So seeing Mina so sad, Dr. Ohki felt a little guilty.

"Wow!" Mina's big eyes were instantly filled with tears, and endless grievances welled up in her heart, and she actually sat directly on the ground and cried.

"Uh... Mina, don't cry, it doesn't matter if you don't travel this year, how about I find you another excellent elf next year? Facing the crying little loli, Dr. Ohki panicked.

He didn't know how to comfort himself, and even sweated profusely, which was even harder than when he was young to play the final of the league competition.

"Woohoo! Mina waited for a long time, Mina wanted to travel today..." Mina cried very sadly.

The trip she had been looking forward to for so long was gone because she had overslept, and she regretted it at this time, and she couldn't wait to make a bunk in front of the institute last night.

Dr. Ohki was a little embarrassed, and overall, it was actually his mistake.

Because the research is too investigated, it ignores the things of one more person.

"But I don't have any suitable elves here..."

Mina is sad! Mina cried even louder.

Luo Xiaohei in the glass instrument looked at the little loli with pink hair without blinking.

Maybe it's because I've seen too many little loli like Bi Chang Char, so Luo Xiaohei has no resistance to these cute little loli.

As soon as his mind moved, Luo Xiaohei directly teleported out of the instrument, followed his instinct, and skillfully walked towards Mina with elegant cat steps.


Seeing Luo Xiaohei, Mina stopped crying, but she was still a little choked and reached out to wipe it.

Two lines of snot and tears were all over the face.

Seeing Luo Xiaohei out of the instrument, Dr. Ohki looked back at the empty glass jar incredulously.

The closed instrument, made of the strongest special synthetic material, will not be damaged even if it is stepped on by a group of Kentairo.

This instrument was created to study Pokémon that are unknown or have a bad temper.

Because he didn't know what kind of Pokémon Luo Xiaohei was, out of caution, Dr. Ohki used this instrument.

It turned out that this mysterious elf seemed to be more than steel, but also seemed to have learned the teleportation of the superpower system.

But he remembered that he seemed to have turned on the interference function of the instrument, why could Luo Xiaohei still use teleportation?

"Are you a meow? But meow is not black. Mina was attracted to Luo Xiaohei, who was cute in appearance.

Luo Xiaohei was a little speechless, he is much better looking than Meow Meow, well, what is so good about the big-headed cat?

Dr. Ohki spoke: "He is an unknown elf that I accidentally discovered some time ago, and I don't know what kind of person he is, but it should be a cat Pokémon."

"Unknown elves?" Mina looked at Luo Xiaohei curiously.

After rolling his eyes, he directly held Luo Xiaohei in his arms: "Dr. Ohki, let him be Mina's initial Pokémon."

Dr. Ohki was shocked: "No! I haven't figured out what kind of Pokémon he really is. Seeing

Dr. Ohki's decisive refusal, Mina pouted and cried again.

"Wow! Dr. Ohki bullies! It is clear that there are elves, but they do not give it to others... Whining... Mina is so sad!

Seeing that Mina, who had finally stopped, cried again, Dr. Ohki was busy again.

"He really can't, I don't even know if he is suitable for being raised by humans."

"How about I catch another elf for you?" Dr. Ohki has a little headache, children or something, only cute when they don't cry.

In the back mountain of his institute, there are many Pokémon that he has studied and raised, but these Pokémon are fostered by others, so he has no right to give them to Mina.

All that comes to mind now is to go to the wild and catch one.

"No, Mina wants Blackie!" Mina hugged Luo Xiaohei and shook her head, looking like if you don't give it to me, I will continue to cry.

Luo Xiaohei was also amused by her childish behavior, and unconsciously remembered his sister in his previous life.

The softness in my heart was touched, since I want to find a trainer, I just look for a cute little girl.

As for whether he became the best elf or not, he didn't care at all.

As an otaku, enjoyment is what he pursues.

The trainer is a soft little loli, which is better than a big guy who picks his feet.

Thinking about it, Luo Xiaohei found a comfortable position and let Mina hold it.

Even snoring comfortably.

Seeing Luo Xiaohei so docile, Mina was a little surprised: "Look at Dr. Ohki, Xiaohei also likes Mina."

"This... Okay, but you have to do me a favor..." Dr. Ohki opened his mouth, and could only nod helplessly after seeing Mina's expression that was ready to cry at any time.

Luo Xiaohei's genetic samples and all the body data have been recorded by him, which is enough for research for the time being, and the rest of the research is nothing more than observation habits.

Since Luo Xiaohei also likes Mina, then simply let Mina raise it, as long as Mina sends him Luo Xiaohei's battle and life data.

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