Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1112: follow-up

The two elves engraved by the transplanted spell were later found in the forest, and both lost consciousness.

Upon their arrival, the Knights immediately arrested the two and escorted them to the Imperial City. Transplanting the enchantment is not a simple violation of the school rules, it is a very serious crime, and will be punished by the Council of Spirit Envoys.

As for Valseria, who implicated the citizens, although her actions went too far, in conclusion, she has minimized the overall degree of damage, and since no one was killed, she was not held accountable.

It is said that the person who made this ruling is Greyworth. But in fact, it is very likely that it was a decision made by the Austrian Imperial Council. The Fairy Sword Dance Festival was just around the corner, so of course the academy's strongest representative players couldn't be punished.

In Claire's room, Mu Hantian was discussing the follow-up with her.

"Hantian, is it okay for you to offend her like that?"

"We'll meet her sooner or later, won't we?" Mu Hantian smiled slightly, probed the chest pocket of his uniform, and found the gift box and chocolate.

Although the chocolate had melted and flattened, it was made by Claire herself, and Mu Hantian decided to eat it gratefully.

After getting mentally prepared, Mu Hantian threw the chocolate into his mouth, and a sweet smell spread out in his mouth.

"Huh? What a surprise..."

Although a bit bitter, the taste is normal and delicious. Compared with the mass production of coke, it is a very big improvement.

"Is it delicious?" Claire asked nervously.

"Well, the chocolate you gave me is delicious. You really worked hard." Mu Hantian praised honestly.

Hearing this sentence, Claire blushed immediately.

"Hmph, then... that's needless to say! This lady has been practicing for a long time."

"Ah, that's right. Claire, sorry, it's too late."

Mu Hantian handed Claire the small box he just took out from his uniform.

"What's this?"

"Birthday present. Although time has passed. But you know, too much happened yesterday."

Claire's ruby ​​eyes widened.

"No do you know it was my birthday yesterday?"

"It was Rinsley who told me. Although to you, a noble daughter, it's not something valuable."

Claire, who took the box, undid the ribbon with trembling fingers. Inside the box is a silver necklace with a cat pendant.

"This...isn't that the necklace I really want..."

"I saw you staring at it before, and I knew you must like this, so I bought it."

"Well, yeah. But..."

She carefully removed the necklace.

"Isn't it very expensive? You are not a noble, how can you have money to buy such an expensive thing?"

"I asked Alice to help advance the salary of the Knights."

"So that's how it is..."

Claire held the necklace and looked up at Mu Hantian.

"Thank you... thank you... Han Tian." Claire said shyly.

"Cough cough." There was a sudden cough.

The two looked back.

"You... what are you doing here! You lewd princess!"

"The academy has announced the list of tomorrow's team competitions, and I have come to inform you specially." Fianna said.

"Team list?"

"Well, our opponent is the No. 1 leader in the leaderboard—Vellcelia Eva's team."

Hearing this, Claire's expression suddenly sharpened.

"Silent Fortress?"

Just like what Mu Hantian said, if you keep winning, you will meet this opponent sooner or later. Claire was already mentally prepared.

"Velseria is up to me. This is a bet between me and her."

"You... what nonsense are you talking about!" Claire glared at Mu Hantian.

"It's not like you haven't seen her power, how can you be reassuring by yourself!"

"It's fine, trust me!"

"Oh, I heard what you said!" Suddenly, an elegant voice came from outside.

The girl who walked in with swaying pale blond hair was Rinsley. Following her was the respectful maid Carol.

"Rinsley, why are you here?"

"It seems that you all need my strength very much."

Rinsley ignored Claire's protest and walked over on her own.

"If it was me, I would definitely be able to knock down that fortress girl from the sky."

"Miss means that she wants to join Miss Claire's team." Carol translated Rinsley's words simultaneously.

"Rinsley, is this true?"

"It's not like this! I just..."

Rinsley suddenly became very flustered and kept asking Carol

ask for help.

"Hehe, the lady is really, so not frank." Carol covered her mouth and smiled.

"Rinsley, you were originally part of our team. Isn't it?"

"Han Tian, ​​how can you make a decision on your own!"

"Claire, don't be so frank." Mu Hantian shrugged indifferently.


"Haha." Seeing Claire's appearance, Mu Hantian couldn't help laughing.

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door. Everyone could not help looking at each other.

Claire walked over and opened the door. Standing in the doorway were two unexpected visitors.

"Why... how are you two?"

Claire's hands were still on the doorknob, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Claire Rouge, we have something to ask of you."

"Although we don't have the position to ask you to do something like this, there's really nothing we can do."

The two were supposed to be resting at the academy medical facility and were Alice's teammates. That is, Raka and Lesia of the Knights of the Wind King.


In the dark room with the curtains completely drawn, Alice was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed by herself, her face showing no domineering.

Her eyes were dull, and her eyes stayed on the elf ore that sealed her memory. The person reflected in the elf ore was the ideal knight in Alice's mind when she was young - Valcellia.

This morning, Alice still did not attend the meeting of the Knights. Of course, this is her first absence.

She wasn't wearing a school uniform, but a polka-dot pajama. He didn't tie a ponytail on his head, and let his long hair fall on the bed.

You don't deserve to be a knight at all.

Valselia's words revived in Alice's mind again.

Indeed, as my sister said...

Alice gripped the sheets in the dark.

He usually only speaks big words, but in a pinch, he can't save anyone.

Street people looking forward to the festival. A student who is engraved with a curse suit.

It's all my responsibility. If I could just pull myself together, things wouldn't be like this—

It was only natural for those senior students to leave the Knights with Valselia. With a mouth but no strength, how could anyone be willing to follow such a head.

"I don't deserve to be a knight at all—"

"Yeah, you really don't deserve to be a knight now."


The blanket covering Alice bounced.

"Claire Rouge?"

"Sorry, I burned the keyhole."

As Claire said that, she walked into the room with a sting, without feeling embarrassed at all.

"What are you doing! What do you mean by saying I'm not worthy of being a knight!"

"Being scolded still has the strength to be angry, so I can feel more at ease."

Claire walked to the bed, rubbed her hands on her waist and looked down at Alice.

If it was an ordinary Alice, she would definitely stare back with stern eyes. But now she was suppressed by Claire's aura and looked away.

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