Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1321: I am very happy now


Just as he said his plan, Lin took Khan back and hung it on his belt. Picking up Ezio again, he flashed to the place where Marlene might have fallen under the cliff. Fern followed immediately.

The dense forest under the cliff is green and full of vitality in this spring. The twigs that have just sprouted, the leaves that have grown again after winter, there are countless signs that everything in the forest is bursting with vitality and recovering from the winter.

It is precisely because of this that it troubles someone's detection results. It means that Lin's previous use of the Arcane Eye was mostly aimed at the urban environment. Such an environment conforms to one of the most basic laws, that is, everything in a town is for the core requirement that "people" can use it.

But there is no such restriction in the woods. Everything you see is growing densely, fighting for a little living space in the gaps. The living creatures living inside are also large and small, including those that burrow in the soil, crawl on the ground, jump on trees, and fly in the sky. These are interfering with someone's detection methods.

If the person who fell was an adult, such a target might be easier to find. The one who fell was a preschool child, and in someone's impression, Marlene was thinner and smaller than children of the same age, and she looked like she was chronically malnourished. And creatures of this size, if not everywhere in the forest, accounted for most of them.

As if the former demon king who gave up thinking, appeared behind someone, he directly asked, "How do you find someone?" "

"Well, let's get some light first. Lin pointed casually, and with himself as the center, the area within a radius of ten meters suddenly lit up.

The brightness is comparable to the daytime under the sun, and it doesn't have a clear light source like ordinary light spells. One of the biggest features of Lin's bright light technique is that it has no shadows! Light comes from all directions, illuminating everything. This ability is not something ordinary magicians can do. Even if Fern wants to do the same thing, he can't do it as lightly as someone else.

The biggest advantage of lighting up the surroundings is that you can see more things clearly. Although both Lin and Fen have dark vision-like abilities, it is inevitable that some possible clues will be lost.

It's just that even if it's lit up, Lin can't see what's going on when he looks left and right. I'm not even sure where I am, if it's the place where Marlene fell.

After all, Ezio's memory is not an objective fact, but his subjective cognition. It means that if he misunderstood or remembered wrongly at the beginning, then the message sent by Shaqie Khan will also be wrong. This is the limitation of memory.

Understanding the sense of confusion and urgency in someone's mind, Xia Qie said in a rare voice: "If you don't know where to start, how about asking Scott to help? "

Scott, a member of the Boxer Clan. A short sword. It is best at warning its holders when a crisis is approaching. Such a characteristic is quite popular among some weak ethnic groups, but since it fell into the hands of the self-proclaimed strong of the Holy Sword Society, it has been neglected.

When the box cut Scott was summoned into someone's hand with the flashing technique, it still maintained its original appearance. The thin curved blade like a willow leaf is shining with silver light. Other than that, the cross tsuba and the leather-wrapped handle are all ordinary, and they don't show any special features. It can be said that just from the appearance, this is an ordinary weapon.

But this initial appearance changed immediately in Lin's hands. In the past, for the Shakiri, larger size meant they had more energy reserves; smaller size meant weaker. Because it takes more energy to displace more mass of matter to make them larger when they are cut into smaller boxes; on the contrary, it is effortless to shrink their volume.

However, today's box cuts are no longer limited by energy reserves, and of course body size is no longer a constraint. So when the box in the hands of someone, Scott got rid of the previous concept and kept shrinking. Finally, it shrinks into a small ball on the palm, about the size of a fingernail.

Because Lin has direct contact with Khan and Scott, the three consciousnesses are interlinked. There is no need to say much about this operation. But as a bystander, Fern didn't understand the purpose of shrinking herself into a bead with a box-cut weapon.

Just when I was about to ask a question, the round beads in Lin's palm flew up with lightning speed! Moreover, on the trajectory of its flight, it brought out a colorful mist of light. In an instant, it completely bypassed the area within a radius of more than ten meters. And the evidence is that the multicolored light and mist almost occupied the entire space.

Khan first said: "You bastard, don't say that you have been going around for a long time and haven't found any clues. Then I will despise you for the rest of my life. "

"How could I have no clue. Hmph, please call me Scott Holmes from now on. Come and see here. "Scott froze in mid-air, spinning in place. Constantly expand the range of colorful light and mist, so that everyone can clearly see its position.

