Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1656: half-ruined home

【Starry Sky of Magic Tower】【】

The sky was still bright after the robot fleet retreated. White clouds hung high, the sky remained blue, and it was so peaceful that one could hardly feel that a few days ago, mankind was almost about to encounter a terrifying crisis that could lead to extinction. Whether it's from demons or robots.

Lin looked at his mansion that had been rebuilt by the robots. They are no different from their original appearance, and there is no sign that they have partially collapsed due to the earthquake. Everything is back where it's supposed to be...or so it seems.

However, this is an ordinary building with magic materials attached. There are many things with magic effects that are not like puzzle pieces. As long as they can be put together, they count.

Although based on the ability of robots that were once elemental elves, repairing some simple magic items is not a big problem. But there are no simple magic props produced by someone.

If the robots had the design drawings, it would be nice to say that when everything had to be explored, the thing they put together did not turn into a goblin version of explosives, which is already a pretty good performance.

In other words, although your house seems to have been repaired, in fact some of its defensive functions have been destroyed. If you want to fix it...

One thing everyone knows in the coding world is that debugging is much more difficult than tearing everything down and starting over. The funnier thing is that even if you tear everything down and start over, there is no guarantee that the new stuff will be bug-free. At this time, we can only accept our fate.

But with the new residence, namely the two magic towers, the complete restoration of this mansion is not so urgent. Someone thought so.

With steady steps, Lin slowly walked to where the people who had been rescued from the mansion gathered. There may be some people inside who escaped from the intact parts, at least they don't look gray and tattered.

The condition of the injured was not particularly bad. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that among this group of people, there is a lich who can play the role of resurrecting the dead, and another necromancer who also practices life magic.

Fen didn't take action herself, she just stood aside and watched her apprentice rescue him. From time to time, he would point out some inconsiderations, or give an opportunity to educate and explain on the spot.

Most of the injured were servants of the Marquise family. His own apprentice woke up, but was in a listless state. He was wrapped in bed quilt and sitting back to back. Although there was no visible trauma, his vital signs were stable and there was nothing abnormal.

The reason why Lin was not very worried was because some parts of this mansion, which simulated the aristocratic system, had been specially reinforced, such as near the bedroom. Because someone doesn't want to have something like the house collapse suddenly while he is sleeping in the middle of the night.

Therefore, after watching the real-time image displayed by the robot, it was confirmed that as long as his apprentice did not stay where he shouldn't be, he would not be harmed by the earthquake. But it doesn’t rule out that it’s really that unlucky.

As for those who were injured, it was probably because the routine cleaning work during the day kept them in a less well-protected part. The houses in this part of the house collapsed in a strong earthquake, so they were injured. But it seems that no one died, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

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【Starry Sky of Magic Tower】【】

The old black dragon, who had helped dig up the ruins before but had nothing to do after the robots took action, returned to his human form from the dragon body and collapsed to the side. Now his physical strength is getting weaker and weaker. If he moves for three minutes, he has to rest for a whole day.

I don't know if this old man is really superhuman, or if he was infected by someone's laziness.

As for the casualties elsewhere, someone has nothing to do with it. Letting the robot fleet carry out the rescue was already his best effort. If he really wanted to rescue the injured on a large scale, he would probably have to send people to reincarnation on a large scale.

Arriving next to the former Demon King, Lin asked: "What are our losses?"

Originally, I should ask my apprentices such a question, but seeing that the two items were as wilted as dried cabbage, I knew there was no need to ask them.

It's even more impossible to ask Marquis Balan. This girl doesn't talk to men. There was no point asking her servants, as those people were not under the control of a certain magician.

As the pride of nobles, these people may show a certain degree of humility in front of a powerful magician, but they will not show meticulous service like they serve their master.

So someone had to ask the former Demon King. This is better than nothing.

Of course, Fen can't be like a housekeeper, checking and recording in detail what is missing and what is extra. She simply said:

"As you can see in front of you, the house is half-shattered and people are injured but not dead. But the most serious damage is probably over Jamsil. Because of the collapse caused by the earthquake, many small insects flew away.

"The Jacquard machine was also damaged to a certain extent. At least its ongoing operations were interrupted. When those big guys saw the Jacquard machine, they didn't even think about moving it. They repaired the house and left."

Although the precision and complexity of the jacquard machine is not the best among the various transportation 'inventions' made by someone in the Lost Land, it is still at a level that can stump a group of elven craftsmen or dwarf craftsmen.

