Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 445: silent journey

If someone pays more attention and looks at this journey from the perspective of a bystander, he will definitely find that this journey is quite...'quiet'.

Driving the carriage, the silver-bearded dwarves following behind, except for daily eating, drinking and sleeping, most of them only communicate with the tribe. If you have any doubts, simple academic questions, you can ask two magic apprentices. For more advanced questions, or those related to the P language, you can directly ask the former Lord Demon King.

As for a certain person, he would not meet if he could not meet. Jermaine, who was only sent to that place for 30 minutes, would tremble just by seeing that person, and subconsciously wanted to take a detour. It was hard for him to imagine how Mariette, who hid in the car all day and only got out of the car to meet her physical needs, survived 24 hours a day.

I still remember that when Jermaine entered that world, he was immediately overwhelmed by the vast sea of ​​stars and the steel ship he was in. Then came thirty minutes of endless nightmare.

Strange bugs that would pounce on his face, little monsters that would come out of his chest, and monsters that were agile and more terrifying than any monster he had ever seen. In this way, in a limited space, a hunting game between man and beast was played. The saddest thing is that I don't have peaceful weapons, electric spears, or even some weapons I'm used to.

I can't remember how many times I 'died', I only remember the last scene was the moment when the mouthparts of the monster's growing body broke open. Jermaine swore that he would rather lose the opportunity to explore that steel ship forever than face such a monster again.

This is what happened to me, but what about Marit? Jermaine curiously wanted to compare his experiences with his companions, but when he asked, he regretted it. The whole body was trembling like a sieve, and the female dwarf screamed and shrank to the corner of the carriage, not only frightened the other humans traveling with her, but also frightened her clansmen.

It took a lot of hard work to coax Mariette to calm down a little, and Jermaine could only sigh helplessly. That one was quieter, but to put it bluntly, he was a bit sullen; but even Hallomi didn't run wild all day long, but followed her teacher's **** and stared at it, which was a bit strange. It gets a little creepy when things get to the point where even **** is followed.

When someone has to use the blink technique to move a hundred kilometers away in order to take a shit, so as to avoid someone admiring his squatting posture in the wild from behind, the whole situation seems to escalate to an unimaginable level. When someone who had been liberated came back and saw the red eyes of the two girls crying, he felt bad all of a sudden.

This is shit! I didn't know that I thought it was necessary for a funeral, so I made the two girls laugh, but it made them laugh. Is this what was spoiled by that fat self before? Some people just feel baffled.

As for one person and one lich, they are focusing on their respective affairs. Lin was digesting and sorting out the data obtained from Lahti, and as the research deepened, the awe that he hadn't thought of for a long time returned to himself.

The more you know, the more you feel ignorant. The more I study the phenomena observed from Lahti, the more I feel my lack of knowledge in physics and mathematics.

Although in the dream, Su Huanzhen, Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Ziya all warned themselves not to do that. But Lin still wants to bring the world tree back to the earth, it must be a carnival feast for physicists. But considering that this is a world tree, how long will it take to germinate after planting, and how long will it take to grow to a usable level? This is really nerve-wracking.

And while someone was dreaming, the lich was meditating.

Using an idea she didn't know where she came up with, she built a magnetic levitation seat cushion for herself. Maintain a certain height and move with the carriage, completely ignoring the bumps of the road and the discomfort caused by the hard wooden boards.

Originally, he had always thought about using springs or oil pressure to make vehicle shock absorbers, but the man who hadn't put it into practice was completely bombarded to death. What is high-end? Look at this kind of shock absorption that even the earth can't do. Someone can only slander that this kind of thing that cannot be mass-produced and commercialized has no value.

It's definitely not that if you can't eat grapes, you think grapes are sour. It's not because of the resentment after the carriage bumped hard just now and hurt my buttocks. I am very focused on my own research, without any envy or jealousy.

The reason why such a thing was built was because Fern had been in a state of meditation during this time. In order to avoid unnecessary disturbance and keep up with the carriage, a maglev meditation platform was built. After finishing, in addition to the necessary physical needs, she even used meditation instead of sleeping.

But the meditation rituals performed by liches now look quite different from those used by ordinary magicians and magic apprentices. To accumulate magical powers, there must be at least incense in the meditation ritual. If you want to be careful, there will be more rules and more requirements, but none of them are fulfilled by Fen.

