Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 768: The Conqueror's End

"Boy, hold on tight!" Rider shouted, hugging Webber and holding onto Bucepharus' mane tightly.

Just as Shenma, who sensed the crisis, retreated to safety, the cracks in the ground widened, swallowing the surrounding land and the cavalry.

No - more than just the earth. The crack extended from the ground level to the void, distorting the space, the atmosphere rising, and the wind blowing everything around it to the end of nothingness.

"This, this..." Even the King of Conquerors was speechless at the sight.

The stray sword held by the King of Heroes pierced not only the earth, but the entire world including the sky. Its attack can no longer be described by whether it hits or not and how powerful it is. Soldiers, horses, dust, the sky—everything based on the severed space was drawn into the vortex leading to nothingness and disappeared.

Just as Bucepharus was holding on to his hooves, trying his best to resist the air pressure difference of the vacuum, the hot sandy land created by the 'King's Army' was cracking and crumbling all the time, like sand that was about to run out. Stone-like flow into the abyss of nothingness.

Before the sword was swung down, everything was just a meaningless mass of chaos - after the sword was swung down, a new law separated the sky, the sea and the earth.

The turbulent power that created the heavens and the earth rushed out, which has long exceeded the scope of the Noble Phantasm of the City. Visible and invisible all things are falling apart under this unparalleled force. This is the true face of the 'Noble Phantasm' that makes the King of Heroes claim to be beyond.

The sky fell, the earth cracked, and everything returned to nothingness. In the endless night, only Archer's stray sword shines brightly. Its light, like the opening star that illuminates the new world, proclaims the end of destruction.

Neither Rider nor Webb were able to witness this. Rider's inherent barrier was originally maintained by the total mana of all summoned Heroic Spirits. Before the entire world completely disappeared, the enchantment that lost half of the troops was broken, and the distorted law of the universe returned to its proper posture.

After that, as if waking up from a dream, Bucepharus with the two of them landed on the Fuyuki Bridge at night. On the other side of the bridge, the golden Archer stood in front of them with a smile. There was no change in the positional relationship between the two sides, and the entire battle situation seemed to be backtracked to the beginning.

The only thing that could confirm the change was the Deviance Sword that was still spinning and growling in Archer's hand.

And the change that caused him to be invisible—Rider's trump card "The King's Army" had disappeared.


Seeing his Master looking up at him with a pale face, the tall Servant asked solemnly, "So, there is something important that I haven't asked you yet."

"Huh?" Weber wondered.

"Weber Velvet, are you willing to serve me as a servant?"

Webber was shaking with excitement. Then, tears poured out like a flood that burst a levee.

"You are—"

The boy who was called by his name for the first time ignored the tears on his cheeks, raised his chest and answered unwaveringly: "You are my king. I swear to work for you and end for you. Please guide me forward. , let me see the same dream."

Hearing the other party swear like this, the domineering Wang Wei smiled. This smile is the supreme compliment and reward to the servants.


Just as he was rejoicing in his heart and fluttering like a fairy, Weber's body really flew up.


Wang lifted the boy's short body from Bucepharus' back and slowly placed it on the concrete pavement. After losing the support of the horse's back and returning to the original height, Weber realized his shortness again, and he was full of doubts.

"Showing where the dream is is the king's task. Witnessing the end of the dream and passing it on to future generations is your task as a minister."

On the saddle that seemed so high and untouchable, the King of Conqueror smiled heartily, and resolutely ordered: "Live, Weber. Witness all this, put the way of life as a king, and put Iskan on it. Dahl's galloping heroic appearance is passed on."

Webb leaned down and never looked up again. For Iskandar, this is a sign of approval. No words are needed anymore. From today until the end of time, the king's heroic bearing will guide his subjects, and his subjects will be loyal to this memory. Before such vows, parting becomes meaningless. Under Iskandar, the bond between the king and his ministers has long transcended time and space and has become eternal.

"Come on, let's go to war!" The Conqueror Wang started his final gallop. I saw him glaring angrily at the unhurried enemy, and let out a roaring roar.

As a strategist, he naturally knew that the outcome had already been decided. But that and this are two completely different things. King of Conqueror Iskandar had no choice but to charge the golden heroic spirit on his horse.

