Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 499: songstress

"Looks like you have arrived at the scene successfully." Kotori's voice came from the small earphones on the right ear.

Kotori, the commander of 'Ratatosk', is currently monitoring Mu Hantian's condition on the air bridge 'Fraxis' that floats 15,000 meters above this place.

"The elf's reaction is moving to the south of the space earthquake. Hurry up."

"Got it." After Mu Hantian replied, he immediately started running.

"Is there a concert today?" Mu Hantian looked at the street lit by street lamps, which were covered with colorful flyers and fans with photos. It might have been thrown on the ground by poor audience members, but if he suddenly remembered the sound of the spacequake siren, he wouldn't be able to escape with a flyer in his hand.

"Kotori, where is the elf's reaction?"

"Wait a moment, get the exact location now..."

Just when Kotori was about to start talking. Mu Hantian twitched his eyebrows.

Because from the front, in the direction of the Grand Theater, there were bursts of singing.

Mu Hantian walked into the Grand Theater and found that in the dimly lit venue, there was only a stage like a high platform, which was illuminated by several lights from below, full of light.

Right in the middle of that.

The girl stood there in a gorgeous dress that was thought to be woven from light particles, filling the venue with her singing. Like a lullaby, the calm and peaceful tune vibrated Mu Hantian's eardrums.

"Nice song! But why do I think she looks familiar?" Mu Hantian made a puzzled voice.

"Could it be that that is 'Diva' (singer)?"

"Is 'Diva' (Diva) that girl's identifying name?"

"Yes, an elf that appeared once and was confirmed about half a year ago. Although her existence is recorded in the database, her personality, abilities, and detailed information on angels are basically the same. . So please be very cautious and try to get in touch with her."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded lightly, turned his face toward the girl's direction again, and slowly approached.

Just then, there was a sound of a bottle falling to the ground in the venue. When Mu Hantian was walking before, he accidentally kicked the empty bottle on the ground.

The girl seemed to have noticed that voice too. Suddenly stopped singing.

"So there is an audience. I thought no one was there." A gentle, relaxed voice came from the stage. It seemed that it was because the auditorium was dark, so Mu Hantian had not noticed.

"Excuse me, where are you? I happen to think it's a bit boring to be alone. Let's talk for a while if you can?"

"Qinli, what should I do now?"

"It doesn't seem to belong to the kind of spirit that attacks directly no matter what. Then, go and talk to her directly. We will give you a topic option here."

"I don't need it anymore, I'll just go over and talk to her." Listen to you, isn't that cheating. Of course, Mu Hantian just said the latter sentence in his heart.

After taking a deep breath, Mu Hantian walked up the steps and appeared on the stage.

The top of the stage, which was bathed in a large number of lights, was as dazzling as day and filled with heat.

The girl also noticed the sound behind her. Turn around slowly.

"Did you even walk up to the stage on purpose? Good evening. I'm..." Then the elf who had turned around with a smile on his face suddenly stopped talking and moving his body when he saw Mu Hantian.

"Well, I didn't plan to eavesdrop, but the song is really nice."

However, while Mu Hantian was talking, a beep came from the opposite side of the earphone—! beep-! Such an urgent warning.

"This is... favorability, emotion, mental state... all the values ​​are dropping rapidly! What's going on? Brother, aren't you showing your lower body?"

"No! How do I know what happened? I just complimented her."

Just as Mu Hantian and Qin Li were talking, the girl who was originally frozen and immobile changed.

He turned his head like a rusted machine, then straightened himself up and took a deep breath.

"That... what's wrong?"

After she took in her breath, she glared at Mu Hantian fiercely, and in the next instant, the girl let out a startling cry.

"Pfft..." Mu Hantian's chest, abdomen, hands, feet, and face were all hit by some kind of shock wave. Mu Hantian gasped violently as if he was coughing up blood, and his body was blown up.

"elder brother!"

Kotori's voice unconsciously stretched out her hand, and at the moment when she was about to fall off the stage, she clung to the edge of the stage. The pressure of the sound caused his body to vibrate as if paralyzed, but he managed to endure it with all his might.

Glancing down a bit, I saw that the stage was set at a very high position. If it fell from this place, it would definitely become a comminuted fracture.

The girl walked towards Mu Hantian at a slow pace. When she walked in front of Mu Hantian, she showed a gentle smile like a goddess. But her next words made Mu Hantian very angry.

"Why don't you fall? Why don't you die? It's better to disappear from this stage, from this world, from this time and space as quickly as possible."

Due to the huge contrast between her expression and what she said, Mu Hantian couldn't help but widen his eyes and asked, "Then... what did you just say?"

"What right do you have to speak to me? Please shut up, I feel disgusting. Please don't make any noise. Please don't fly out of your spit. Please don't breathe. Don't you know that as long as you want to exist in Will the surrounding air in this space be seriously polluted? Do you really not know?" (I copied this sentence from the video, because this sentence is too powerful to swear, I have saved it.)

"Why do you say that, who do you think you are?" Mu Hantian was provoked, and I don't know you, why do you target me like this. ***

"You really don't understand human language. Can you get out of here as soon as possible? I feel very unhappy because of your existence. Do you know why I didn't kick you off? It's because I don't want to touch you. Met a piece of trash like you." Gentle expression. wonderful sound. Song-like intonation. It's just that what she said was really unacceptable.

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