Magic Tool

Chapter 1016: Three generations of disciples

The name of the Hunyuan religious sect is Qu Jing. At this time, I have a headache. This child's will is quite pure, and no foreign objects can shake his mind. This can be seen from the first level. It is indeed suitable for kendo. If it can be cultivated into a sword Meaning, that is the second strong sword intent in the history of Hunyuanzong, but his refinement level is too defying. This is the golden core realm, and he can practice top-level magical tools. If this is given to him for a few years Doesn't it mean that all magic weapons can be refined during growth time?

Behind everyone, they have begun to talk about what he is more suitable for, especially Li Mochun and Si Kongdao, the two people are arguing endlessly.

However, the two also restrained and did not rise to the level of physical confrontation, which shows that they usually have a good relationship.

Qu Jing listened for a long time and felt that he was not famous, so he thought about it, coughed, and waited until everyone was quiet, then said slowly, "Rowen has a good talent, or else? Go, let other people choose first, and talk about Rowan after the election. Don't waste time. It's already afternoon. When this argument goes on, there will be endless arguing in the dark."

In this way, the others looked at Rowan, dumbfounded.

But this was a place that was vacated, and the disciples below were very excited. In the end, everyone found their home. Only then did they know that the eighteen places mentioned by the Zongli were deceptive, as long as they were talented enough. , They are still willing to ask for it.

In the end everyone started to slander and almost didn't scare to death. They all started to get started, and one by one started to get excited.

As for those disciples who were eliminated in the three passes, they were the real handymen, but some were directly repatriated.

Rowan was brushed down in this way, but he still lived in the official disciple’s house as the number one.

From top to bottom, Hunyuanzong is the tallest Patriarch Hall and Hunyuan Hall. The left and right sides are the veins. The Refining Pavilion is on the south side of the mountain, not on the side of the main hall. Only then did he discover that the main hall This is the east side.

As for the place where they live, it is divided into several areas. Handyman disciples, formal disciples, core disciples, deacons, stewards, elders, hall masters, pulse masters, and pavilion masters are all in different areas.

The formal disciple is one level higher than the handyman disciple, and the position can be slightly higher, but it is also under the six veins, and the hierarchy between each level and each level is strict, and it is not as loose as the previous entry assessment.

For example, a handyman disciple can't just go to the official disciple's side unless he gets a call or a warrant from a formal disciple, and the official disciple can't just go to the core disciple's side and so on.

Rowan's most interesting thing is actually not anywhere, but the scripture building.

The Scripture Building is divided into two parts: the upper floor and the lower floor. The upper floor is the place where all kinds of official books are stored. It is impossible to enter without a manuscript. The lower floor is the place where you can usually read. There are various ordinary books and Some ordinary classics are for people to watch and read, and there is no hierarchy, as long as you can read them, you can read them as you like.

He is most interested in oriental runes.

The runes of the Eastern world are not the same as those of the West. They are composed of a large number of various symbols. The runes of the Eastern world are more like a kind of strange characters, but these characters can play a more important role than the Western runes. It's a lot more powerful. One rune from the Eastern world will represent many runes from the Western world.

The runes here are also called Fulus, and the books containing Fulus are called Fulus.

There are many types of urn books. According to the Eastern tradition, they are divided into five elements, yin and yang, and three kinds of strange actions. There is no righteousness and evil, but the same urn can be determined by the method used by people, but it has nothing to do with the urn itself.

If you enter as a disciple, you can apprentice a teacher, but Luo Wen is a bit special now. He can go to Li Mochun to learn swords, and he can go to the Refining Pavilion to find Sikong Dao to learn Talismans. You know, these two are actually in power. People, very seniority.

This makes many people uncomfortable. It depends on how to rank seniority. You must know that the various factions do not play this way.

If the elders from Taishang are considered the first generation, then the masters of the suzerain and deputy suzerains are the second generation, and the deacons below the suzerain are the third generation, then these new disciples should be the fourth or even the fifth generation. , If Luo Wen studied under Li Mochun or Sikong Dao, he would have become a third-generation disciple, even surpassing many core disciples. This made the whole family feel a little uproar when he heard the news. .

Those disciples who had just started, heard the news and were stunned. Wouldn't they just call him Master Uncle Luo?

Rowan also had a headache when he heard the news.

If this is taken advantage of by someone who is interested, he will immediately become the target of public criticism. Although he is not afraid, he is also troublesome.

Especially the core disciples of this generation must find their own troubles.

. . .

When the disciple enters the sect, the next day, he will start to study. There is a senior brother or an elder who teaches the practice. Luo Wen thought for a long time, but he hasn't joined that line yet, so he doesn't know who to look for.

But right now he wanted to get the advanced technique of Hunyuan Jue, Hunyuan Yiqi Jue, so he had to go to Li Mochun.

In his eyes, Sikongdao, who is a refiner, is certainly not as powerful as Li Mochun in terms of speech, after all, it can be seen from yesterday's events.

He first visited the Refining Equipment Pavilion, and Li Mochun intervened, but the head didn't say anything, so it was obvious.

So, he thought for a moment and walked out of the small room directly, looking for Li Mochun, the only person in the sword vein.

The map of Hunyuanzong was posted yesterday, so he won't get lost here and go directly to the back mountain.

When I walked out of the dormitory where I was staying, everyone outside was busy leaving here. Some people were in twos and threes, and some were lonely. It seemed quite lively.

At this time, the sky was just bright, and before the belly of the fish in the distance was white, the purple in the sky and the earth was fading.

Rowan glanced at the crowd. Most of these disciples were new beginners yesterday, and they were very hot. As for the old disciples, I am afraid that they are already practicing hard at this time, rather than studying.

After Rowan came out, the disciples looked at him one after another, not knowing how to speak.

Rowan didn't care about them, and went all the way to the back of the mountain.

Behind him, a muttering sound came.

"I'm really envious. Yesterday, I heard from a teacher from my hometown that Luo Wen just started as a three-generation disciple, and he has a higher generation than some core disciples. I'm afraid we will meet him and call him Uncle Master.

"Isn't that nonsense, Master Uncle? Obviously you are getting started together?"

"You don't understand this. Elder Li Mochun is the number one master of the whole sect, and the head of the family is not as good as him. He is currently the second generation of elders in our sect. The apprentices are naturally three generations higher than us. One generation."

"I'm so upset!"

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