Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1103: Maid outfit?

When Mu Hantian and his party finished eating dessert, it was already evening.

Mu Hantian, who had returned from the academy city, came to the agreed central auditorium.

After waiting for a while, Alice finally came running out of the distance out of breath.

"Hug... I'm sorry! I kept you waiting!"

"It's okay, it didn't take long."

Seeing that she was out of breath, Mu Hantian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Let's go anyway. If you want to study, how about going to the library?"

"Ah, no... not the library." Alice shook her head quickly.

"Huh? Not the library? Then find an empty classroom—"

"'s a room."

"What did you say?" Mu Hantian thought he had heard it wrong.

"Just... just... teach me my homework in my room!" Alice said loudly, blushing.

Mu Hantian was silent.

"No... can't you?"

"Well, I'm a boy. Going into the girl's room...isn't it okay?"

"It's okay, I don't mind."

"Okay, I know, I know. Then go to your room."

Mu Hantian, who was confused, nodded in disgust.


So, Mu Hantian went to the weasel class dormitory under the leadership of Alice.

The weasel class is the complete opposite of the crow class where problem characters gather, both are serious and good students.

The two walked up the stairs to the second floor. Alice's room is here. She stood in front of the door, cleared her throat and said, "This is my room. Of course, you are the first boy who came in."

"When you say that, I'm a little nervous."

Then Alice opened the door and chanted an Elvish spell. Suddenly, the elf ore on the ceiling lights up, illuminating the dimly lit room.

"It's so clean."

"Yeah, otherwise the serious roommate will be angry."

"A more serious roommate than Alice..."

Although it's a little rude to Alice, I can't imagine that there is someone more serious than her.

"What about her?"

"She's on a mission and hasn't been in the dorm for weeks. If she's here - you can't get out alive."

Alice said these dangerous words casually, while laying a mat on the floor.

"Take it easy. I'll go get hot tea and snacks."

"sorry to bother you."

After that, Alice boiled boiling water and brought out hot black tea and snacks.

Although it is expensive for a wealthy family, it is quite careful in this regard. Perhaps because of her background in martial arts, Alice received strict training since she was a child.

"That's pretty cool. Did you do it?"

"Yes... yes, this is my interest."

Alice said shyly, as if a little embarrassed.

Mu Hantian was talking about a honey cake sprinkled with a layer of black tea powder. The taste is not too sweet, and it tastes very smooth.

Although I already knew that Alice was good at cooking, it was a surprise to be able to cook such delicate dishes.

"Sit down. I'll go get ready."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

Mu Hantian just spoke - Alice immediately drew the sword from her waist.

She said in a bold voice: "It's just preparation."

"Yes... I understand, please walk slowly!"

With the sword on his neck, Mu Hantian nodded quickly.

After Alice disappeared into the next room, Mu Hantian, who was finally alone, sighed softly.

"What exactly is going on?"

Mu Hantian drank the black tea brewed by Alice and looked around. Uniforms and pajamas lay neatly folded on the bed. There are also some cute dolls such as bears and rabbits.

at this time……

"Long... long wait."

A small voice like Alice's mosquito came from behind.


Mu Hantian turned his head to look—

He couldn't help but gasp. Because there was a maid standing there.

Mu Hantian rubbed his eyes and looked again.

Yes, it is indeed a maid.

The dark blue maid wears a white apron and feels very pure. Lovely ruffles trim the edges of the maxi skirt. He also wears a small maid headdress on his head. What was in front of her eyes was the truth—Iris became a maid through and through.

"You...what are you doing..." Mu Hantian asked.

"From now on, I'll be your exclusive maid... No, do you have an opinion?"

Alice, whose cheeks were flushed, raised a corner of her skirt and saluted. In the raised skirt, black garter can be seen faintly.

"Huh? What's wrong with you? It's not like your usual you."

"Because...this...this is my way of showing sincerity..." Alice replied shyly, bowing her head.

"Sincere?" Mu Hantian couldn't help but ask back.

Wearing a maid outfit to show sincerity... What kind of truth is this?

Alice crossed her hands on her chest and looked directly at Mu Hantian with brown eyes.

"Because...because you helped a lot in the last mission, as a representative of the Knights of the Wind King, of course I have to thank only as a representative! Don't get me wrong!"

"Uh, didn't I say I don't need to thank you? It's a matter of course to help your comrade."

"That's not enough. What should I do to repay this kindness... I've been thinking about this for a week."

"Then why is it a maid outfit?" Mu Hantian was puzzled.

"Well, I discussed it with my teammates Raka and Lesia. They said that you are a maid maniac who gets excited when you see maid clothes, so the best way to show your sincerity is to dress like this. Although at first I also felt that this This approach is quite problematic, but my Frangolto family has always taught children that they must work hard to repay their benefactors."

"Don't listen to their nonsense, what kind of maid madness, I don't have it!" Mu Hantian quickly denied. To put it bluntly, Alice was simply harassed by those two people.

"What...what! You mean— you want me to do that?"


"Are you going to... want me to dress in a more colored look!"

"When did I say such a thing!" Mu Hantian was really powerless to complain.

"Such a request is absolutely impossible!"

Alice quickly drew the sword from her waist and aimed it at Mu Hantian's neck. Even if she becomes a maid, her swordsmanship is still as fierce... although this is all nonsense.

"Okay... okay! This looks so good! The maid outfit is awesome!"

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Alice still put her sword on Mu Hantian's neck and said to him, "Come on, Hantian! Tell me what you want me to do!"

"So, what can you do?"

"I'm best at stabs."

"What kind of maid is this... won't it be too strange?"

"Although I can also use swords, spears are my specialty." Alice raised her chest proudly.

"Apart from dangerous feats, is there anything else?"

"I'm pretty good at cooking."

"Then please make a dish?"

"Of course. What would you like to eat?"

"'s going to be dinner later, so let's have a light meal."


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