Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 226: New clues


Forget the beautiful figure before.

Unexpectedly, even the No. 3 target that Doctor Zisali attached great importance to had also suffered a failure, and there was no chance to escape the battle, so he was killed by the sword of the lion.

Do not!

Phyllis frowned slightly, and she was holding the emergency controller specially handed to her by Doctor Zisali in her hand. Its function is precisely when the two objects brought by Phyllis have problems or accidents, they can be forced to withdraw to the safe area at the first time.

However, when the battle between Target No. 3 and the Lion started and the first danger appeared, Phyllis had already secretly pressed the controller to try to make Target No. 3 retreat.

Win or lose here is not important.

The important thing is that the doctor's experimental target is intact, and the third target is the most important thing.


No matter how many times Phyllis presses the controller, the control commands are silent.

"What's the matter? The doctor's masterpiece shouldn't be a problem." Looking at King Destroyed King Kong lying in front of the tusking lion Schneider, Phyllis' brows were deeply frowned, and his face was full of inexplicability.

At this moment, there was a rapid ringing from Phyllis' personal terminal.

Phyllis was shocked and immediately pressed the connect button on the personal terminal.

"Enough! Phyllis. Arranged according to your majesty's plan, and immediately withdraw. The matter on Europa has nothing to do with us."

As soon as the doctor Chisali's head popped up, a command that surprised Phyllis also sounded.

Phyllis showed an unexpected look, but didn't inquire about it. After just nodding, he put away the personal terminal and looked up at the attendant waiting aside.

"The next action will be in accordance with His Majesty's orders. I will be ordered to return to Pandoragon next. If I don't understand anything, I can go to Secretary Andre Farnes of the Knights of Saint Raphael."

"Yes! Your envoy. I wish you a smooth journey."

After being sent off by the attendants, Phyllis simply left the land mothership and boarded the command vehicle returning to the Ekaterina Palace.

As the land mothership became smaller, Phyllis couldn't help but show a sneer in his heart.

The reason why Doctor Zisali would let Phyllis retreat alone at this critical moment between victory and defeat is nothing more than that His Majesty no longer pays attention to Europa’s offensive, at least he can’t learn what he did before. Concerned.

And the emergence of such a situation, I am afraid that the research of Doctor Chisali has made a new breakthrough, right?

The other side of the ocean.

The imperial capital Pandoragon.

His Majesty the Emperor slowly closed his eyes, and no longer paid attention to the battle that had already been decided on the screen.

"Doctor, are you pitying your experimental body?"

The emperor was not angry because of his own defeat, but was concerned about the loss of his allies.

"No. Thank you for your majesty's concern. Although I lost two precious experimental subjects, I was able to detect the obstacles blocking our way forward for your majesty." The doctor Zisali standing next to him shook his head, his expression calm. To say.

For him, at the beginning of deciding to study the abyss, even if there were not thousands of experimental subjects he lost, at least there would be hundreds. At the sacrifice of this large number of experimental subjects, Zisali's mind has become numb. Therefore, his regret for his loss is far lower than his expectation of how much new data he can obtain from the experiment.


The emperor smiled lightly, showing a slight smile of approval.

"That's right. It is precisely because of the sacrifice of the experiment body sent by the doctor that we can get the information we want. This is very good!"

After affirming the contribution of allies, the emperor slowly stood up from the throne.

"Unexpectedly, when Euphemia left this world and traveled to a brand new world, she brought the variables back to this world. This is our negligence."

The emperor lifted his steps and slowly walked down the stairs in front of the throne. And Doctor Zisali followed behind.

"However, this negligence is not a big deal for us now. At least, their existence is not our priority in our sequence of actions."

At this point, the emperor showed a sarcasm smile.

"Of course. This is limited to the trouble that they will not come to me. However, this is impossible. Doctor, do you think it is?"

Doctor Zisali frowned slightly and found that things were just as the emperor had said. It was obviously impossible for Yuphemia and Lei Mingkai to not trouble him.

Let’s not mention CC and Nanali who were forcibly brought back to the imperial capital of Pandoragon by the emperor, but the existence of his own doctor and assistant Phyllis is enough to bring Lei Mingkai and Lei Mingkai who seem to have become members of the inspectors of the Administration Euphemia's attraction pulled over.

Thinking of this, the doctor sighed secretly.

He found that after deliberation, the only way to decipher C's world at the fastest speed can he take the initiative in subsequent actions.

"Your Majesty. Do you really leave Europa alone?"

Although Zisali had a clear understanding in his heart, he still asked the doubts.

"Haha. It's just Europa. If they want it, give it to them! Although Euphemia and Cornelia, and the lion knight are also there, they are the land of Langlansi. ."

The emperor didn't care about Europa's gains or losses. After obtaining information related to the Tooth Lion Zero and Lei Mingkai and others, the emperor took most of his attention back and refocused his attention on the world of C.

"Doctor, how sure are you?"

Zisali gave a confident smile.

"It's not quite ten, but it's already 70%. I didn't expect the key to be released at this critical moment."

"Huh. C.C? She let go, but that doesn't mean she has obeyed us. This woman is not an ordinary woman, but an immortal witch."

"Witch?" Chisali raised an eyebrow, somewhat disapproving. In his memory, among the people he knew, only her, the Scarlet Queen who controlled the castle, could be called the "witch".

"Don't underestimate her. Doctor."

Although the emperor verbally told the doctor not to take it lightly, he himself, like the doctor, was equally dissatisfied with the things hidden behind C.C's loose mouth.

Because, in a similar scene, the emperor has seen it too many times in other parallel worlds.

