Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 418: Eve

   Under the round sunglasses is a pair of eyes that are full of caution and obey the light.

   Every moment a ray of light flashes from the pupil behind the sunglasses, a trace of eyes will always inadvertently look at the silver-haired man sitting in front of him.


   The man who has already controlled half of the amalgam has become Karama's immediate boss.

   Therefore, Karama had to leave the city he had run for a long time, followed the order and came to this area specially designated by Leonard, waiting for Lei Mingkai's summons.


  While Karama was thinking about the various situations that might happen, the silver-haired man sitting by the window turned his head slightly to look at Karaman's pair of round sunglasses.

   "Yes. Leonard Lord. Please give me orders."

   There was no hesitation, no hesitation, at the moment Leonard's voice fell, Karama had already responded.

  Krama's response made Leonard satisfied.

The death of MR.AU certainly gave Leonard the opportunity to incorporate half of the amalgam forces, but in the same way, the "MR.AU" stand-in introduced by Lei Mingkai also made a grand debut at this opportunity. At the same time that the effortless posture took back the power of the original MR.AU, it also caused Leonard to encounter some obstacles when incorporating other forces.

   Karama’s respectful gesture at the moment really satisfied Leonard, who has spent a lot of effort on the compilation.

   "Klama. You don't have to go back. Just stay here!"

   To Karama's surprise, Leonard actually said something that prevented him from going back to his own territory.


   Is this seizing power?

Do not.

   Karama is not stupid. On the contrary, his thinking is very flexible.

After Leonard said that sentence, the relevant information that Klama had stored in his mind continued to emerge from the depths of his memory like a revolving lantern. Using Leonard's words as a guide, within a few seconds, Klama Then guessed a rough idea.

   "Master Leonard. You mean, that city has fallen?"

   Karama didn't dare to be arbitrary, and only carefully got the answer from Leonard.

   "Well. The knight moved quickly. On the day you left, the knight sent someone into your city."

   Leonard's words were very light and plain, but the cold sweat on Karama's forehead couldn't help falling down.


   Leonard raised his right hand and waved his hand, chuckling softly:

   "Kelama needn't care about this. The loss of that city has already been expected."

   Talking, Leonard got up from the chair, walked to Karama's side, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Karamar, do you know why I called you back at this time? This is because our next actions are very important. Mithril, and even the knight thought that we set up our stronghold in the Western Pacific to remove After that, the Mithril headquarters will be safe and sound."

   "Although this is normalized strategic thinking, Mithril and the knight did not expect that we do not need any stronghold in the Western Pacific."

   Karama couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

   Is this a face-to-face instruction?

   Leonard's laughter rang in Karama's ear.

   Obviously, Klama’s perception is correct.

   "Hehe. Karama. Don't be nervous. Now, we are about to launch a general attack on Mithril. It's time for this tug of war to end."

   In Leonard's words, unable to think about how to deal with Karama, who had lost his stronghold in the Western Pacific, he just nodded slowly.

   "Yes. Leonard Lord."

   After encouraging Karama, who had lost his territory and became lonely again, Leonard let him leave on his own, preparing for the follow-up tasks according to his orders. However, when he watched Karama disappear behind the door that was gradually closing, Leonard did not return to his seat. Instead, he turned around and went to the side of the wine rack. While choosing the wine, he said:

   "Your Excellency MR.J. Since you are here, why don't you come out and see you?"

   "Hehe. His Excellency Leonard's instinct is still so sharp."

   The shadow flashed, and the clown face Leonard had been accustomed to appeared in front of the window-MR.J, who has always been fascinating.

   "The truth of your MR.J is good. I am only a little accustomed to your action style."

   Reynard raised the glass already in his hand, seeming to be asking if the man standing in front of the window would also have a glass.

   However, the clown was unmoved.

   He just shook his head faintly, and then slightly bent over to Leonard.

   "Your Excellency Leonard. I am here today to say goodbye to your Excellency."

   "Farewell? Your Excellency MR.J, where are you going?"

   Leonard gave the wine glass to his mouth, and his gaze also followed the clown face that couldn't see the real expression behind the white foundation.

   "Yes! Honorable Leonard. My mission here is over."


   Leonard put down his glass, frowning slightly.

   "Is that the seven sins that you mentioned before? Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and cruelty?"

   "As you might expect. I have found the cruelty I expected here, so it's time for me to leave here and embark on a journey to continue searching for the other six sins."


   Had it not been for his current face with clown makeup, he might have been a polite and elegant young man.


   Leonard groaned, then laughed.

   "Is it Jiulong? I didn't expect you to be able to grasp the evaluation of Jiulong so accurately. Cruel, haha. It seems that Jiulong is worthy of this life!"

   After a pause, Leonard asked rhetorically.

   "Then, what about me? Mr. MR.J, what sin do you think I will be?"

   Leonard’s question silenced MR.J for a moment.


   After the silence, MR.J's answer caused Leonard to laugh again.

   "Hahahaha!!! Have eyesight! Your Excellency MR.J. That's right! This evaluation is indeed in line with me."

   Leonard was not ashamed when faced with the words that were not considered to be good evaluations, but rather readily accepted them.

   Can you remember that before meeting with Lei Mingkai, Leonard once made the same evaluation of Lei Mingkai, and even MR.J, MISS.Q and their existence.

   "Then, does Your Excellency MR.J want to take me away? In the name of "arrogance"."

   Leonard looked sharply at the clown standing in front of the window.

   In the blade-like gaze, MR.J's body did not move at all, and the white foundation on his face did not show any signs of peeling off.

   "It depends on your wishes."

   This is MR.J's answer.

   "Really? Then, I am afraid I will disappoint you."

