Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 765: Make a big vote tonight

"Is it delicious? This?"

Rider's voice, which he hadn't heard all day and night. Even if he becomes a spirit body, is it still food that can arouse his interest? Weber can't help but wonder.

"No, it's awful. I'm afraid this is the worst Japanese food."

Hearing Weber's answer, the spiritual Rider seemed to sigh regretfully: "Boy, do you remember a shop called Jianbing Zhongkui you just passed by when you were in Xindu? The new-style pancakes there are really unique. Absolutely, it's a pity you didn't buy it."

"If you still want to eat, hurry up and return to a state where you can materialize."

The atmosphere of silence spread wonderfully, but now Weber seemed very calm. Taking a big mouthful of the eel bento, the boy who was a trainee magician continued to speak: "Do you know where this place is? This is the place to summon you. It goes without saying how high the spirituality here is. The magic circle has not been destroyed. For you, this is the most suitable leyline for Fuyuki. It must be helpful for your recovery efficiency here."

"I'll stay here all day today. I don't do anything but sleep, so you can take my magic as you like, as long as it doesn't make me die. In this case, it should also be very helpful for your recovery. ."

Rider's spirit body was silent for a while with its mouth wide open in surprise. Then he laughed. "Hahaha. Since you noticed, why didn't you say it sooner? Well, I'm really sorry."

"Fool! If you don't recover quickly from the way you are now, it's me who is in danger!" Weber couldn't help but get angry, and Rider, who has always been carefree, was embarrassed this time. Webb should feel ashamed if he really talked about the reasons for this.

The reason why Webber was unwilling to keep Rider materialized was that the amount of mana supplied by Webber as the Master was far less than the amount of mana consumed by Rider to recover.

Of course, this is a shame for the Master. He is not worthy to control a powerful Servant like Rider, which is the best proof that he is just a weak second-rate magician. Shame, resentment, this is the portrayal of Weber's mood now.

Then, is it wrong for him who can't correctly grasp the state of his Servant, or is it wrong for Rider who has been hiding the truth and refuses to tell him the truth? If Rider directly pointed it out to himself when he felt that the supply of magic power was insufficient, Weber would have With this kind of awareness, there may be other ways to do it.

After Weber ate all the lunch boxes, he drank the nutritional supplements he bought. Then he asked the spirit body beside him, "What's the matter? You haven't spoken all the time?"

"No, nothing."

"Liar. A great magic of that level would consume a lot of mana just to activate it. Once activated, the army summoned from it is an unexpected consumption, right?

When I first saw it, I thought it was a very efficient Noble Phantasm as you said. The magic power you drew from my magic circuit in the first battle with Assassin is a little too small now. "

The overdose of nutrients made Weber feel sick. His chest seemed to be on fire. Webb sat up on the thermal pad, took off his boots and got into his sleeping bag.

"Rider, why are you using your own magic power instead of the magic power that should have been borne by me? What's your intention?"

"Well." Rider sighed deeply, as if it was difficult to explain.

"Frankly speaking, as a Servant, I am a pure soul killer. If you are involved in a state where my magic power is fully activated, it will even threaten your life."

"Even so, I was prepared."

Webb looked at the ground and whispered, "I don't want this to be a war for you alone. This is my first time fighting. If I don't shed blood and sacrifice and win, it's totally meaningless."

"You know what I got for the Holy Grail? I don't care about what happens after I take the Holy Grail. I just want to prove it to everyone! Just want to make sure! I, Weber, can use my own hands even if I am like this. Go get what's mine!"

"But, boy. That only makes sense if the Holy Grail really exists?"

Rider's unexpected words made Weber stunned and speechless.


Does the Holy Grail of Fuyuki, which everyone is vying for with red eyes, really exists?

What does Rider mean now? Webber couldn't understand it at all, but he couldn't deny what he said, so he could only nod his head.

"Indeed, as you said, but..."

"I've fought for something that I don't know if it really exists before." Rider's words contained a bit of bitterness and sadness for some reason, which was far from his usual domineering air.

"I want to see the endless sea with my own eyes. In order to realize this dream, I have been fighting in the world. Those who believed in me, without a doubt, joined me in the war, even sacrificing their own lives. But until the end, They have only seen the endless sea of ​​which I have spoken of in their dreams.

Finally, at the instigation of some people who didn't believe me, the Eastern Expeditionary Force was disbanded. But this is also true. If I continue, my army must be defeated somewhere as well. When I came to this era, I realized that the earth is actually spherical. What an outrageous joke. In this way, as long as you look at the map, you will know that there is no endless sea at all. My so-called ideals at that time seem to be nothing more than delusions. "

"I'm tired of causing other people's sacrifices because of my willfulness. If I can determine where the Holy Grail is, then I will get it even if I take your life and mine, but unfortunately, I don't know yet. Whether the Holy Grail exists. I don't want to make mistakes like the spherical earth again."

But I... even so, I'm still your Master. Weber just wanted to defend this way, but he immediately laughed at himself in his heart.

He couldn't even supply the simplest magic power. Not even the Servant who stood up to fight was weak.

As if he didn't see what was on Weber's mind, the spirited Rider's voice returned to his usual cheerful voice again, and he laughed loudly: "Boy, of course you don't need to say it! Well, it's true that your magic circuit is compared to usual. It’s a lot stronger, and the ley lines here are not bad, so rest all day during the day, and at night, you can make a big vote again.”

Webber could feel the magic power absorbed by Rider through the magic circuit. The burning sensation in my chest just now has completely disappeared, replaced by a violent feeling of fatigue. It seemed that all the strength of the whole body was taken away, and it became difficult to even move the fingers and open the eyes.

"What? A big vote? What are you going to do next?"

"Yeah. That's right. Tonight, we must first take Saber as our opponent. Go and attack the castle in the forest again."

"Aren't you going to chat with them?"

"Of course not. The alliance is over, and everything that needs to be said is finished. Now it's time to fight with real swords." Although Rider's voice was still bold, he could still hear the vigilance hidden in it.

Even for Rider, that Saber was definitely a formidable enemy. He was already ready for a mighty battle.

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