The robots may be more familiar with mechanical structures than anyone else, but for a machine like a jacquard weaving machine that has a completely different direction from its usual purpose, this group of robots who saw it for the first time was really stumped.

So the attitude of turning around and leaving is not surprising at all.

As for the damage to the jacquard machine, from the very beginning, we never thought about preventing a major earthquake. At most, the vibration problem caused by the machine itself can be dealt with.

The more complex and sophisticated the machinery, the less it can withstand the torment. Therefore, it is natural for an earthquake to destroy a machine. Someone can only wait until they have time to repair it.

Fortunately, half-woven tapestry and remaining materials can still be recycled. Don't say that discontinuing it before it is completed is equivalent to wasting all the efforts and scrapping everything. This is not a wafer from a wafer factory, and it cannot withstand the slightest torment.

On the other hand, the loss of the silkworm room...Lin is hard to say whether it is serious or not serious, it depends on the remaining moth species.

Magic silk has many top-notch recipes, and the materials required are irreplaceable. Without those key moth species, those formulas are useless.

And there are many new moth species specially bred by Fen. This non-genetically controlled traditional breeding method involves a bit of luck, and you may not necessarily get the same result by repeating the process. If these new varieties also fly, it will be completely lost.

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【Starry Sky of Magic Tower】【】

But what else can be done? Just run away. It is not certain whether those cultivated organisms belonging to laboratory species can adapt to the cruel elimination laws of nature in the lost land.

The invasion of a certain species that traveled across many hometowns would not happen so easily in a world like the Lost World where Warcraft existed.

If you truly understand the world of Midi, you will know that in the natural environment, new varieties are born all the time, and old varieties are eliminated all the time. This cycle continues to this day.

Therefore, Lin is not worried at all whether those new species of magic moths that have escaped will cause an ecological crisis.

With a giant dragon at the top of all living things, even if the T-virus is raging, people can still purify the entire world in one breath and sublimate it in the fire. Just like in those games, official forces can use nuclear bombs to wipe out the land at every turn.

In short, under a major earthquake, I will still inevitably incur losses, but it will not reach the level of physical pain.

For the loss of magic silk, in fact, as long as the cultivation of moth species and the research on silk thread formulas continue, better moth species and silk thread formulas will always be produced.

People who are doing these things are tirelessly pursuing better and more beautiful things. Don't be satisfied with the 'best' available.

This can be known from every piece of clothing made of magic silk by the people around him. Every piece of clothing and robe is undoubtedly custom-made, and no two items are exactly the same. Even the formula of the silk thread is the same.

With such a group of people here, Lin doesn't have to worry about Jamsil's problems at all. Not looking at the appearance of the former Demon King who was closely related to her, and still looking like an old god, she knew that she didn't care about Jamsil's loss.

Thinking that sooner or later all the focus will be moved to the Twin Towers of the Gate, the loss of the mansion can be considered to be less reluctant to leave from a certain perspective.

However, I will not completely give up on the Holy City of Estali. After all, there are still many industries developing in this city, and they are deeply rooted and difficult to transfer.

Not to mention the primary school, a place that houses many children. The craftsmen of the Technology Guild relied on the population and market of the holy city of Estari to develop to the current scale.

It is still possible for them to send a team of craftsmen to the magic circle city of the Twin Towers of Gates. But if you want to pull them all away, it is no different from the technical guild committing suicide. UU reading

Some things must be in the right environment to survive. If you stay elsewhere, you may become acclimatized or even die.

Many of the things Lin has at hand have such attributes. After all, for a long time in the past, I had given up on the idea of ​​owning a magic tower again. The arrangements for things are also based on the principle of long-term development in the holy city of Estali.

Since it wants to develop for a long time, it is inevitable that the tentacles will penetrate into all aspects and form solid connections with everywhere. Only today, it is completely impossible to take those things to another place.

Many times, it’s not that people don’t want to leave their comfort zone. It's because of my hard work all the time, and all my achievements and relationships are within a certain comfort zone. It takes a lot of courage and determination to jump out.

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【Starry Sky of Magic Tower】【】

Obviously, the magic tower is a sufficient inducement for a magician. Especially the deep space telescopes on the top of the two towers are even more impossible for a magician who wants to return to his hometown to give up.

But fortunately, it doesn’t mean that I ‘must’ give up completely on my foundation in the Holy City of Estali. It's just that the distance is farther.

Besides, I have never had strong control over the industries at hand in the past. It is enough to maintain the same relaxed management method and just collect your own profits.

Many established families also play this way, whether they are magicians or nobles. It’s better to keep everything close at hand than to spread out the branches. Isn't it?

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