For a short distance, Lin didn't want to waste time, so he grabbed Ezio and flashed past. Fern made the same choice. After the three arrived at the location indicated by Scott, they looked up and saw that there were signs of broken branches, and the shape of the crown was somewhat unnatural.

Scott said, "That's supposed to be the drop mark. Then—"The round bead instantly ran to another place below, and circled around to make a mark,"—there was fresh blood here. At least within a day. "

As soon as she heard the blood, Fern walked over without hesitation. The location Scott indicated was a low bush, and one of the bare branches was stained with bright red thick liquid.

If it is on the earth, I am afraid that the liquid sample will have to be sent to the laboratory for comparison, so that it is possible to determine who or what the source of the red liquid is. But Fern, as Midi's master of biogenetics, of course has a whole set of related magic.

She formed seals with her hands and formed a small magic formation in the air, passing through the blood stains on the branches. There was a flash of light in Fern's eyes, and she said, "This is indeed left by Marlene. "As for the sample issue, since Fern has treated Marlene, there should be relevant information for comparison.

Lin didn't question it too much. He knew what Fern was capable of. After finding the clue, a group of people followed the trail. What is worrying, however, is that what Scott instructed to track was not the bloodstains left by Marlene along the way, or the traces of the little girl struggling to leave the forest, but the footprints of wild beasts.

This time, Lin did not use the flashing technique to move forward, but followed Scott, walking step by step. With every step forward, the three people who thought of a certain possibility were also tortured and became more and more heavy.

At the end of the footprints, there is indeed that picture that no one wants to see. Several wild dogs are gathering together, lowering their heads and gnawing on something.

Seeing this, Lin shouted loudly: "Woo! "Drove those wild dogs away. Then squeezed the sword formula and pointed, and Scott, who was in the shape of a sword pill, flew forward, passing through the foreheads of several wild dogs in an instant. The colorful light mist is like a ribbon, drawing a deadly trajectory connecting the wild dogs in the air.

Everyone only heard the continuous sound of "puchi", and the wild dog didn't even have a chance to whimper, and died directly.

However, in the next scene, even the time-travelers who thought they were used to the cruel environment of Midi were still so shocked that they could not speak.

It was a small body that had been gnawed until it was shattered, and the clothes on it were torn apart during the fall, or by wild dogs. There are two big holes in the eyes, and the eyeballs are long gone. The internal organs were dragged out and scattered all over the floor. The hands and feet were bent unnaturally, and the bones were gnawed out.

At this moment, Ezio, who saw it, broke down and cried.

Lin tentatively asked the people beside him: "Is there any help?" "

Fern shook her head.

He asked again, "The resurrection technique?" "

The usually cold and gorgeous face also showed a trace of pity at this time. After thinking for a while, Fern shook her head firmly and said, "Resurrection is not used on children. For adults, they have enough capital to ignore the side effects; but for children, resurrection is like a curse. That just gave her more torture. "

The discussion between the two adults was muted and unhelpful. Ezio had already cried and crawled to Marlene's side, picked up the corpse that had lost his life, and kept saying: "I'm sorry. "The sound is so desolate that everyone who hears it is sentimental.

At this moment, Fen Ruo felt something. Gently nodded, walked forward, and shouted: "Don't cry. I can let you say your last goodbyes to Marlene, she wants to say something to you too. Do you want to hear it? Stop crying if you want to. "

Aijiou heard the words and immediately silenced. With snot and tears, he stared at the original lich who was speaking in a daze.

Fern didn't make any big moves, just hooked his fingers. A light blue transparent figure rose faintly from the remnant body.

That was the most beautiful appearance of Marlene in her own memory. She looked at her hands in disbelief, at the boy whose eyes were red from crying, and at the two magicians standing behind Ezio.

