Made in Hollywood

Chapter nine hundred and forty-eight the end

Coming to the seats in the Rosenberg Theater, Duke and his party have not had a moment of peace since they sat down. Countless people came to say hello one after another. Among these people were executives of six major Hollywood companies. Movie stars and singers, celebrities attending the award ceremony, and the boss of the world's largest theater company from the other side of the Pacific.

"Oh, God,"

Finally had time to rest, Anna rubbed her slightly stiff face and complained to Scarlett Johansson, "Mom, can't they keep us quiet?"

These words naturally fell into Duke's ears. He patted his daughter, who was sitting in the middle, and said, "Honey, communication is a basic skill you must master."

As the only heir of a huge family fortune and a newcomer who wants to make a difference in the directing industry, the importance of communication is self-evident.

Anna Rosenberg just complained to her mother in private, and gave Duke an apologetic smile, "I know, Dad."

Just like Duke when he was young, it is one thing to be in private, and another to face the public. Anna has received enough education in this area since she was a child. When someone comes to say hello again, the expression on her face The stiffness disappeared instantly, replaced by a reserved and reserved smile.

This year's Oscars ceremony has finally kicked off. Duke's new film "Avengers vs. Justice League" has grossed nearly $4 billion at the global box office, but aside from a few technical awards, it is still not well received. Oscar takes it seriously.

Even if the old man who controlled the academy had basically retired more than ten years ago, Oscar is still the original Oscar. Not only does it adhere to the conservative style of awarding, but even the model and process of the Oscar ceremony remain unchanged.

The old group of academy members retire, and the new ones who control the core of the academy are still a group of old people. When people get old, they will tend to be conservative. This is an inevitable trend.

Although more than 20 years have passed, Duke still has only two best director statuettes. No one can deny his achievements. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is no exception. Otherwise, there would be no Rosenberg Theater. .

And this year's Academy Awards is recognized as the biggest hit is Sofia? Coppola's biographical film "Duke? Rosenberg"!

Leonardo DiCaprio took to the stage as a guest to introduce the best picture nominees, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences took great care to introduce this biographical film.

"There is someone who seems to have a natural talent for directing, as well as an insatiable curiosity. He has created countless unforgettable moments, but he continues to strive for excellence and continue to challenge himself."

On the stage, Leonardo DiCaprio stood at the center, serious and solemn, as if introducing the most amazing existence in the world, "The Duke Rosenberg I know, with Sophia Cole. Like in the films that Paula shot, he spent his whole life researching films, and he was able to convert all the electro-optical phantoms he had seen into his own use, creating his unique style, telling those wonderful things in the film. A moving story."

He turned his attention to the seat where the Duke trio sat, "In the past few decades in Hollywood, there have been many great directors, from Hitchcock to Martin Scorsese, from Steven Spielberg From James Cameron, these directors are leaders of the times, but no one can achieve the commercial achievements of Duke Rosenberg. The $50 billion box office is the best testimony to his greatness. "

The audience burst into applause, and when the applause stopped, Leonardo DiCaprio continued, "He's a great director. He's smart, funny, and sometimes a little humble -- of course, he's still I am proud of my films, whether they are early entertainment films or later films that are thought-provoking."

"He's been 60 recently," Leonardo smiled, "but there's still that kind of childishness—a kind of innocence, so to speak. He's full of enthusiasm—about his The next plan, for his fellow directors."

Finally, Leonardo said, "Duke Rosenberg, a biopic nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, records such a great director!"

Applause sounded again, Anna Rosenberg clapped her palms hard, and looked at her father with undisguised admiration and fanaticism in her eyes.

This is her father. His greatness needs no affirmation from others. She has seen too much since she was a child, and her father is her best example and goal of transcendence.

She is extremely proud to have such a father, a director who shoots adapted films that can make fans of the original work and non-fans go crazy; a director who shoots non-adapted movies and can sweep the world.

Anna remembers very clearly that more than ten years ago, because her father was focusing on comics and the Star Wars series, many media who didn't like her father were clamoring, thinking that her father had exhausted his talents and was no longer able to shoot original genre films. A film can only improve its presence and box office figures by adapting other people's works.

