Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 430: The Falling Yanglu City! !

Count Zazbalum raised his arms, and all the orbital knights who had been coveting the earth for a long time responded. Even the prudent Earl Kurutou was silent. He just turned around and ordered to follow up with the determination to participate in this time called revenge. In fact, it was just taking advantage of the opportunity brought by the death of Princess Ethelam to start a plan in one fell swoop. Long-term plan of aggression.


This is an aggression.

However, in the heart of Earl Kurutou, who is loyal to Princess Ethelam, this is just a trial!

A trial of a well-intentioned murderer against the malicious princess Ethelam.

The city of Yanglu, which was hovering in the Earth-Moon orbit, turned around and entered the orbit into the atmosphere at the fastest speed. Then, the power of judgment created by the city of Yanglu as the main body was smashed into the Earth United Army. On the head.

At this moment, dazzling rays of light flashed across the sky.

This is the brilliance of Yanglu City's rapid descending place, and it also represents the last light that can bloom for countless lives that are about to die.

"Go! We are the orbital knights of the Visser Empire of Mars! We will certainly pay tribute to our noble Princess Ethelam Visser Eliosia with supreme victory!"

In the landed city of Yanglu, similar shouts were heard one after another.

It seems that at this moment, the news of Princess Ethelam's death has ignited the flames of revenge in everyone's hearts, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the revenge and trial operations against the Earth Alliance.

In the night sky blessed by meteors, the most dazzling and largest cities on all continents of the earth have become the target of Yanglu City.

With the moment when the first ray of light tore the darkness from the lonely vast continent, the first wave of attacks launched by the orbital knights of the Visser Empire on Mars had already begun.

At the same time, in the sky above the Pacific, among the clouds that enveloped a large area of ​​air, a pair of cold golden pupils watched indifferently at the light clusters rising from the continent one after another.

"it has started."

A sigh sounded.

"Well, it's starting. If you can't control any power, even if you have the name of the imperial princess, you will only fall victim to the conspiracy." Another voice also sounded.

"Yeah. Maybe! But now is not the time to talk about this."

Lei Mingkai nodded, reached out and patted the console in front of him.

"Zero, let's start!"

In the mist, those cold golden pupils burst out with a burst of cold light.

"Kay. Are you serious? That big guy can't be done so easily."

Zero-style gaze penetrated through the thick clouds and looked at the nine heavens-the huge man-made being shrouded in fire, Yanglu City.

This is a city of Yanglu that is falling along a predetermined track towards the city of Canghai in the ancient eastern country.

Undoubtedly, at the moment when Yanglu City took action, Avalon, who was lurking in the Earth-Moon orbit, immediately transmitted all the orbit calculation results of Yanglu City to Lei Mingkai.

"There are three minutes left."

The giant steel lion head was slightly lowered in zero form, as if thinking about something.

"It's too late to regret now. Kay. After all, even if you were born in the ancient eastern country, you are now the knight commander of the Britannia Empire."

Lei Mingkai smiled slightly in the words of zero form.

He said loudly:

"Perhaps this is true! But a qualified knight will not stand by when the motherland suffers disaster!!"

"Hey! At this time I admit that I am a knight!"

Style Zero sneered.

"But! Even if you block this Yanglu City, I'm afraid your motherland won't know your efforts for the motherland! What's more, you can only save a region."

"Haha! So what! Even if only one area can be saved, it is also an area where at least millions of people live!"

Lei Mingkai laughed, not paying attention to the zero blow.

However, as soon as Lei Mingkai's words fell, Euphemia, who was sitting in the rear driver's seat, answered:

"I remember! Kai's efforts, I have always been watching! Not only me, I believe that the people of the Britannia Empire will also know what Lei Mingkai, the Knight Commander of the Britannia Empire, has done. All glorious deeds! I swear here in the name of Britannia!"

Euphemia's sudden solemnity made Zero suddenly speechless.

Immediately, it smiled again:

"Hey! Kay, no matter in that world, you are always so lucky."


Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly, then looked straight.

"Youfei, style zero, Yanglu City is here!"

