Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 528: Darkness Chen Cang

That night.

In a house inside the colonial satellite Heliopolis, Lei Mingkai was sitting at the table, collating various photos taken during the day.

In the pictures covered with the tabletop, some are military trucks shuttled on the highway, and even more serious, watching the surrounding environment carefully. Soldiers with live ammunition, but in these pictures, the one on the top A few photos caught the attention of another person in the room.


Under the dim light, Fosser, who provided operational support for Lei Mingkai during the day, stared closely at the pictures with huge gray steel heads.

As an intelligence officer, he knew at a glance what these photos represented.

Since the declaration of independence, from the initial dilemma to today’s joint fight with the earth, and even maintaining an advantage in most battlefields, the reason is that Zaft has the first mobile suit in human history and the huge size behind it. Family system support.

Today, the photos in front of him undoubtedly represent that Zaft's advantages are very likely to be gradually lost in the future.

"Yes. MS. This is the secret hidden in this neutral colonial satellite of the Earth unity."

Lei Mingkai nodded.

Although he knew something about the appearance of the five aircraft, including the assault, in Heliopolis, the process of spying on intelligence was unexpectedly smooth.

When Lei Mingkai thinks of the unbelievable process during the day, he will inevitably fall into doubt about the secrecy of the earth unity.

Fother's fist was clenched tightly, but he slammed on the table without venting. After a while of silence, Fother laughed furiously.

"Hey! Even if you successfully develop a new type of MS, haven't we discovered such leaky confidential work?"

Lei Mingkai glanced at Fosser's increasingly ferocious expression and nodded slightly.

If this were not the case, how could Lei Mingkai, an intelligence rookie, obtain such important information so easily.

Although in the process, Lei Mingkai used his certain knowledge and adaptability to avoid a lot of dangers, the secret work here is full of errors and omissions.

"Right! Fother, do you have a way to find the whereabouts of this machine?"

Thinking of this, Lei Mingkai pointed his finger at the top photo in the photo pile.

It was a photo of a mobile suit lying in a truck with a Gatling shield.

It is the MS that accidentally appeared on this colonial satellite, attacking IWSP!

"This MS? Is there anything special?"

Fother didn't seem to notice the special attack on IWSP.

Lei Mingkai nodded slightly and said:

"According to my observations, this MS should have completed its weapon system preparation. It is possible that weapons testing will be launched in the near future, or it may quietly leave this colonial satellite and head to the Joint Earth Base on the Moon."


Lei Mingkai's words made Foser frowned.

"You mean this airframe will lead the other five airframes in actual combat tests?"

"It is possible. This is just my personal guess. Whether it is correct or not, I need further information!"

Lei Mingkai raised his gaze and looked at Fother pointedly.


The ID used by Lei Mingkai is not the limit of Fother's ability.

However, when using the corresponding identity ID, the risk that Fother bears will increase accordingly.

A carelessness may expose Fosser, and may even wipe out the intelligence network that Zaft buried in this colonial satellite.

But when faced with the possibility that the Earth Union might put a new type of machine into actual combat tests, Fother did not hesitate for long.

He just nodded heavily.

"Leave it to me! Lei Ming, you are business as usual."


This is the end of a brief encounter.

In the days that followed, Lei Mingkai also proceeded step by step.

Every day, I went to the Shuguangshe factory and wandered around.


Lei Mingkai is not so arrogant that the security personnel guarding the surveillance will not find him as an idler.

For this reason, Lei Mingkai spends most of his time wandering around the technical college.

"It's really peaceful!"

Sitting in the pavilion of the technical college, Lei Mingkai watched the students coming and going, laughing and playing.

Before nine o'clock in the morning, Fother had notified Lei Mingkai of the news that the fleet led by Cruze was about to go here.

Since then, the time for these students to laugh and play freely has entered a countdown.


Suddenly, a small shadow passed by Lei Mingkai's eyes.

Lei Mingkai looked at him and saw an emerald green mechanical bird standing on the stone table, tilting his head and looking at him.

"Sorry! I disturbed you!"