But my father didn't care what the outside world was saying, he just polished the script carefully, and then there was the trilogy of sci-fi movies "Future War" that swept North America and the world like Star Wars, so that all the clamoring people had to shut their mouths .

She heard from her mother that since she was born, her father has made a total of 18 films, of which adaptations and original genres each occupy half, and the 30 billion US dollars at the box office is basically half and half, which is enough to prove that her father is in the Versatility in filming.

Although there is still a kind of people who always say that her father can only make some superficial sci-fi films and can't make deep films at all, Anna is very disdainful. In terms of the Chinese she has been learning all these years, those people are clearly envious Jealousy and hate, can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

Thinking of this, Anna looked at Duke again. Duke turned his head and asked strangely, "What's the matter, dear?"

"It's nothing." Anna shook her head and whispered, "Dad, I just think you're really great."

Duke couldn't help laughing, "That's not like what you said."

"I always say that I want to surpass you..." Anna's tone contained a hint of frustration, "but everything you have done is really disappointing."

Having such a father must be said to be a kind of pressure, but Anna is not the kind of person who vents pressure casually. She knows the reason why there is motivation when there is pressure.

At this time, the Oscars ceremony has reached its penultimate award, and the male guests on the stage announced, "Tonight's best actress is Suri Cruise, "Duke Rosenberg"!"

"How could she have won the award?" Scarlett's brows furrowed.

Anna quickly closed her mouth and peeked at her father, only to see that he didn't hear her mother's words.

The mother is still complaining in a low voice, but Anna can understand. After all, Suri Cruise plays the role of the legendary actress Charlize Theron in Godmother's film...

Although her mother complained that she had not won the Best Short Film Award before, this did not affect Anna's mood, especially in the acceptance speech of Suri Cruise on the stage, she repeatedly mentioned that 'Godfather is a blessing to my life' The most influential person, I can have this year's results, thanks to the influence and teaching of my godfather. ’

Anna raised her chin slightly, if it wasn't for a director like her father as her godfather, a talented actress like Suri Cruise who is not very good at being a human being, would she have achieved what she is today?

Just the name of Duke Rosenberg's goddaughter, and everyone in Hollywood will give her three points.

Even, Anna still thinks, whether it is Suri Cruise or Godmother Sofia Coppola, can become the favorites of this Oscar award, it is because they acted in or directed the film - "Duke Rosen" Berg!

People in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are not stupid at all. They know how terrifying influence their father has around the world. Today, when the Oscars are being criticized and their status is slowly declining, they can get the support of their father and have a great impact on the Academy. Saying it is important.

Now even a fool knows that my father has hundreds of millions of fans all over the world, and the "Duke Blows" are all over the world!

As Anna thought, there were no surprises at the awards ceremony.

The old George Lucas stood on the stage and presented the best director award. "The best director of the Oscar is Sofia Coppola of Duke Rosenberg."

If it wasn't a biopic of my father, how many years would the godmother have to wait to win the best director statuette?

Anna shook her head. She had seen all of her godmother's works. Except for "Lost in Translation", which was filmed when she just left her father's side, all other works showed a steady decline. The situation was very clear. Without her father's help and influence, the godmother's The level of directing is declining.

She looked at Duke again, her father is just a name, and it can affect the awarding result of one of the most important film awards in the world. When will she be able to do it?

Suri Cruise's father Tom Cruise stood on the stage and after introducing the other nominated films, he said, "There is a film that faithfully records the journey of a director from a newcomer to a great director. , I am honored to have witnessed this process with my own eyes, and this film is - "Duke Rosenberg"!"

He opened the big envelope loaded in retro style, "Best picture winner is... 'Duke Rosenberg'!"

The applause sounded again, and the audience suddenly stood up collectively. Everyone, including the camera, didn't care about Sofia Coppola's crew at all, and turned directly to where Duke was sitting. There's Duke Rosenberg's name floating around...

In addition to applauding, Anna also made up her mind that one day she will be as great as her father Duke!

(End of the book) (To be continued ~^~)

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