Made in Hollywood

Chapter 915: Adventure and Loyalty

Every weekend, the news channel of the national TV station always broadcasts many highly influential comprehensive interview programs, which also attract a large number of Chinese audiences who pay attention to current affairs. In this era of Internet rampant, the influence of this TV station in this land is still beyond doubt.

Phil, who is the CEO of Warner Greater China, sat in front of the TV on time on Saturday, and switched the TV to the news channel, as an important part of the China promotional plan for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", A national television interview with Duke will air on the prime-time News Roundup.

Moreover, Warner Greater China has also obtained the relevant authorization, and the interview here will later appear in some of the most important publicity positions on the Internet in the form of text and video.

Since Duke acquired Lucasfilm a few years ago, Warner Greater China and Lucasfilm have been actively promoting the "Star Wars" series in this country, and now they have come to "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" 》The key stage of marketing in China.

Due to the restrictions on the promotion of Hollywood movies by the scissors, Phil was very cautious in the early promotion and marketing, except this time. After all, this is an exclusive interview broadcast by the national TV station, and the scissors is equivalent to acquiescing.

However, Phil is still a little worried, worried that this interview will be taken down suddenly. It is not the first time that the scissors have done such a thing. Just in the first half of this year, Quentin Tastino directed When "Django" was released here, it was suddenly and temporarily withdrawn by the scissors...

Such worries did not happen, and the interview program started on time.

Phil has been in the Far East for so many years, and understanding Chinese is not a problem at all. Like all interview programs, the beginning of the program is an introduction to the background of this interview: the significance of the "Star Wars" series to American audiences has long exceeded the movie itself . And derived into a culture, filled with every aspect of life. Although it has been ten years since the last Star Wars movie, the craze for Star Wars has never faded. Compared with this feeling, the mass base of Star Wars in China is not so deep. This new work directed by the famous Hollywood director Duke Rosenberg is more like a gift for a new generation of movie fans. It is a part of Star Wars culture. Another "massive attack" penetrating the whole world.

"The audience does not need to have seen the first six. They can also enjoy this movie. They can start with this movie. "The Force Awakens" is the beginning of Star Wars in China and the world." As the director and According to producer and Lucasfilm owner Duke Rosenberg, the film's strategic significance couldn't be more clear.

A new wind of Star Wars has already blown up, and the momentum will be even bigger and the scope will be wider.

This film is not only determined to attract young audiences. There are also veterans such as Harrison Ford and Kelly Fisher sitting in charge, trying to keep the "old soup" of the whole series.

In addition, there is George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, as an escort, so veteran Star Wars fans don't need to worry.

In short, the two major concerns about the new "Star Wars" (whether it can be liked by Chinese audiences; whether it can be liked by old fans) have been resolved one by one by the creators. Said no need to worry.

In our exclusive interview, director Duke Rosenberg also revealed many shooting details and behind-the-scenes stories in the interview: "How the new robot BB-8 was manipulated and actually shot; Harrison Ford was suddenly injured to the crew Influence; how did Daisy Ridley and Wu Yanzu get selected, who is the most senior Star Wars fan on the crew; the heroine is actually Chewbacca's distant cousin?"

Let us follow Duke Rosenberg into this galaxy. far. far. away...

For the promotion in China, Duke will naturally focus on Daniel Wu. Not long after the interview started, the topic came to Daniel Wu.

"Before Wu Yanzu was chosen. His character was already written, and you may not have noticed that every character in all the "Star Wars" movies has one important common characteristic."

During the broadcast of the interview program, Duke used quite fluent Chinese to talk to reporters throughout the whole process. In the ears of Chinese audiences, his Chinese level may be far inferior to that of Dashan, but he can kill 99% of foreigners in seconds, and he can easily arouse people's favor.

The Mandarin spoken on the TV is far more standard than Phil, who almost made his home in China, "All the characters in this series have a common emotion, that is 'despair' - the extreme longing caused by despair Based on different desperations, they desire different things and behave differently: Luke desperately wants to get out of that ghost place and escape the farm where he was imprisoned; Princess Leia wants to do her best to help her father, and Make him understand that; Han Solo desperate for money - money will do him more than anything; the Black Lord desperate to get his plans back."

