Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1388: tough choice On the next voyage, in order to better understand the Kraken race and the secrets of the underwater world it knows, Lin chose to take this sea beast with him, and did not let this sea beast go free. This made Tutulutu feel depressed, but he didn't dare to resist.

The great advantage of this is that the fleet did not encounter any sea beast attacks. Basically, there is a Kraken, and other sea beasts dare not approach. It's too late to escape, and you still rush to die?

A small advantage is that when someone wants to add food, he can use the Kraken to drive away the fish, and then go to the sea to catch some delicacies. It is too weak to catch large fish with a dart gun. None of this is easier than going directly into the sea and teleporting the desired catch to the deck with a flash technique.

The same fish, although it cannot be said that the taste of the fish caught in the sea is far from that of the fish caught in the river, but the flavor is also different. The most important point is: fresh!

In my hometown, no matter how fresh the fish entering the port are, if they come from ocean-going fishing vessels, they will still taste frozen. It is far from the real taste of catching, killing and cooking. Moreover, such a fresh catch does not require any complicated cooking techniques. It is delicious when it is boiled in boiling water.

If you don't worry about parasites, it's delicious to eat raw. If you are worried, add some shredded **** and minced garlic. If you come to warm a pot of wine at this time, it will be like a fairy.

As for those Zuo material and Ke Wen rice wine, what if the fleet is not prepared? Of course, this kind of small problem can't trouble someone with the flashing technique. Go straight back to the home of the holy city of Estali, and return to the boat after searching for things, no time will be wasted. Logistics supply is not difficult for someone at all.

The two of them enjoyed eating and drinking on this trip, and William didn't even think about whether the Kraken was good or not. But the others couldn't calmly look at a ferocious sea beast accompanying them that could destroy their entire fleet at any time like those two big-hearted people.

Maybe it was the good temper of a certain sea beast (?) that changed people's views, maybe it was the fish that were driven in, so that everyone had a good tooth sacrifice, and the existence of Tutulutu was gradually accepted by people. . And one of the sequelae of Kraken's acceptance is that it makes some people with ulterior motives think more.

People who were trying to make an accident during the voyage, capture or kill a magician changed their original plan. To anger a magician who can tame the Kraken, the chance of death is about the same as suicide. No one would dare to take such a risk even if it was a conspiracy.

The new backup plan is actually the idea that everyone saw that the tamed Kraken was very easy to use. If it is possible to raise a blue-ringed kraken, wouldn't it mean that the sea allows their fleet to swim, and no one can stop it. As for defeating the fleet of hostile organizations, it is even more of a problem. If you think about it further, you can charge sea protection fees or something.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is impossible. The group of people who opposed it asked a question, how to buy or control that magician?

buy? nonexistent.

No matter how much the Greco Chamber of Commerce boasts, its essence is still a small and medium-sized regional chamber of commerce formed after absorbing some talents with a family at its core. A certain magician is not only a chosen one of the goddess, but also a guest of the empress. In short, even if this is not a great god, it is also a middle god, and the small temple of the Greco Chamber of Commerce cannot afford to enshrine it.

control? Who dares?

There is no serious 'beast trainer' profession in Midi, although there is a group of people in the Karlsruhe Empire who call themselves this. But Midi's so-called animal trainer does not rely on talent to get close to and tame beasts. Beast tamers who are lost in the land have always had only one trick: to subdue monsters.

Because they are stronger than monsters, monsters obey the strong. This principle is not only between humans and beasts, but also between humans. After all, the word "beast trainer" originated from the barbarian tribe. The purpose of the barbarians domesticating monsters is also to use them for fighting, not to capture them as pets for little girls, so it is very necessary to retain their animal nature.

Under such a premise, the magician who can control Kraken means that he has the strength above the giant sea beast Kraken. How can such a person be controlled?

Poison? He can wrestle with the blue ring Kraken in the water, and finally come out alive. What kind of poison should be used to poison such a person?

Threatened with relatives? Not to mention that this magician's home is thousands of miles away in the holy city of Estali. Friends in the Karlsruhe Empire, apart from the white swordsman who is a child of the family, are the elves who also serve the goddess of gold coins. If you expect to control the magician through these people, it is better to focus directly on this magician.

In short, considering the strength gap between the two sides, controlling the opponent is an unsolvable problem.

The next best thing is to ask the magician to give up control of Kraken? There is nothing new about the trade of tamed monsters among beast tamers. Even in a small group, a certain market has formed.

This idea sounded good at first, but then a junior questioned it, leaving everyone speechless. So who can take over and control the Kraken?