If it is not for accumulating power, meditation can help magicians quickly recover their spirit and power to cope with the challenges they may face next. But there are limits to the number of times a day can be done, as well as the time for meditation, and this limit is limited by everyone's magical aptitude. If the limit is exceeded, good things may be destroyed by bad things, and even cause mental harm.

This means that it is impossible for ordinary people to meditate like this Lich, except for eating, drinking and lazing.

Moreover, since the resurrection of the Lich, Lin and the other master and apprentice have been inseparable from her. When did this former Demon King meditate so seriously? That was unprecedented.

As the saying goes, where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon. With such intensive meditation, it would be a lie to say that others are not curious.

However, during this period of time, the two young girls, who were like melon gourds, did not pester their elder sister to ask questions; During the meal, there was a chat without a sentence, and I asked about these things by the way. Then the lich gave a very magical answer, which directly confused someone.

Ok. If you don’t understand things, you have to give up. Life is short, and there are many things you want to do, should do, and do. Just my family's knowledge made me feel dizzy and dizzy. The hundreds of years of accumulated knowledge of the Lich cannot be covered by the word 'knowledge'.

To say that one of the more surprising points of this journey is that the elven sword dancer Liena Titov, who had a heated fight with Fern before, did not keep up. She remained in her own country and continued her unfinished military service. Originally, Lin thought that the lich would just stay in the elf kingdom, but in the end he kept up.

This is the knowledge about the earth, she hasn't squeezed it out yet, so does it mean that she doesn't plan to leave?

In short, in this strange silence and high-intensity research, a group of people came to the west of the Lost Continent, a once prosperous seaside commercial city--Storm Bay.

Wherever sea or water transport prospers, there will be prosperity. This point is the same no matter it is Lost Land or Earth. Storm Bay is such a thriving city. However, due to various reasons, it eventually declined and was replaced by another coastal city.

Storm Bay was not originally called this name, and the old name is no longer available. And here will prosper from a small fishing village because there is a natural shelter and rich timber resources for shipbuilding.

There are many reasons for the decline. From various historical materials, Lin saw that the thing that left him speechless the most was that the advancement of shipbuilding technology indirectly led to the decline of Stormy Bay.

Because of the advancement of shipbuilding technology, the people of Lost Land can build larger ships with deeper drafts, and then... there will be no more.

The Storm Bay faces the sea, and the advantages of a large ship with a deep draft and a small ship with a shallow draft are quite obvious. Although there are natural safe havens and abundant timber resources, this is a shallow port. Midi's current mainstream seagoing ships are moored in the interior of Stormwind Bay, and as soon as the tide ebbs, basically all of them run aground.

So if those big ships want to stay in the stormy bay, they have to rely on small boats to connect, and then the big ships stop outside the sheltered bay. This inconvenience, of course, will affect the development of business.

Secondly, there is not a strong lord of neighboring nobles, powerful chambers of commerce, local snakes, these people form the leadership of the city. Even in the most glorious era, with the power of one city, it repelled the country that was delusional to bring the city into its hands.

Afterwards, the countries that wanted to get a share of the commercial interests of Stormy Bay used various methods such as fostering agents, buying them, and alienating them to successfully divide the city's leadership. Eventually, the city descends into endless chaos. All kinds of assassinations and street fires emerged one after another, virtually expelling people who only wanted to live a stable life.

Last but not least, the Seaside City of the Vader Empire in the western part of the Midi Continent, Tranquil Bay, replaced the position of Stormy Bay. There are also natural safe havens and timber resources. It still belongs to the territory of a grand duke, and the powerful duke's guard keeps the city in good order. The most important thing is that there is a deep-water bay, and any big ship can sail directly into it and berth safely in the bay.

However, the foundation of the prosperity of the past is still there, and the Storm Bay has not been beaten back to its original shape. Some ships with shallow drafts and traveling on inland rivers will come here to do business along the coastline. When Lin Hui came to this city, he also took a fancy to these ships. I want to take a boat with the wind and go directly to the central area of ​​the Lost Land via the inland river. In the traditional sense, the Lost Land is the most prosperous area.

Magic Tower Starry Sky

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