Made in Hollywood

Six hundred and twentieth IX calm and resting eyes

In fact, Duke is very clear that the times are constantly changing, but the mainstream group of the film market will not change. Teenagers will always be the backbone of the market, and they are willing to pay for their favorite films and peripheral products.

Relatively speaking, the psychological capacity of this group will be a problem, and as people born in North America in the 1990s grow up, their market share is also increasing.

These people don't like movies with heavy themes. Too heavy and dark movies will be rejected by most of them, and even crush the endurance of the market.

Duke is very sure of one thing. If "The Dark Knight" is pushed back three to four years, it is really hard to say whether it can achieve such a huge success in the North American market when the mainstream audience of the movie market is updated.

After all, movies are cultural products that are greatly influenced by the social environment.

Even the "Dark Knight" that appears in the current time period has a much better response in the relatively mature North American market than in overseas markets.

In other words, if "The Dark Knight" wants to succeed, it must be more dependent on the North American market.

Of course, the style of "The Dark Knight" also brought another way for the film industry itself.

For example, in the "I Am Legend" that will be released next weekend, after watching "The Dark Knight" and its market response, David Ellison is considering whether to change the editing aspect to make the film darker and more desperate. .


In the office of Sky Film Studio, David Ellison paced back and forth a few times, and said to Francis Lawrence, who was sitting on the sofa chair, "I think the ending can be changed and use the second version of the ending. , just like The Dark Knight, not just from the protagonist's point of view. Look at it from the monster's point of view, like the Joker."

After a few years of honing, David Ellison does have a more mature view of the film.

Francis Lawrence is hesitant, he is a relatively traditional commercial director who prefers commercial endings.

But David Ellison was the film's investor and producer, and he thought about it again. Said, "In fact, those creatures are also human. Although they are almost reduced to beasts, beasts are undoubtedly cruel. When they find outsiders, they will naturally show their aggressive nature, but it does not mean that they have no conscience."

"The male protagonist also understands at that moment, even in our eyes mutants are beasts. But in their eyes, this is just their way of life, can we humans only force them to change with our own consciousness? They just want a quiet life. They also have emotions, they have their own circles, and they are even more united than humans."

David Ellison is very clear. The original ending is more realistic and more in line with the perspective of current commercial films. Great human beings died in order to save the survivors, and the whole city eventually fell into a real barbaric era. The stereotypical plot of one person saving the world is more suitable for the audience's taste, and it will make countless moviegoers feel relieved that they are high-level and almighty human beings. So hope is always at hand.

If it were the past, David Ellison would have chosen this ending, but "The Dark Knight" brings something different, and looking at the problem from another angle may not be successful.

in Hollywood. Even a veteran director like Francis Lawrence has to make compromises.

"I Am Legend" will have another ending based on David Ellison's decision.

"David..." Francis Lawrence was still a little worried, "Is this ending..."

"Don't worry, looking at the world from the monster's point of view, I think this kind of darker style might be popular for a while."

David Ellison raised his hand to interrupt Francis Lawrence's words, "Hollywood is a place that follows the trend, not only the manufacturers, but also the audience. The Dark Knight has just set a new North American single-day box office record. , enough to prove it.”

Francis Lawrence could only nod and leave the office.

David Ellison sat back at his desk, saw the data in front of him, felt a mountain of pressure, and even unconsciously came up with the idea of ​​delaying the release of "I Am Legend".

All because that number is so staggering.

"The Dark Knight" raked in $68.36 million from North America on Friday, yesterday, smashing all the previous single-day box office records in North America.

Such single-day box office data cannot be described as 'horrifying'.

Walt Disney's first-week estimate for "I Am Legend" was just $70 million.

Although he is very confident in his film, and the trial screening of "I Am Legend" has also been well received by the audience and theaters, David Ellison is very clear that the first weekend of "I Am Legend" will inevitably face The big challenge and threat of The Dark Knight next weekend.

Although the idea of ​​delaying the release flashed in his mind, it was unrealistic, and David Ellison knew it, and he also believed that "I Am Legend" was not as good as Duke Rosenberg's "The Dark Knight". There will also be enough living space, and it is possible to make profits through the box office.