Although a tamed monster can be traded, the premise is that both parties to the transaction have the ability to tame the monster. Because the master is too weak, the incident of being backlashed by monsters is not news in the empire. So even if the magician is willing to sell, the Greco Chamber of Commerce will not be able to pick someone to take over!

Looking for William Greco? Not to mention taking over and controlling a kraken, asking the white sword master to stay and assist the family's affairs for the glory of the family, all those who said this were "persuaded" by the sword master in turn, persuade. Anyway, no one mentioned this again, and of course it was impossible to expect him to stay and control a Kraken for the sake of the family.

In the end, Henry Greco, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and also the patriarch of the family, set the tone. He also proposed a reason that no one could refute. Although Dragon Clan and Kraken are not feuds from generation to generation, they have a 'good' friendship as soon as they meet. If a Kraken is really raised, will the line of Longdao still run?

One is the visible benefits of Dragon Island, and the other is the unforeseen benefits of exploring other outer seas after controlling Kraken. It doesn't seem so difficult to decide which one everyone should choose.

Although the folk customs of the Karlsruhe Empire are extremely challenging and adventurous, they will not invest their wealth in a place where they will not see returns. Not to mention that before you want to invest, there are still several difficult difficulties that are difficult to solve. So it is only natural to give up the goal that seems to be good, but in fact it cannot be achieved.

The commander of the empire's naval fleet, seeing that someone can tame Kraken, he is not unmoved.

However, the Greco Chamber of Commerce encountered problems, and they all had similar problems.

No one can take control of a Kraken despite the fact that the naval fleet is backed by an Empire. Because the focus of the military is still on land, not at sea. Then of course those strong men couldn't be sent to the sea, they were only responsible for escorting the tribute to Dragon Island.

As for buying that magician, it's even more of a joke.

Maybe outsiders don't know, but as naval fleet officers within the system, how could they not know about the romantic affairs between the magician and the empress. If no one really knew, someone wouldn't have been attacked in the early morning of the Emerald Palace. And as long as one person knows, it means that this matter will not be a secret among the nobles.

If the backer behind the navy fleet is also the empress, maybe he can use this relationship to win over the magician, and then try to control the Kraken. But unfortunately, although the empire's military is called neutral, they have their own backers behind them, and the naval fleet is no exception.

Although the naval fleet is weak, it has the big gain of Long Island, so it is naturally the focus of all parties. However, for the various forces behind the struggle, the navy is too weak to afford to be regarded as a traitor.

This makes them more cautious in their actions, and they are not so active and obvious about the behavior of the magician who handed out the olive branch. After several hints to no avail, they put out these thoughts.

There is no way, don't think that people are at sea, just cut off the communication with the land. There is such a thing as a forum, and every day, everyone in the empire knows what happened to the fleet to Long Island. Not to mention the fact that inside the fleet, there are spies planted by various forces. No matter what they do, no one can hide it.

Lin didn't know what other people were struggling with, and of course he didn't care whether they had any conspiracy or not. Anyway, if there is a disagreement, I will teleport back to the land, and no matter what other people have in mind, I can't use it on myself.

While satisfying the appetite, the biggest harvest actually comes from the secrets of the seabed of Tutulutu.

The news that shocked Lin the most was that the Undersea Empire did exist, and it was composed of murlocs.

Murlocs are different from mermaids. Mermaids are half-human and half-fish. Their origins are unclear, but they are classified as monsters, not Homo sapiens with cultural heritage such as humans, elves, and dwarves.

Murlocs are fish that have evolved limbs similar to limbs, as well as developed wisdom, and have their moral values ​​and cultural heritage. According to Lin's brief description from Tutulutu, the murlocs should be classified as Homo However, murlocs cannot leave the underwater environment and breathe in the air environment, so the undersea empire has always been There is no communication with land-based countries. This is the same as sea beasts. Even though they can leave the water for a short time, the only living environment they can adapt to is still in the water.

As for sea beasts, in fact, they can be regarded as monsters in the water. The concept of territory and the attitude of the weak and the strong are actually similar to the monsters on land.

Although Lin wants to know more details, it is already remarkable to be able to convey these contents with the wisdom of Tutulutu, the Kraken. Lin also gave up on continuing to press the question.

Finally, a few days before approaching Long Island, Lin let the Kraken free. Under the premise that the two races are in conflict, it will be troublesome to explain to Long Dao that this kraken is his own pet.

Besides, there is an old dragon at home, Lin has a rough idea of ​​the food expenses of these giant creatures. And on these days, the Kraken is left with someone, with little opportunity to forage. This big guy doesn't know how long he has been hungry, if he continues to tie him up, he might starve to death.

Anyway, he couldn't pull it to land, so Lin simply let the big octopus go.

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