Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 736: King of Conquerors

The cold, clear and tense air was suddenly pierced by a thunderous sound.

"Huh? That guy is here." Mu Hantian was stunned for a moment, and then he turned his eyes to the sky, where he saw a flying object streaking in a straight line in the sky, coming straight here, and sprinkled purple in the night sky. Lightning sparks.

Irisviel was stunned and opened her mouth in surprise.


Judging from the appearance, this is an ancient chariot with two fronts. It is not a warhorse that is tied to the chariot. It was a burly, well-built bull with tumbling muscles. The hooves of the bull tread on the void, pulling the luxurious and magnificent chariot.

No, the tank is not simply floating in the air. The wheels of the chariot roared, and under the hooves of the bull was not the earth but lightning.

Every time the hoofs and chariots pedaled across the empty sky, purple lightning flashed its spider-web-shaped tentacles, rolling up the atmosphere with a deafening roar. The magic power of the lightning burst was probably comparable to the one blow that Lancer and Saber unleashed with all their might.

Only a Servant's Noble Phantasm can be so bizarre and emit such enormous magical power. Don't think too much, this must be the third Servant who has to intervene in the duel between Saber and Lancer, and that's why he appeared.

Both Saber and Lancer looked nervous and said nothing. Stare at this unexpectedly visiting chariot. Irisviel's panic goes without saying, Lancer's Master who hasn't shown up so far must have been trembling as well.

If it is a heroic spirit with such a huge thunder and lightning entangled in its body, it may be the predecessor of Thor. And if it is the **** of thunder related to the bull, the first one that comes to mind is the supreme **** of Olympus. It is true that this chariot cannot be called a Heroic Spirit, but even if it is called an appendage of a Heroic Spirit, it must be full of powerful threats.

The chariot, which stepped on thunder and lightning, circled over Lancer and Saber aggressively, and then lowered its speed and landed on the ground. It just fell between the two heroic spirits facing each other, blocking the blade and the tip of the two people's swords. While landing, the dazzling thunder light was put away, revealing the figure of a giant man, standing majestically on the driving platform of the chariot.

"Both sides put away their weapons for me. In front of this king!" The menacing cry was like thunder. The burly big man stood in the chariot and looked around, and then introduced himself aggressively.

"My name is Iskandar the Conqueror. Participated in this Holy Grail War and gained the rank of Rider."

Everyone present was really dumbfounded at this time. On the battlefield of the Holy Grail, it is impossible for a Servant to claim his name, and his real name is the key to his strategy. And the most restless was Webber, who was sitting next to Rider.

"What are you thinking about, idiot!" Some hysterical voices sounded from the strong man's side, Webber dragged the King of Conqueror's coat with a face that was about to go crazy.

What's going on here? Looking at the two master and servant who were fighting together, everyone present couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"It's a lot of trouble, and a battle with a dignified name is what a hero does." Rider knocked back his Master with a flick of his finger, and then said it as a matter of course.

Rider glanced at Lancer and Saber on the left and right and asked, "You are fighting each other to get the Holy Grail, I have something to ask you before you confront each other. I don't know what each of you is expecting from the Holy Grail. But Think about it now. Do your wishes have more weight than your aspirations that include heaven and earth."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Huh? I made it very clear." At this time, Rider still maintained his majesty, but his tone had become much softer and more harmonious.

"I came to the battlefield, do you have any plans to give me the Holy Grail? If you give me the Holy Grail, I will regard you as friends and share the joy of conquering the world with you."

"I admire the courage of your self-reported family just now, but it is difficult for me to agree to your proposal." Lancer shook his head with a wry smile, but there was no smile in his eyes. The eyes full of power like a sharp sword collided with the eyes of the King of Conqueror that were disdainful to look squarely.

"I will hold the Holy Grail. This is my oath to the only new monarch in this world. You are definitely not the one who will hold the Holy Grail. Rider!"

"Did you hinder my duel with the knight in order to state those jokes?" Saber asked after Lancer's words. The expression on her face was different from the beautiful Lancer, not even a smile. To her seriously, Rider's proposal itself was extremely unpleasant.

"King of the Conqueror, you have gone too far in your jokes. It is an intolerable insult to a knight."

Lancer and Saber looked at Rider with hostile eyes. Rider seemed to be mumbling with a look of embarrassment, while unconsciously pressing his temples with his fists.

"Are you going to negotiate terms with me?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lancer and Saber refused in unison, feeling as if Rider was about to say something flattering.

Saber continued to speak with a face full of disappointment: "Again, I am also the king of a kingdom in charge of the kingdom of Britain. No matter what kind of king, I can't surrender to others."

"Oh? King of Britain?" Rider raised his eyebrows, perhaps intrigued by Saber's declaration.

"This is so surprising to me. The world-famous King of Knights turned out to be a little girl."

"Then try to eat this little girl's sword from your mouth. King of Conqueror!" Saber raised his sword while lowering his voice.

Rider frowned and let out a long sigh.

"Then our negotiation broke down. What a pity, what a pity." The moment Rider muttered with his face down, he noticed the resentful eyes staring up from his feet.

"Ah, it hurts, ah!" Because of the swollen forehead pain, which was more tragic than the pain was regret, Weber's cry swept across the low air in a low voice. "

"What should I do? You keep talking about conquest, but in the end, isn't it disgusting? Do you really think you can beat Saber and Lancer?"

Facing the Master's question, the burly Servant laughed without any guilt. "Isn't there such a sentence, Bai Tan Mo Ruo give it a try."

"Baitan Mo Ruoyi is your real name, isn't it?" Weber was dizzy with anger. With two powerless fists, he repeatedly hit Rider's breastplate, which was standing upright, while crying.

Seeing this sad scene, Irisviel neither despised nor sympathized, but felt that she could no longer remain silent.

"Are they idiots?" Emiya Kiritsugu, who was observing the battlefield with a sniper rifle on the other side of the dock, thought feebly in his heart.

"Kiritsugu, the situation is not right, look at the crane over there! And below the crane!" Maiya's voice sounded.

"This is... Assassin, how could he not be destroyed..." Emiya Kiritsugu was surprised when he saw the figure with the white skull mask on the crane.

" it Lancer's Master? No, the direction of the voice is wrong, or Assassin's Master?" Looking at the black figure on the container again, Emiya Kiritsugu's brows furrowed deeply.

The situation seems to be out of my control... Irisviel...


Emiya Kiritsugu gritted his teeth, but he could only wait and see what happened.

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