Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 491: you can't

On a sandy ground, two women in mechanical armor were fighting, and not far away, there was the wreckage of a machine. A young girl was watching the two women in the battle with interest.

"As expected of the 'world's strongest magician', but if you only have this, then you will lose." After blocking Mia's attack, Allen said.

"Really? Since you said that, then I'll let you see the gap between us." Mia yelled and rushed towards Alan quickly. At the same time, he waved the lightsaber in his hand, and the sword was faster than the other and slashed towards Allen.

"Very good speed." Allen frowned slightly, but then he was relieved. "The strongest in the world" is indeed a bit capable.

Mia's quick attack was just to find a breakthrough. After the battle, she already knew that Ellen's combat power was no less than hers, so she wanted to find out the flaw through this quick attack.

"The opportunity is here." Mia's attack seemed to have worked, and Ellen couldn't keep up with her speed. But……

When Mia slashed at Allen, what she saw was Allen's mockery, and she instantly understood that she had been fooled. This flaw was deliberately made by the opponent, but it was too late to withdraw the sword at this time, so she could only see the trick. .

"Hehe, it's been a long time since you've had this sword, let me try the power of the sword he taught me. 'Underworld God Flow - Death Comes'!" Allen shouted, the sword in his hand raised A faint blue light (don't think about it, it's just to show the use of the device.), and then I saw a blue light flashed, the two swords intersected, and with a bang, the lightsaber in Mia's hand shattered, turning into particles of light and dispersing in the air .

"How... possible!" Mia stared blankly at her right hand, Mia couldn't believe it, she was the 'strongest', how could she possibly lose.

"Is it hard to imagine? I've said it a long time ago, if you only have this level, you will definitely lose." Allen just said this indifferently, and then flew to the position where Kuang San was, only to lose. Leaving Mia in an incredible state.


Mu Hantian is here...

"Tohka, are you alright!" Mu Hantian asked concernedly, looking at Tohka next to him.

"It's alright, although it's a little uncomfortable, but I have to say that Kurumi's angel is very powerful, and the wound has healed." Tohka shook her head and said.

"Well, it's fine..."

Mu Hantian was about to say something, but was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Yekuya and Yuxian.

"Hantian! You're here, Xixian and I have been looking for you for a long time." As soon as Yekuya saw Mu Hantian, he began to complain.

"I'm sorry, but Tohka and I were attacked just now. Fortunately, the trouble has been resolved."

"What! Who dares to hurt my family." Yakuya was very angry, she wanted to slap the person who hurt Tohka.

"Reconsideration. Xixian also wants to teach a lesson." Xixian said quickly after hearing what Yekuya said.

"No, the trouble has been resolved." Mu Hantian smiled shyly.

"Solved? Hey, I haven't even shot yet!" Yeguya felt helpless when he heard that it was all right.

"Okay, you two, let's get down to business now. I give it to you! The right to choose the future! Choose:

①Yuyin replaces Yakuya and establishes the real eight dances!

②Yayaya replaces Yuzuru and establishes the real eight dances!

③ Losing the power of the spirit, as a substitute, both of them can survive. ... Well, choose, follow your heart. "

"Hey, Xixian, what do you think?"

"Answer. That's a great thing."

"Hmmm. Accidentally a romantic!"

"Disappointed. Then what does Yakuya think?"

"Me, my thoughts are similar to those of Yu Xian."

"Question. If both of you can survive, what do you want to do, Yakaya?"

"Me? Also... ah, yes, I heard Tohka say that the food made by Hantian is delicious, I really want to eat it."

"Surprise. Is the food made by Hantian delicious? Xixian also wants to eat it."

"Really? What does Xixuan want to do?"

"Answer. Xi Xian, said if you want to go to school and have a look."

"Ah...that's not bad either. If Yuzuru is going to say it, he will definitely be the target of the boys in the school."

"No. I don't think so."

"Huh? Why?"

"Answer. Because, I want to be with Yakuya too."

"Huh? Me too?"

"Definitely. Because, I have made my choice." (How familiar is this sentence, it seems that someone in LOL said it, it seems to be Quinn.)

" seems like that. Also, after the class is over, do you want to go shopping on the street after school?"

"Agreed. That's a great thing to say. Hope to go into a coffee shop."

"I see. But what about spending evenly?"

"No. It's not equal to say. You will definitely eat more, Yakaya."

"It doesn't really make any difference."



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