bibi had lifted the wooden cup and poured beer into his mouth.

   "Goo, goo, goo..."

   The bartender looked a bit stunned, staring at the expression on Bibi's face that was not very resistant. For the first time in history, he suspected that the tavern's brewing skills might not be that bad.

   "You... did you even drink it?" The bartender blinked and surprised at Bibi.

Bibi drank a small half of the beer and stopped slightly, looking to the bartender and asking, "Otherwise, the beer I bought must of course be drunk by myself, can't I drink it for you? I'm not a kid, the reason is still understandable , Don't try to lie to me."

  After finishing speaking, Bibi continued to drink beer.

   Bartender: "..." looked dumbfounded.

After a while, Bibi drank the whole glass of beer, put the glass on the counter, and looked at the bartender with a blush on her face, and said: "Okay, I bought the beer and drank it. Tell me you soon People you have seen."

"Good." The bartender reacted, and no longer entangled with the taste of beer. After all, selling is a victory. I mentioned the spirit. "I will start with seven days ago. I remember seven days ago. The man in the tavern is a man in his fifties. He... the second man is a man in his thirties. He..."

   The bartender kept saying, for a long time, he stopped, looked at Bibi, and smiled, "Okay, this lady, everyone I met seven days ago, told you."

Bibi seemed to be a bit overwhelmed at this time, her face flushed deeper, she shook her head vigorously, recovered her consciousness, and asked her bartender with her round eyes: "You met six days ago, five days ago, four days ago People?"

The bartender smiled: "Of course I can tell you. But you also saw that just a day's worth of people, just say it for so long, really finished, but it is very laborious. Otherwise, you buy another beer, I'll tell you who those people met six days ago?"

After talking, the bartender poured a full glass of beer again and sent it to Bibi looked at it, and it was not wordy. He threw five copper coins to the bartender, grabbed the beer glass and drank it. "Goodong", drinking at a faster rate than last time.

   "This beer tastes weird, completely different from the wines I have tasted before, and the amount is too much, a little bit of panic..." Bibi whispered softly, and then hiccupped lightly.


  After hiccups, Bibi looked at the bartender and urged: "Okay, I have bought two glasses of beer and drank it, you go on."

"Okay!" The bartender felt that the "little sheep" in front of him might have a lot of wool and enthusiasm, and he was quite enthusiastic. He opened his mouth and said, "Six days ago, the first person I met was a woman of more than 40 people. She It looks... The second person is..."

   The bartender kept talking.

  Bibi listened carefully. While listening, leaning on the counter nodded like a doze, and the forehead could almost touch the counter surface. Her white and flawless face had become extremely red, like a ripe apple.

After ten minutes, the bartender carefully and responsibly told everyone who met six days ago, glanced at Bibi, poured a glass of beer, and pushed to the front, said: "Miss, it looks like you don’t seem to have Find the person you are looking for, so I will talk about it five days ago?"



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