"There's no middle ground in this world. Having characters with different desires makes the series more exciting. So you have to write the desires of the characters' hearts and be able to express them realistically, while not forgetting to use humor. In George's original film , perfectly mastered this delicate and strange balance. Every character is desperate, and it is really interesting to see the strength of these combinations. So we are looking for actors who are very interesting to combine, Wu Yanzu That’s the kind of person.”

The female reporter asked, "Why did you choose a female character as the protagonist?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Phil couldn't help laughing. He naturally knew the reason, that is, today's big-budget movies are pleasing female audiences, and the female market is becoming more and more important to movies.

But he knew that Duke would definitely not say that, and it was indeed the case.

"The heroine Rey is a product of this era, and my team and I are aware of the power that girls have in today's girls, which was invisible ten years ago. I think Rey is like that, she is the leader There is a sense of power and limitless potential in this story, which I think will appeal to girls today."

Obviously, Duke's words are from the perspective of character creation, not marketing, "Male characters have always had these qualities, and audiences take them for granted, and now suddenly become a capable female character. By the way, Rey She will make a lot of mistakes in the story, and seeing how she learns her lesson is one of the joys of the film, she is an all-around talent, and I don’t think it’s as attractive as a male character.”

The female reporter of the national TV station brought the topic to the villain again, "Could you introduce the villain Kylo Ren? Among all the protagonist posters released, where does his unique appearance come from? How do you plan to build him? character of?"

"Okay, but I can't spoil too much. In this movie, we need a representative of the dark forces. He is certainly not the only villain, but he is a key character in it. He is from a mysterious group called 'Ren Knight', that's where his name comes from, and you'll see them in the movie and you'll see that Kylo Ren is one of them."

For the sake of publicity, Duke also appropriately revealed some relevant content, "The whole knight order has this special appearance. The roles they play in this film are equivalent to what the Black Lord did in the previous version of the movie. But you absolutely You can’t just snap your fingers and say, 'We're going to have a new Black Lord!' We knew he had to be a completely new character. So when designing this character, it had to be both aesthetic and backstory."

Phil could see Duke thinking on the TV screen, obviously choosing his words carefully to avoid spoilers in advance, "His character is proud of the Black Lord, which means he comes from a place that knows the Black Lord. This That's the floodgate for my stress relief - not just the audience, but Kylo Ren knows about the Black Lord. This gives us something tangible to dig into and name him. This guy probably adores the cause of Empire , he may see the Black Lord as the ultimate power to be seduced by the side of light."

The interview was still going on, and the entire program lasted nearly an hour, all of which were exclusive interviews with Duke, which also made Phil feel his job was a little easier. He knew the name Duke Rosenberg, and in this population What kind of popularity and influence are there on the numerous lands.

With this exclusive interview from National TV, Warner Greater China can formulate a series of related marketing measures.

This program is coming to an end, the interview with Duke is over, and what is being broadcast is some introductions to "Star Wars: The Force Awakens": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has a large shooting budget, but director Du Ke Rosenberg worked from the beginning to ensure the emotional authenticity and handcrafted texture of the film, rather than the overly ornate CGI effects that some sci-fi movies and action blockbusters are full of.

Before wrapping up his brief exchange with us and getting back to work, Duke summed it up this way: "I certainly would say the world doesn't need reminders of positivity and hope, but the first Star Wars was in the realm of cinema. Born out of the twin cynicisms of the real world and the real world, where people feel betrayed, crime and corrupt around them, Star Wars is a reminder that there is still love, adventure and loyalty in the world."

"I think 'Star Wars 7' is really in the spirit of the original 'Star Wars' trilogy. You connect yourself to this world that gives you power and gives you purpose. The message is maybe bigger than you think. closer to reality."

Now, hungry audiences around the world seem to have taken the message, felt it and agreed. (to be continued ~^~)

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