The time of confusion was probably only a moment, so she put on a smile, stretched out her right hand, and said, "Ezio, I kept the agreement and picked the little yellow flowers. "I found that there was nothing in my hand, and said disappointedly: "I really picked it, but I don't know where it fell. "

Ezio managed to force a smile, and said, "I know, I saw you picking yellow flowers. "

"Really. That's great. "Marlene was happy for a moment, and then said with some disappointment: "It's just that I can't help but play with you. "

Hearing this, Ezio burst into tears again and kept saying, "I'm sorry. "

Marlene smiled and said, "I just wanted to tell you, don't say sorry to me. I like Ezio the most, he is handsome and kind to me. I still remember that day, the day you brought me back. I remember being held by you and seeing you from below. That's the first thing I remember. Every day after that, I lived happily. The time I was with you was the happiest day of my life. So please don't say sorry to me, I just want to say thank you to you. Thank you for bringing me back that day. "

What qualifications do you have to say these three words for a lifetime! how old are you...

Someone didn't say anything about his complaints, because Lin could tell that the little girl really didn't have much time for filming. Her figure kept fading, as if she was about to disappear in the next moment.

Marlene was also aware of this. Looking at her hands that had disappeared, she had no fear or feeling of fear at all. Instead, he seemed to accept everything, and comforted the still sad boy, saying, "Stop crying, Ezio. I like your usual appearance the most, leading a group of people to do things that many people can't do. That Ezio is the most handsome, so I have always wanted to play with you. It's just that it can't be done now, so please don't forget me, okay? "

The boy who couldn't speak just nodded desperately. He reached out to grab the girl's last afterimage. However, that smile was not left behind, only Marlene's last voice was heard: "Goodbye. I couldn't be happier to finally be able to talk to you. "

When the girl disappeared completely, only a heart-piercing cry remained in the supposedly peaceful forest.

Lin also no longer struggled with why he failed to save the girl. Instead, he took off his ordinary linen burqa, took the remnant body from Ezio's hand, and wrapped it tightly. He roughly picked up the crying child and said, "Remember today's lesson. You should treat everyone more tenderly, and take every word you say seriously. "

Ezio, who was pulled up, subconsciously looked at someone. Lin also knew that this was not a good time to preach, because this kid couldn't listen to it at all, and he wasn't in the mood. I had to say: "Let's help Marlene build a tomb first." Then go home. "

Ezio nodded.

It was night, and Fen, who didn't see someone in the attic room, thought about it and used the flashing technique to come to Marlene's grave. That's the small platform where Aizio and their small group's daily activities are located. It was buried here because Fern felt that Marlene would want to stay in such a place.

The scenery that can be seen from this small platform is very beautiful, including the sunset, the forest, and the figures of Aijiou and the others who are exercising daily, if the group of children do not change their positions in the future. But this night, without the group of friends that Marlene wanted to see, there was only a lonely person standing quietly looking at the sea of ​​trees under the moonlight.

Of course, Lin was well aware of Fen's appearance. But he didn't look back, he just said: "I really didn't expect that there are people in that group of children who are so afraid of loneliness. "

"There are all kinds of people. If you don't contact them, you won't meet them. "

Hearing a certain former lich utter the anti-otaku declaration, someone felt extremely harsh, but he couldn't refute it. Lin had no choice but to change the subject and murmured, "Did I ignore those children too much? Maybe I should care more about them? "

"Do not be silly. Without hesitation, Fern poured a bucket of cold water down and said, "Your problem is that you do things too extreme." Either indifference or all. But what those kids need is not Well, strictly speaking, it’s enough that you can keep them warm and keep them from starving. The only thing that can help them grow is each other. "

"Co-author I am a tool man. And the road of life is either a dead house or a dog licking. There is no third way to choose. Lin looked back at Fen and complained.

"yes. Otherwise tell me, what else can you do? After finishing her sharp criticism, Fern said softly, "If you want me to say, you should stay the same as before without any changes." "After speaking, she stood beside someone. He added: "Unless you plan to have children of your own, change your mind. If you just want to use them as substitutes, and they are still dispensable, then don't make any changes. "

Suddenly Fen had a prank idea, and jokingly said: "Why don't you give birth to one and try to be a real father?" I can't help you, but you should also know what your two apprentices are thinking about staying until now. "

With a shiver, a certain person hesitated for a second, shrank his neck, and said dully: "Forget it, it's just like before, it's fine. "

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