"Let's go! Let me see the doctor your results. I can't wait to enter the world of C and talk to Charles."


Bring the camera back to the battlefield of Sharonida the Toothed Lion and King Kong Destruction.

The Destruction King Kong whose Z core was tossed by the blade lost all signs of activity, and fell feebly in front of the Tusk Lion Shunida.


Sitting in the cockpit, looking at King Destroyed by the river, Lei Mingkai slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes. It's over."

The White Cat Zero nodded, but at the next moment, its figure suddenly swayed and disappeared into the cockpit. When it reappeared, it appeared on the wreckage of Destroyed King Kong.

"Zero? Any discovery?"

Although Lei Mingkai was puzzled by the white cat Zero's sudden appearance on the wreckage of the Destroyed King Kong, he carefully checked the surrounding situation and made sure that no enemies would appear for a short time before letting the Tusk Lion Shunida down. Head, and opened the cockpit next to the wreckage of the destroyed King Kong.


The White Cat Zero didn't look back, but stretched out his right front paw and pointed at the torn Z core of Destroyer King Kong.

Unknown Lei Mingkai walked down the cockpit and came to the Z core. When looking inside, he saw that there was a coin the size of a coin lying quietly in the center of the ragged Z core. Dark fragments.

"This? This is information fragments?!"

At first glance, Lei Mingkai didn't discover what this little thing was, but under the next round of closer observation, Lei Mingkai was surprised to find out what this little thing was.

"No, it's not a piece of information."

White Cat Zero gives a different answer.

Immediately afterwards, the white cat zero-style jumped and landed on the tattered Z core. After lowering his head and holding the small fragment in his mouth, he turned and jumped back to Lei Mingkai's feet.


The White Cat Zero handed the fragments to Lei Mingkai's hands.

When Lei Mingkai's right hand touched the piece of debris, a picture suddenly appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.

At the beginning, Lei Mingkai did not clearly see the pictures that flashed past his eyes, but after Lei Mingkai reacted, these flashing images from his eyes gave Lei Mingkai some information.


There are all large and small experimental instruments on the ground,

There is also the man in a white coat, standing alone in front of the experimental instrument, fiddling with the instrument.

In addition, Lei Mingkai also saw a sign hidden by these experimental instruments.

A V-shaped logo that looks like a bird spreading its wings.

As soon as this sign appeared, it kicked Lei Mingkai back to reality.

Lei Mingkai was shocked. Before he could even speak, the white cat followed him with a zero-style inquiry.

"Kay, did you see anything?"

Lei Mingkai pondered for a while and nodded slowly.

"I saw something."

"What is it?"

Lei Mingkai's lips moved, and after pondering a few times, he slowly said, "I have seen the truth of this world."

"the truth?"

"Yes." Lei Mingkai nodded, turning his head and looking in the direction of Langlanxi Kingdom. "From now on, Europa's gains and losses are no longer important. We must rush back to White Wolf Castle immediately."

As two flares, one red and one green, screamed into the air, Euphemia and Cornelia and others on the battlefield were immediately attracted by the two flares.

"That, that's Kay's signal!"

Sitting in the cockpit of the pirate Gundam, guarding Cornelia, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of Euphemia who had recovered the wreckage of the weird body under the Q department led by Veretta.

"Yufie. What does this flare mean?"

Obviously, Cornelia still doesn't know the purpose of this red and green flare.

"Emperor Sister. Retreat immediately. All members return to White Wolf Fort. In addition, this wreckage will be **** with a bomb and destroyed by throwing it here!"

Euphemia retracted her gaze from the flare that rose in the air, and spoke out the decision that she had negotiated with Lei Mingkai early in the morning.

"Destroy? Don't you take it back and let Lloyd study it?" Cornelia was slightly startled and said subconsciously.

Just now the pirate Gundam was fighting this weird machine, and the two of Cornelia and Veretta were naturally in his eyes. The maneuverability of this weird body makes Cornelia still fresh in his memory.

"No. If you want to study, I have more and better technologies and samples here. This wreckage will be destroyed!" Yufimia shook her head, motioned for everyone to stop working and dismantle the previous one. After the disassembled parts and components were thrown back, the handling of the wreckage began.


When a loud roar exploded, the team of pirate Gundam, Messiah, and Vaal base quickly retreated in the direction of the White Wolf Fort.

"Yufie. What happened? According to the original battle, our retreat shouldn't be right now?" Cornelia asked everyone.

"I don't know. But since Kay has signaled to retreat, it means that this battle has become irrelevant." Yufimia shook her head and did not say too much information. .

It’s not that Euphemia didn’t believe in Cornelia and Veretta, but because the truth of the matter would have a great impact on the entire Q department, Euphemia chose to engage in private conversations that followed. Only then confessed the overall plan to Cornelia and Veretta.


As the team progressed, the personal encrypted channel of Messiah and Valkyrie rang the sound of communication access.

After Cornelia and Veretta looked at each other across the screen, they closed the channel used by the team together and switched to the private encrypted channel.

"Emperor Sister, Veretta. From now on, don't divulge the information I have told to anyone other than you and me."

As soon as he spoke, Euphemia said something that made Cornelia and Veretta a tight heart.

As an imperial empress,

As an imperial official,

They naturally knew what Euphemia's words meant.

"Understood! Please speak!"

Cornelia and Veretta said in unison.

Upon hearing this, Euphemia nodded, and then revealed all the secrets of this world.

"Emperor Sister, Veretta. This world is not as simple as what we see. Among the corners that we cannot see or touch, there is another world. And the existence of this world can affect us even more. The operation of the real world you are in."

"And this world hidden in the dark side, we call it the world of C."

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