This is not pessimism, nor despair. What filled his heart was only the excitement that burst out of his chest.

He is the last hurdle in the world that is higher than the Hindu Kush and hotter than Makranjesha. That being the case, why would the Conqueror King not challenge it? As long as this last hurdle is overcome, the world will end in front of you. His unreachable dream is waiting to be realized in front of him.

It is precisely because it is so far away that it has the value of challenges. Acura is domineering, showing domineering, in order to support his servants behind him.

The King of Heroes, who stood in the way of Iskandar, watched the challenger calmly and released the treasure in the treasury. Twenty, forty, eighty... The group of Noble Phantasms shone brightly, scattered in the sky. Under that dazzling light, King Conqueror recalled the eastern starry sky he once looked at in the past.

"Ahahahahahaha!" The King of Conqueror trembled with joy, roared loudly, and galloped forward with his beloved horse.

Little Star Rain roared proudly and gradually approached, ravaging every inch of skin one after another and mercilessly. But the pain was nothing compared to the thrill of galloping.

It is impossible to reach any 'end' - I have also secretly depressed myself. How stupid, how rude.

The coveted 'end' was standing in front of him. The end of crossing many hills and crossing many rivers is now near.

Then, cross over. Step over that enemy.

One step, another step. As long as you keep repeating this process, the tip of your sword will definitely be able to touch that unreachable figure. The swords fell like a constellation of stars, and the King Conqueror's body suddenly crooked under the breathtaking lewd power.

By the time he realized it, he was advancing on his own feet. I don't know where the love horse Bu Sepharus went and where he fell. Although he really wanted to stop and pay homage to his dear friend who completed the final mission, it was precisely because of this that he couldn't stop. Now every step forward is the best feast for the deceased.

Gold's nemesis said something while pretending to know everything. But he didn't hear. Even the sound of the golden blade breaking the wind passing by his ears could no longer reach his ears.

All he could hear was the sound of Haitao.

Far at the end of the world, slapping the empty shore, came the sound of the waves at the end of this world.

Ah, so. Understanding all this, he was relieved. The throbbing in this chest is the waves of the endless sea.


The unhurried King of Heroes is already, right in front of him. One more step - one more step forward. The raised sword tip could split that guy's forehead in two.

"Drink!" Accompanied by the sound of shouting and shouting, the Celtic sword swung down.

That pinnacle moment of certainty of victory, the moment that should have been fleeting, continued for some reason as if it were frozen forever. As if time itself stood still—

No, in fact it is not time that stands still, but himself. Just as the blade of the sword was about to touch the enemy, the King of Conqueror's hands, feet, shoulders, waist and even the blade were bound by strong chains.

The Chain of Heaven - the secret treasure among the secret treasures of the King of Heroes, the chain of **** that even the bull of the sky cannot break free.

"You guy, always come up with some weird things..." There is no remorse and no puzzlement. Some are just for Shan Jiuren, self-deprecating self-deprecation, and a wry smile on the corner of the blood-stained mouth.

The Celtic sword failed to touch the opponent. All that was left was the fact that Gilgamesh's stray sword had penetrated the King of Conqueror's chest, and the feeling of the sword's body turning back and forth in his heart.

"It's really a strange sword." Conquer Wang Ru said as his colleague had nothing to do with him.

"Have you woken up from your dream, King of Conquerors?"

"Ah, um. Yeah..."

This time, it failed again. The unfinished dream ended sadly. But if you think about it carefully, this should be worth betting on for a lifetime, a dream that is only once.

Recalling the past, the dream from far away in Asia Minor - in this far east land, once again came to my heart. The King of Conqueror reminisced about the troubled past and smiled.

Since the same dream can be repeated twice, there is nothing inconceivable about having it again.

In other words - it's almost time for the next big dream.

"This expedition has also made my heart surge again." Iskandar squinted his eyes that were getting blurry in the blood mist, and whispered contentedly.

Seeing his satisfied look on his face, Gilgamesh nodded solemnly. "King of Conqueror, I accept your challenge at any time."

"Until the end of time, every inch of this world is my yard. So I promise it will never bore you."

"Oh...that's great!" In the end, the Conqueror King calmly attached and disappeared quietly.


"Hehe, is it over yet? Then it's my turn to fight Saber."

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