However, it is inevitable for David Ellison to have some anxiety. The publicity and marketing of "The Dark Knight" is too good, and the audience's reputation after its release is also high. These almost indicate a strong future box office trend.

On the other hand, "I Am Legend" has a much weaker publicity. Even if the news of the so-called Will Smith marriage crisis is created, it is difficult to become a hot topic.

Turning on the computer, David Ellison googled the latest news about The Dark Knight, and then opened IMDB. The score of The Dark Knight above was so dazzling.

For a person in the industry like him, the network navy is no secret at all, but he knows that no navy will foolishly give his movie a 10.

However, David Ellison has also seen low-scoring shots, just too few to make a difference on a huge 10-point base.

He roughly looked at the comments of these low-ranking people. Could it be that while belittling "The Dark Knight", he faintly praised "The Godfather".

David Ellison suddenly thought of something, but it was not very clear. Although the IMDB score is not like the CinemaScore statistics, it can truly reflect the market response of a film, but it can also affect the choice of a group of people to watch movies. ...

Seems like something can be done about this? David Ellison thought so.

Entering Saturday, "The Dark Knight" has become the most talked about topic in North America. This film attracts not only fans of "Batman" comics and fans of "War Hour" in 2005, but also because of the film. The accidental death of Heath Ledger, the actor who played the leading villain "The Joker", has put on a mysterious veil with a strong sense of tragedy.

One day after the film was released, the unwilling media, in order to gain attention and attention, even began to hype Heath Ledger as fully qualified for an Oscar nomination and took away an Oscar performance award.

Of course, behind the hype is the shadow of Warner Bros.

At the same time, Duke also led the crew on a promotional tour. The whole crew was divided into two parts. Charles Rowan led Christian Bale, Gary Oldman and Lawrence Fishburne to overseas promotions. Duke was the Running announcements in North America with Nicolas Cage and Anne Hathaway.

"Can I sit here?"

On the business jet leased by Warner Bros., the heroine of the film, Anne Hathaway, came over, saw Duke nodded lightly, sat opposite him, and said in a casual tone, "I still want to continue working with you. Well, I didn't expect Rachel Dawes to die like that."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Duke's words carried a somewhat distant politeness.

If pushed forward a few years, he will definitely accept Anne Hathaway's kindness, but now the environment has changed, so has his style of acting.

As in the past, Duke knew he wasn't a good guy, but he had a girlfriend.

The flight attendant served two cups of coffee, and Duke drank while chatting with Anne Hathaway, who was obviously a lot smarter after being tricked once.

Frankly speaking, her performance in the film basically satisfied Duke. This is not to say that her acting skills are particularly excellent. Compared with the former Maggie Gyllenhaal, her acting skills are not necessarily better, or even slightly worse.

But for the role of Rachel Dawes in a vase, the former Maggie Gyllenhill performed very well, but the overall performance was unsatisfactory. Perhaps a more in-depth role is suitable for her, but a relatively simple vase, Maggie Gyllenhill doesn't fit at all.

Thinking of Maggie Gyllenhaal, Duke's mind recalled a joke about deciphering The Dark Knight, but without her, this interesting joke would not have appeared.

In the past, after watching "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Dark Knight", he looked for some related comments, and then found this joke.

"'Dark Knight' is actually a sequel to 'Brokeback Mountain' - why did Ennis Delmar and Jack Drizzt split up in the first place? It's all because Jack's sister is behind!"

"After Jack's death, Ennis, who had a broken back and a broken heart, was greatly stimulated, so he went away to a place called Gotham to recuperate his wounds. Who knew that the enemy's road was narrow, and here Ennis met Jack's sister Rachel again. Ennis, who has been perverted by the desire for revenge, turned into a clown and covered the handsome face that was kissed by dear Jack with a thick dress."

"He walked into the banquet hall with a gun and pinched Rachel's face fiercely - because he saw the handsome Jack's face there, he made a scene of Gotham, in fact, the ultimate goal was to kill him for revenge in his mind. Drop Jack's sister!"

"He achieved his goal and succeeded in taking revenge on Rachel's lover Harvey into a pervert with the pain of losing his love forever. The revenge has been avenged, and Ennis has nothing to worry about. He took enough medicine in one morning. - Enough to reunite him with his deceased lover - to rest his eyes peacefully." (To be continued~^~)

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