Three minutes is not too much, but not too much.

These three minutes passed quietly in the conversation between Zero and Lei Mingkai and Yu Fei.

Looking up, the thick cloud layer has broken open, and the fire-shrouded Yanglu City has torn open the sky, and brazenly appeared in front of the giant steel lion soaring in the sky.


The roar of the iron lion resounded across the sky!

Facing Yanglu City, which brazenly tore the sky and fell straight to the ground, Zero Form put away all the thoughts of ridiculing Lei Mingkai before, and devoted his spirit and power to the giant steel lion that had already been renewed at this moment.


This is the name derived from the harmonics of the lambda drive system.

Toothed lion lambda.

Equipped with the lambda drive system, and also equipped with the Soth mechanical beast from the light wing system used by Lancelot.

Don’t be surprised!

This is another new form that White Cat Zero has secretly invented secretly.

Under the pair of golden wings, is the hideous and holy pure white tusks.

The giant lion roared across the sky, and in the brilliance of the golden wings, the pure white giant lion rose fearlessly into the sky, facing the rapidly falling city of Yanglu straight.

At this moment,

In the eyes of ordinary people, the huge and incomparable tusks lion faces the even bigger city of Yanglu, as if a baby meets a giant man in his prime.

The only difference is that the weak baby is not lethal, but the Lambda Tusk has the power to threaten Yanglu City.

It's near!

It's near!

The huge fireball incarnate by Yanglucheng and the golden light spot incarnate by the Lambda tusks suddenly met at the moment the sun set.

The darkness that swept away with the setting sun had not taken its steps, but was stopped by a "sun" that was a hundred times more dazzling than the sun set to the west.

Moreover, in the "sun" that the naked eye can't directly see, the pure white tusks with its golden wings slammed up its sharp right paw, which was wrapped in a faint light like smoke, and crashed. It smashed down hard towards the front end of Yang Lucheng.


When the lion's claw fell, countless cracks stretched out like a spider web frantically.

In the blink of an eye, in addition to an extremely dazzling crack on the surface of Yanglu City, it also caused Yanglu City's landing trajectory to deviate from the original route.

"Warning! Warning! Count Fermian! Yanglu City is under attack! Now it has deviated from the scheduled track!!"

In Yanglu City, Femian, whose thoughts were disrupted by the sudden shock, was awakened by his subordinates' exclamation before he could figure out the situation.

"How is it possible! Find out what happened to me? Yanglu City will definitely not be attacked! The current earthlings would never think of our Orbital Knight's current actions!!!"

Fermian, one of Mars' 37 orbital knights, waved his right hand and yelled at his subordinates.

In her opinion, the accident of orbit deviation in Yanglu City must be caused by the incompetence of her subordinates.

As for whether it was due to other reasons, Fermian probably didn't think much about it.

Therefore, her only idea now is to complete the landing of Yanglu City as quickly as possible and to seize the territory she belongs to. In this way, in order to gain a greater voice among the Mars 37 knights.



There was another shock!

Moreover, it was still more intense than the previous one.

"Earl Fermian!! The landing trajectory of Yanglu City has shifted again!! Now, we have deviated from the planned target city. The revised calculation results show that the landing coordinates of our Yanglu City should be a certain location in the Western Pacific. Place!!!"

"What? Western Pacific? How could it be possible?! Our goal is the city! The territory! How could it be the sea!!"

Femian screamed, as if he didn't want to accept the changes in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, news that made her even more frightened and angry came.

"Earl Fermian! The reason why Yang Lucheng deviated from the track has been found!! Now put it on the home screen!"

Amidst the surprised voices of his subordinates, Femian saw an astonishing picture.

I saw on the familiar silver-gray outer wall, a giant steel beast that no one had seen before, including Femian, slapped the outer wall of Yanglu City again and again.



With every slap, there will be a violent shock in the city of Yanglu, which is falling rapidly.

Every time you tap, there will be a deviation in the calculation of the predetermined track displayed at the bottom left of the main screen.

come down,

come down,

This is a veritable fall!

