"Pikachu!" Watching Pikachu scream in pain, Ash suddenly became worried.

Xiao Gang was not in a hurry: "Are you ready to admit defeat?" As

soon as he heard the admission of defeat, Ash began to be unwilling again.

Pikachu was still crying out in pain, and Ash was also struggling: "I recognize..." Before

the words were finished, Xiao Gang had already ordered: "Let go of the big rock snake." "

Uh-huh..." The big rock snake released its tail and dropped Pikachu to the ground.

At this time, Pikachu had fainted, and Ash quickly stepped forward and picked Pikachu up.

After seeing Pikachu's scarred appearance, Ash began to blame himself again for not admitting defeat earlier.

Mina saw the power of the big rock snake, and suddenly became a little nervous.

"Xiao Hei, or let's challenge it next time."


'Believe in yourself, have you forgotten your special training in Tokiwa Forest? '

But... But that Xiao Gang seems to be very powerful..." Mina was a little hesitant, but Luo Xiaohei had already jumped off Mina's shoulder.

Seeing that Luo Xiaohei was so determined, Mina also took a deep breath: "Good!" Come on Mina! Mina is the best! Mina will definitely win!

Mina clenched her fists to cheer herself up, and then stepped forward with firm steps: "Little... Xiao Gang! Mina wants to challenge..." "

Sister Mina? It's really Sister Mina, it's great to meet you! Before Mina finished speaking, she heard someone call herself from the observation decks on both sides of the warehouse.

"Huh?" Mina turned her head and immediately saw an acquaintance.

"It's Mimi, why are you here."

"Did Sister Mina come to play with Mimi?" Upstairs, Mimi, who recognized Mina, ran down with joy and hugged Mina's leg enthusiastically.

Seeing his little sister like this, Xiao Gang was a little puzzled, because if he was not mistaken, this person in front of him was also a rookie trainer who had just arrived in Nibi City, and Mina had just arrived in Nibi City, how could she know her sister?

"Mimi, do you know her?" Faced with her brother's inquiry, Mimi happily introduced him: "Brother, she is the beautiful and kind big sister yesterday."

Upon being reminded, Xiao Gang reacted: "Oh~ you are the kind person Mimi met yesterday, thank you very much for taking care of Mimi yesterday."

"It turns out that Mimi is Xiaogang's sister." Mina and Xiaoxia also reacted, it turned out that the little girl who sold flowers last night turned out to be the sister of Xiao Gang, a trainer at the Nibi City Taoist Hall.

Faced with Xiao Gang's thanks, Mina waved her hand with a little blush: "No... No thanks, Mina likes Mimi's too.

"Sister Mina, let's go to Mimi's house and play." After speaking, she looked at her brother again: "Brother, invite Sister Mina to our house to play."

Xiao Gang showed a kind smile and also initiated his own invitation: "Mimi is right, if you don't mind, come and sit at our house for a while." "

Being invited so many times, if you still refuse, it's a bit faceless.

So Mina nodded and agreed: "That... Then Mina bothered. "

Meow..." Luo Xiaohei patted Mina's calf with his tail, signaling her not to forget the main purpose of coming here.

Reminded by Luo Xiaohei, Mina instantly returned to her senses: "That, Mina is also here to challenge the Taoist Hall, please fight with Mina." Hearing

Mina's words, Xiao Gang nodded: "As a dojo trainer, you can't refuse the challenge of other trainers, since you want to challenge, then wait for the battle to end, and then invite you to my house as a guest." Seeing

Mina fighting against her brother, Mimi honestly let go.

Ash and Xiaoxia did not leave at the first time, intending to see Mina's battle.

Xiao Gang stood opposite the rock field with a serious expression: "Although you are Mimi's friend, I will not show mercy to my subordinates, this is my duty as a dojo trainer, please forgive me."

Mina quickly shook her hand: "No, no, no... Please take this battle seriously.

Mina's attitude made Xiao Gang very satisfied: "Then the rule is still like that, each side sends two elves, and my first elf is him." "

Go, Little Fist Stone!"


The small fist stone, like the large rock snake, is a stone throughout.

The body is a large uneven stone, flanked by a pair of large hands made of stones.

"Little fist stone? Then Nidolino you go on! Mina thought about it and decided to save Luo Xiaohei for the end.

The Poké Ball was thrown and Nidolino was almost thrown out of the rocky field.

Mina's throwing technique is still worrying, which makes Ash can't help but laugh.

Mina, on the other hand, was a little annoyed and decided to practice how to throw a Poké Ball when she had time.

Xiao Gang only smiled slightly, and did not laugh like Ash.

"Nidolino? A very strong elf, but still not very dominant in attributes. When

the battle began, Mina kept her eyes fixed on the field, no longer disturbed by the outside world.

This is the result of special training in Tokiwa Forest these days.

This made Xiaoxia a little impressed: "Mina looks stronger than Xiaozhi."

"How is it possible! You know, I got better grades than her in school! "

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