Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 706: Origin

Responsible for stopping the Pacific Fleet of Freedom Gundam, all destroyed!

When the news was passed back to the Garralhorn headquarters by the survivors of the Pacific Fleet, the big men sitting in those seats were stunned by the incredible news.

Except for Iznario Farid, who temporarily left the headquarters of Galalhorn, the other five clan chiefs silently watched the real-time picture sent back from the sea area where the Pacific Fleet sank.

The raging flames of the steel battleship,

The billowing smoke rising into the sky,

And between life and death, the Galalhorn soldiers struggling to escape from the sinking battleship and swimming towards the nearby life raft, etc. gathered together for these few people. The big figures who have been standing in Galalhorn and even at the top of human society have brought an unimaginable impact.

The Galalhorn Fleet, once invincible, was so easily killed by an enemy of unknown origin.

All annihilated,

The disastrous defeat of the entire army.

At this moment, neither the oldest person, Baguranzang, nor the youngest person, Kuzan, could utter a single word, one word, or one sentence to describe the mood at this moment.

For a long time, the eldest person, Baguranzangong, let out a sigh of relief. After looking around the patriarchs, he slowly asked:

"Everyone, don't know where Duke Farid is now?"

"Prince Farid asked me to tell you before he left. He will act as the guardian of Karta Yisho and personally supervise the rescue operations."

Lethdar Erian, the head of Erian, one of the Seven Stars, answered this question.

Bagulan Zang glanced at the ostentatiousness of the past, and then slowly nodded after Lesdar Erian, who had a good reputation in Galalhorn.

"Since it is about the plan to rescue Karta Ixu, it is no wonder that Duke Farid did not attend this meeting. But after the meeting, we must notify Duke Farid of the destruction of the Pacific Fleet."

"Well, this question, I don't think we need to bother! After all, Special Agent McGillis Farid is still at the headquarters, making the final preparations for the next action against the Tiehua regiment."

The person who answered Bagulanzan is still Lethdar Erian.

Although this seems a bit wrong, Baguranzan didn't care.

As a well-received person in the past and also the guardian of the new Kuzan, Erian is naturally qualified to answer questions. What's more, none of the other families wanted to answer Baguranzan.

This was not to show Baguranzan's face deliberately, but they were still in shock caused by the destruction of the Pacific Fleet.

"McGillis Farid? Excellent young man."

Baguranzan nodded slowly, but then he slowly picked up the cane placed next to him, and then gave a heavy stop.


The sound of the stick suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"How long has this been? We, Galalhorn, no, since we were born, how long has it been since we were born? Mr. Ariane, in your memory, the earth is like our backyard. Has it ever happened to destroy our fleet?"

Lesdar Erian frowned, then shook his head slowly.


"Where is Father Falk?"


"Where is Batu Wingong?"

The middle-aged man who was asked by the oldest person, Baguranzan, was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head.

"No! In my memory, the earth is like Galalhorn's backyard. There has never been such a terrible thing as today."

"That's right! Never. Since I was born, the earth under Gallalhorn's guardianship has never happened to such a terrible thing as today. Believe that everyone, including me, is like the new Kuzan It’s the first time I have encountered such a thing."

The old man took a sigh of relief and continued:

"So, in the hundreds of years since Galalhorn was founded, has there ever been something similar?"

This question immediately puzzled all the patriarchs present.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you can’t answer the old man’s questions for a while.

Until, rubbing his beard, Lesdar Erian slowly told a brief history.

"In the history of Galalhorn, it is true that there have been situations in which Galalhorn's fleet can be destroyed in a short time. However, that happened in the history that should have been annihilated long ago. Case."

A sharp light gradually appeared in Lesdal Erian's eyes.

"And that period of history is what we call the Era War era."



"President Erian! You're not kidding, are you?! Well, that was already hundreds of years ago. How could it be possible..."

As the youngest Kuzan among the patriarchs of the Seven Stars, Iogu Kuzan couldn't help but speak.

"How is it possible that things that happened hundreds of years ago will happen again now? Kuzan, is that what you want to say?"

After Raisdal Erian raised his hand to interrupt Iogu Kuzan's speech, he continued:

"Although even I myself find it a little unbelievable, but in fact, the situation that can make the Galalhorn fleet an organizational destruction will only happen in the era of the war of evil."

"President Elian. Are you saying that our Galalhorn should be destroyed in the Pacific Fleet now, raise the alarm to the highest level, and then plunge the world into the fear of the war of evil? Just because of an unknown body? ?!"

Duke Falk refuted Lesdar Erian's words, but Lesdar Erian was not annoyed by it.

"No. I didn’t mean it. It’s just that I used an improper metaphor. Compared to the war of sacrifice to the extinction of humans, our enemy now is an unidentified one driving the plane, but its performance It's a human being beyond the organism we know by Galalhorn."

After a pause, there was a self-deprecating smile on Lesdar Erian's mouth.

"This is much better than when our ancestors were cold and merciless when they only knew the machinery that killed humans."

Outside the window is the endless, sunny ocean.

After slightly squinting his eyes and looking at the seascape outside, McGillis raised his hand to shut off the communication from the outside world, and then exhaled slightly.

"It really surprised me!"

Amidst the sigh, the voice of his friend Galio also came in from outside the door.

"Major McGee Lister! It's not good!"

"Calm down! Galio. If you want to tell me the news of the destruction of the Pacific Fleet, then you can rest assured. I already know about it here and have notified Father Farid who is going out."

The calmness McGillis showed made Galio gradually calm down.

Then he gave a wry smile.