Under the slap of the silver giant beast, the city of Yang Lu, who arrogantly gave the Earth United Army's trial, fell from the sky, and fell toward the endless ocean.

"Do not!!"

Femian exclaimed.

she knows,

All her subordinates know,

The city of Yanglu that descended from the sky was terrifying for the Earth United Army.

But in the process of landing, Yanglu City was fragile.

So fragile that as long as you find the right angle, a slight collision can drag Yanglu City into a situation where it will never be restored.

Now, what that pure white behemoth has done is to make Yang Lu City fall into the abyss that cannot be recovered.

"No!!! Hurry up! Stop it! Hurry up and stop that beast!!!"

Femian didn't want to know when and why this pure white beast appeared.

She only knew that if this pure white behemoth had not been driven away, her Yanglu City might have really fallen into that deep ocean.

At that time, let alone seizing a greater voice among the 37 knights of Mars, I am afraid that even oneself will not be able to guarantee whether he can survive this sudden accident.

Femian's scream made her subordinates frantically search for all methods to drive the pure white lion away from Yanglu City, but it had no effect.

Neither machine guns nor missiles can cause even the slightest interference to this pure white beast.

All the people who had exhausted all methods finally could only watch the pure white behemoth, then raised their right paw again and again, and slapped them in the same place.



The behemoth's flapping is like a heartbeat,

a bit,

Slapped in the hearts of everyone again,

More slapped on Femian's heart.

When responding to Count Zazbarum, the energetic Countess Fermian would never think that she, who should have completed the landing plan and lay a piece of territory, would encounter this unbelievable, but tangible, real occurrence. The shock of myself.

"No!!! No!!! No!!!"

No one would believe that the Countess, who was still in high spirits, would be hit to such a point in just a few minutes.

The Countess, who could not accept the vision, stared blankly at the pure white behemoth on the main screen that slapped the outer wall of Yang Lu city again and again.

Suddenly, the countess gritted her teeth hard, and a trace of blood flowed quietly from the corners of her tight mouth.

"Absolutely!! Absolutely!! Can't let you succeed so easily!!"

The countess yelled.

"Greece! Prepare for Greece!! I want to attack!!!"

However, before the Countess left the bridge, a greater and more intense impact followed, making the Countess almost unable to stand firm and staggered to the ground.

"Report status!!"

The countess looked up and found that the white giant lion on the main screen had disappeared at some unknown time, and replaced by a deserted island with sparsely grown coconut trees.

When the bleak scene made Fermi feel regretful, he secretly rejoiced.

At least, his own Yanglu City would not fall into the deep ocean, waiting for the embarrassing jokes of other Orbital Knights.

"Where is that giant beast!! Find it out for me!!"

After confirming that his Yanglu City had not fallen into the ocean, Femian finally regained some confidence and began to give new orders calmly.


The subordinates who had already acted worked very hard, but they did not find any clues related to the pure white behemoth.

"Can't find it? How could it be possible? It suddenly appeared on the landing track of Yanglu City, and was even able to accurately target the weakness of Yanglu City. Such an enemy should not retreat..."

This thought had just arisen, and a looming explosion suddenly reached Femian's ears.

"What did you find?"

"Count Fei···Femian!! Yang···Yanglu City has been invaded!! The invaders have already penetrated the third floor!! soldiers have no power to fight back at all! !"

In the tunnel where gunshots are intertwined and the fire is flashing, a petite and light figure shuttles through the bullets like a ghost. Whenever it jumps into the soldiers guarding Yanglu City, it will set off a dazzling and **** sword light. We kill one by one.

And after that, the person who followed this petite and terrifying ghost figure closely was a girl who had the same face as it, but was wearing protective gear, and skillfully used the gun in her hand to provide fire support to the petite ghost who was killing ahead. .

This is not all the intruders Fermian sees through the home screen.

In the vicinity of this pair of terrifying young girls with amazing skills, the same well-trained, stable and stable combat forces under Femian’s subordinates launched an attack on Yanglu City.

Faced with the powerful offensive power of the sudden appearance of the enemy, the soldiers of Yanglu City had no power to fight back! !

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