Just when one person and one bird were looking at each other, a slightly immature young boy's voice came from outside the pavilion to Lei Mingkai's ears.

Lei Mingkai raised his gaze and looked at it, and there was a ray of light under his eyes.

Kira Yamato.

To be honest, Lei Mingkai used the two places of Shuguangsha Factory and Industrial College as one of the purposes of the observation area during this period. I am afraid that it also has an impact on Kira Yamato's curiosity.

It was a tender face that grew up in a peaceful atmosphere.

Before he experienced the baptism of war, the teenager who stood in front of Lei Mingkai and disturbed others because of his mechanical pet would not be Kira Yamato, who was later controversial in the Gundam circle.

"No. Just curious about it. Did you do it yourself?"

Lei Mingkai smiled slightly, saying that he was not disturbed by the mechanical bird in front of him.

"Thanks...Thank you!"

Kira Yamato first expressed his gratitude to Lei Mingkai for his generosity, and then shook his head.

"No, this was given to me by my friend."

"Really? It seems that he cherishes your friendship very much."

Lei Mingkai said very meaningfully.

However, Kira did not find the deep meaning of Lei Mingkai's words, but was somewhat depressed.

"I don't know. Since my parting on the moon, I have lost contact with him."


Lei Mingkai reached out to hold the emerald green mechanical bird, then stood up and walked to Kira's body.

"Trust me! Maybe you will have a chance to meet your friends soon."


Kira stupefied to take advantage of Lei Mingkai, but did not respond to Lei Mingkai’s words in time. It was not until Lei Mingkai left that Kira suddenly turned around and wanted to call Lei Mingkai to ask what happened. , But he was held back by his friend Dole König who emerged from behind.

"Found Kira Yamato! I didn't expect you to be here! Huh? Is there any problem with the person in front?"

Seeing the puzzled look of Kira, Dole followed his gaze to the figure that had disappeared to the end of the aisle.

"No. It's probably a new teaching assistant!"

Kira shook her head, trying to dispel the doubt from her mind, and then she was dragged into the teaching building not far away by her friend Dole.

Probably, Kira still doesn't understand Lei Mingkai's prophecy that he felt for a while!

Crossing the aisle, wandering among groups of students, listening to the high or low discussion of the surrounding students, Lei Mingkai found his motorcycle parked in the parking lot of the Industrial College.


Just then, the communication bell rang.

Lei Mingkai looked around and confirmed that no one was tracking or eavesdropping. He held the motorcycle while holding its communicator.

"It's me. Is there a situation?"

Half a minute later, when the communicator in Lei Mingkai's hand was turned into fragments under the motorcycle wheel, it was the moment when Lei Mingkai rushed out of the technical college.

Forty-eight hours later, a secretly transporting IWSP carrier truck will take advantage of the darkness to secretly travel to the port along the road that is only used when carrying out satellite projects, and carry out loading and unloading operations there, placing it on a joint ship to the Earth. Among the space cargo ships at the moon base.

As Lei Mingkai speculated, the assault IWSP, which completed the development of the weapon system first, will surely be sent to the lunar base in advance for the next step of testing.

Fother, who had obtained this information, did not dare to neglect, and soon formulated a corresponding response plan.

Without him.

Still the same.

It is to seize it as far as possible, send it back, and let the scientific research personnel carry out analysis and reverse engineering.

As for the time of action, it was after the space cargo ship left Heliopolis' airspace.

Night fell again.

Under the tense guard of the Earth Union soldiers, a carrier truck surrounded by many armored vehicles quietly drove out of the Shuguangsha factory, and quietly drove to the space port along the rare-inhabited engineering highway.

However, they did not know that Lei Mingkai, who was determined to win the assault IWSP, had already infiltrated the heavily guarded cosmic port, and with the support of the inside line, they successfully boarded the secret delivery of the assault IWSP. cargo ship.

"The security work of the Earth Alliance is indeed full of loopholes."

Foser and Lei Mingkai looked at each other, and Lei Mingkai nodded silently because of the meaning inside.

He didn't expect Fother's ability to be so strong.