   The corners of Leonard's mouth slightly cocked, turned around, took out the wine glass again, poured red wine into it, and handed it to MR.J.

   "Your Excellency. This is a farewell wine for you. How?"

  MR.J raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the wine glass in Leonard's hand, and shook his head again.

   "Thank you very much for your kindness! But, I cannot enjoy such beautiful things."

When   's voice fell, MR.J's figure flickered and disappeared behind the curtains that were rolled up by the breeze.

   "I, am I arrogant? Interesting."


   1:00AM late at night.

   The Son of Danu, who was diving in the deep sea, was still in a busy state.

   Among them, Captain Teresa is also the most.

  As the captain of the Son of Danu, Teresa not only has to deal with the various affairs of the Son of Danu, but also various intelligence and tactics from the front line. Especially at this critical moment when the final battle for the battle for amalgam was about to be completed, Teresa couldn't take a break at all, and was busy day and night.

   "Captain. You should go to rest for a while. Let me deal with it here."

   Looking at the busy Teresa, Richard, who felt more distressed, couldn't help but suggest.

   "No. Richard. I can hold on for a while now."

   Obviously, Teresa is not willing to leave her post.

   "Captain. It has been almost 48 hours since you started working. If you continue like this, you may be in danger of falling into a coma due to overdraft. Who will command the Son of Danu?"

   Richard was extremely opposed to Teresa's persistence and retorted Teresa mercilessly.


   The situation is exactly what Richard said. When Teresa subconsciously refuted Richard, her little head shook and almost fainted.

   Fortunately, with eyesight and quick hands, Richard, who had been mentally prepared, helped Teresa.

   "Captain. You don't need to keep going anymore! Now, our Mithril security circle in the Western Pacific has been built. You can go to rest."

Teresa knew that the current progress did not need to be checked by herself, but somehow Teresa could not help but pay attention to things here. In the end, after repeated attempts, Tai could not be able to gather her strength again. Reza reluctantly chose to go back to her captain's room to rest.

   Coincidentally, when Teresa had just returned to the captain's room, a communication was connected to the encrypted channel of the Son of Danu.

   "Huh? Isn't Captain Teresa on duty today?"

   The young man who appeared on the screen glanced briefly at the people on the bridge and asked casually.

   "The captain has gone to rest. It's been a long time! Knight." Richard raised his hand to salute and greeted him sternly.

   "Really? That's okay. You can also be here. Lieutenant Colonel. Now Nance City has been under the control of Mithril. Our mission ends here. Now, we formally report an information to Mithril."

   This young man is Lei Mingkai.

  While bringing Nance City under control, the twins assigned by Lei Mingkai dealt with the fat man and his party members, and at the same time discovered some intelligence from a certain basement.

Although the information does not specify who the target is, judging from the data on the circulation of materials and the frequent movement of personnel recorded in the report, amalgam, no, it should be said that Leonard may have completed it. The reorganization of the power in hand.

  If that were the case, Leonard would definitely launch an offensive and seize the device under the Mithril headquarters.

   "Will Leonard launch a surprise attack even when the land base has been removed by us?"

   The information Lei Mingkai had gotten made Richard think deeply.

   Now, with the fall of Nance City, amalgam no longer has the power to threaten the deployment of Mithril in the Western Pacific. Even before this, relying on the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean to hide some power, I am afraid that it will not be able to compete with the Son of Danu.

  Under such circumstances, Richard really couldn't imagine what amalgams could do to send enough troops to the sea near the Mithril headquarters without the knowledge of Mithril.

   Regarding this point, Lei Mingkai did not make any suggestions, nor did he have much thoughts about Richard.

  What he did was only pass the information to the son of Danu, and let the son of Danu handle it and analyze it by himself.

   With the disconnection of the communication, Lei Mingkai's gaze moved away from the screen and merged with that of Euphemia who was concerned about the situation.

   "Kay. Did you think of something?"

   Euphemia keenly caught the doubt between Lei Mingkai's eyebrows.


   Lei Mingkai did not hide.

   "Yufie. Remember the tactics we used when we were in the EU?"

   "EU? Layla's Apollo?"

   Yuphemia still remembers the battle that was fought by using the reentry technology.

   "But, this world doesn't have that kind of technology, right?"

   Lei Mingkai was silent, and at the same time, he was quickly searching for information about all aspects of the all-metal world in his mind.


   In Lei Mingkai's memory, except for the technological revolution triggered by the AS, lambda drive system and the whisperer, other aspects of this world are similar to the real world. Therefore, the technology tree for the development of outer space may not be too different.

   In other words, it would be difficult to reproduce Layla's "Apollo's carriage" in this world.


Under this level of consideration, Lei Mingkai thinks that Leonard is very likely to launch an attack similar to "Apollo's carriage" if another factor of instability is because this is Currently the most effective and unexpected method to catch Mithril by surprise.

  MISS.Q, perhaps MR.J, these two unkind people may hand over certain technologies to Leonard, and influence the progress of this world on the premise of achieving their goals.

   "It seems that we still have to focus on air defense."

   The more he thinks about the loopholes in this area, the more Lei Mingkai feels that Leonard's main attack direction is probably the blue sky above his head.

   "But, in this case, wouldn't they fall into an embarrassing battlefield?" Euphemia was puzzled.

   Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly.

"Yuffie. Leonard never thought of a steady fight. His goal from the beginning was the device placed underground on Merida Island. As long as he can successfully seize the device before the troops are exhausted, then , Leonard will inevitably be wicked and eventually win."

   "Taking the device? But the person who can start the device is..."

   The next second, Euphemia suddenly woke up.

   "Chidori wants. Leonard is going for Chidori."



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