"Unexpectedly, Karta's extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet was so miserable. Not only was the commander captured, he even destroyed a Pacific fleet."

McGillis looked at the bitter smile on Galio's face, turned slightly, and looked at the endless sea again.

"Gario. Perhaps you will be unhappy if I say that. But now that Calta has fallen into this position, I am afraid she has asked for it. You who participated in that battle may know more than I do. Do you think In that case, what action should Kalta take?"

"Of course, the airspace is blocked by fleet fire, and the airframe is surrounded and suppressed in accordance with the attacking rhythm of the MS troops..."

Galio was stunned as soon as he spoke.

At that time, Kalta's actions completely violated the command requirements taught in the textbook, and there is even the possibility of being included in the many failed cases of the textbook.

"Understood? Galio."

Although his back was facing Galio, McGillis knew that Galio's face must be fluctuating at the moment.

The bitterness on Galio's face gradually deepened.

He understood what McGillis said.

It's just that Calta's self-compassion is a little unacceptable.

"Nevertheless, we still have to rescue Calta, don't we? This is not only for the friends we grew up with, but also for the face of Galalhorn and the Seven Stars."

Galio's bitterness gradually receded, and what was left was the firm will to save his childhood sweetheart.

"Yeah! That's right. But we must master new power. Now, this Galalhorn, who has become rotten and corrupt for hundreds of years, has insufficient power to deal with new enemies."

McGillis turned around again, and when he faced Galio, Galio saw McGillis's eyes that shone unknown but had a certain persistent light.

"Perhaps, it's time to bring this corrupt and withered Gallarhorn back to the original origin!!"

Deep in the ocean.

On that mirror-like sea surface, a huge cruise ship was heading northward along the planned route, towards the city named Anchorage somewhere on the northern end of the ocean.

As the night falls, the calm ocean is shrouded by the scattered stars, but it also becomes more quiet and mysterious.

However, under this veil of silence and mystery, the interior of this cruise ship is full of jubilation.





Even cheers rang in the cabin one after another.

Listen carefully, it seems to be as lively as a carnival.

In fact, the situation in the cabin is not much different from the carnival.

"What happened? It seems a bit noisy outside."

Before landing, Shimiao, who was still moving with the Tiehua regiment, raised her eyes slightly and looked at the place where the sound was coming from.

"It seems to be because of the news from your Excellency Lei Mingkai."

Gudilia, who had just come over from the dining hall, hesitated, but still showed a slight smile.

"Your Excellency Lei Mingkai's battle was successful. Now, there are no enemies on this ocean that can threaten this cruise ship."


Shimiao raised her eyebrows, seeming a little surprised.

"Have Lord Lei Mingkai smashed Galalhorn's Pacific Fleet away?"

"No. It was wiped out. Kay has sunk all of Galalhorn's Pacific Fleet."

It was not Goodelia who answered Shimiao, but a girl in a purple dress with her pink hair tied into a high ponytail.

"Oh? I wonder if you are?"

The strange girl made Shimiao's expression slightly dignified.

Among the Tiehua Group, if he was considered the strangest, there were only two people who had never seen him from beginning to end.

Even Karta Ixu, who was captured by Lei Mingkai, was once witnessed by Shimiao when he was commanded back and forth by Fumitan.

Therefore, the remaining two people are probably the pink girl in front of them, and the Lei Mingkai who has been talked about by the Tiehua group.

"I am Lacus Klein. First time meeting! Your Excellency Maki Togonosuke. I can't visit you in time, please forgive me!"

After apologizing to Shimiao with a kind smile, the pink girl walked into the room.

At the same time, as the pink girl walked into the room, the woman who followed behind her but was not spotted by Shimiao for the first time also surprised Shimiao slightly.

"Kalta Yixiu?!"

However, Maki's expression is destined to be dominated by surprise.

The heavy footsteps that followed brought an uneasy, even fearful breath.

It seems to have been born in the depths of human genes from the savage era, and the fear that will be restored once it comes into contact with the terrible memories left over from the savage era.

"Teacher!!! Be careful!!"

The young man standing behind Shimiao stepped forward and stopped in front of Shimiao, looking tightly at the snow-white lion stepping into the room slowly from the door.

In this not-so-spacious room, if the beast that suddenly entered the room goes mad, the people in this room must be a dead end.

"Don't worry! The Zero will not hurt anyone. On the contrary, it will be the key to let Lord Shimae and Gudilia go to Edmonton first."

Lux opened the mouth to stop the young entourage's actions, and told the truth.

Gudilia, who had already seen Lion Zero Style, was naturally calm, but Shimiao was unexpectedly calm, and he even laughed.

"Hahahaha! Is this the lion lion that the gang of Tiehuatuan boys say?"

Raising his hand to make the entourage retreat, Shimiao leaned on his cane, stood up, and walked in front of the snow-white lion under the gaze of Lux.

"Fortunately, Lord Lion. This is Maki Togonosuke. Please advise me on the way forward."

Shimiao's goodwill did not usher in the snow-white lion's response.

On the contrary, the snow-white lion only glanced at Shimiao faintly, and then stepped forward to a short distance behind Lacusi and lay down.

In this regard, Shimiao is not annoyed either.

"Hahahaha! It seems that the lion is still a bit temperamental. No matter! Miss Lacus Klein, I hope you don't take offense! Although it's a bit old, I still like to see new things."

"No. Your Excellency Shimiao don't care. And, next, you and Gudilia will sit in the zero-style cockpit, across the ocean, and arrive at Edmonton first!"


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