Lei Mingkai, who thought there would be some toss, was surprised to find that he squatted in the space cargo ship very smoothly, waiting for the arrival of the assault IWSP and the space cargo ship's sailing.


Suddenly, the roar of the engine reached Lei Mingkai's ears.

Fother, who also heard the voice, immediately made a silent gesture to hide the team members participating in the operation.

Amidst the fading sound of the engine, Lei Mingkai heard a burst of conversation, and he heard the sound of mechanical gears turning one after another.

Judging from these voices, Lei Mingkai believes that the loading and unloading operations of the assault on IWSP have already begun.

"Da, da..."

Not long after, the sound of footsteps on the metal floor reverberated from far to near in the warehouse, and in the ears of Lei Mingkai and others.

This is undoubtedly a critical moment.

Before the loading and unloading operations of the assault IWSP were completed and most of the Earth United soldiers left, Lei Mingkai and others were absolutely unable to make even a single sound, otherwise, it would inevitably cause serious consequences.

Fortunately, the loading and unloading operations of the assault on IWSP quickly ended.

It was a secret operation after all.

Heliopolis’s Earth Alliance also did not want to have long nights and dreams, and tried to pack the assault IWSP into this space cargo ship as quickly as possible.

"Squeak!!! Rumble..."

The cumbersome footsteps drifted away, until the moment when the cargo compartment door was completely closed, apart from the assault on IWSP, Lei Mingkai and others were hidden in the cargo warehouse of this space cargo ship.

Lei Ming Kai made a few gestures and asked Fother about the situation, but he was still waiting for the opportunity.

During the dull waiting, in the dim warehouse, there is no outside performance at all. The only thing that can sense the changes in the outside world is the electronic watch on everyone's wrist.

When the number on the electronic watch changed from 00:59 to 01:00, Fother raised his right hand and waved forward fiercely.

All the people hidden in the shadows rushed out decisively, grouped according to the original plan, or rushed to the bridge, or rushed to the power area where the power stove was located, or rushed to the dining hall and rest area, and controlled the rest of the crew. What's more, it decisively rushed to the communication antenna used by this space cargo ship, and immediately paralyzed the external communication of this spacecraft.

Lei Mingkai and Foser came to the assault IWSP covered by canvas.

Lei Mingkai and Fother looked at each other, picked up one side each, and then lifted them together.

As the huge canvas was lifted into the air in a gravity-free environment, the assault IWPS that Lei Mingkai had discovered before appeared in front of him.

This may be the first time Lei Mingkai has come into contact with the real Gundam in such a close range.

This is completely contrary to the feeling that Lei Mingkai used to play against the Gunpla model in the Gunpla World before.

The strong visual impact and the cold and angular steel body were all impacting Lei Mingkai's mind.

"Is this the new MS of the Earth Union? Hey, it really looks like something."

Fother reached out and touched the gray armor of the assault IWSP.

Lei Mingkai kicked hard, reached out and pressed, and flew to the cockpit of the assault IWSP.

"Leiming, what do you want to do?"

Fother asked quickly when he saw it.

"Try the new MS of the Earth Union."

After Lei Mingkai responded casually, he plunged into the opened cockpit, stretched out his hand and pulled out the keyboard, and began to modify the control program of the assault IWSP.

With the opening of the OS program, Lei Mingkai's eyes showed such a light.

It's a mess.

Just like the original plot, the development capabilities of the Earth United in the OS are indeed a mess, and it is impossible to successfully develop the OS program for the MS developed by itself.

"How's it going? Lei Ming."

Asked Foser, who stretched his head looking at Lei Mingkai.

"OS is bad! But I can fix it! Give me some time."

Seeing Lei Mingkai who was frantically typing on the keyboard, Fother nodded in surprise.

At this time, the team members who had gone to control the vital points of the space cargo ship before also heard good news.

The resistance of this space cargo ship was far below Fother's expectations.

As a result, they took the space cargo ship without any effort.

"Earth Union is so assured that this cargo ship will not be robbed?"

When this thought flashed through Fosser's mind, the final destination of this mission had already surfaced in his mind.

"The cargo is already in hand! Change course. Goal!"

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