Lu Yin Silly Waist

Vol 5 Chapter 6: The first goal returned

"We can't lose anymore!"

In the first sentence of the training, Boas pointed directly to the main points, which made many players feel uncomfortable, but they could not refute.

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Boas finally looked at Yi Le, who was standing in the middle, and took out the training manual in his hand. "After the warm-up, the teams will fight!"

As soon as they came up, they split into teams, which surprised the players. They looked at Yi Lei subconsciously.

Boas, this is to find Yi Le feel!

After nearly two months of dying at home, the return of Yi Le is a cardiotonic agent, but there are also many problems, and whether Yi Le can continue the previous performance is also the key.

The warm-up soon ended, followed by team confrontation.

The two sides are the main team and the substitute team.

Yi Le was included in the main team. In fact, Boas wanted Yi Le to join the backup team and let him help the rookies who knit the back line.

However, under the premise that Yi Le's own state cannot be guaranteed, he naturally has to focus on Yi Le. After all, this is the fortress of all offensive and defensive in Paris.

The two teams stood on the sidelines, and the competitive status of the main team players increased significantly.

Especially when the back line players looked at Yi Le's back, they were confident.

Both sides are motivating loudly, inspiring morale.

Behind the fence, journalists from all over the world also talked excitedly.

Today is not an open training day, but under the arrangement of the club, they still choose to let the reporters watch the return training of Yi Le. On the one hand, it is to ease public opinion, on the other hand, to stimulate the fans.

Many reporters came to attend this comeback training, and journalists from Britain, France, Germany, Spain, etc. all came.

They formed a small group in constant communication.

"Yi's injury is healed?"

"Being able to participate in team training is estimated to recover very well!"

"After the injury, there will always be problems of ups and downs. Boas put Yi into the main team to make him feel!"

"No way, the performance of Grand Paris recently has been too bad. Now everyone is staring at Yi, and his performance is directly related to the next achievements of Paris!"

"I hope Yi can play better, I don't want such a talented midfielder to be defeated by injuries."

Yi Le ’s superb performance in the World Cup made him more concerned. Although De Braun ’s Belgium reached the semi-finals, De Braun played very well, but in the data comparison, De Braun still Can't reach the data that Yi Le almost dominates the midfield.

Many people have concluded that Yi Le will become stronger in the next few years, and he still has a lot of room for growth.

In a whisper, the match is finally about to begin.

Yi Le continued to oscillate his head from side to side, which is one of his signature movements. His head oscillates quickly, remembering his teammates' position and running direction quickly and accurately.

The bench was the first to kick off the ball. After a few downfalls, Verati seemed agitated and passed the ball directly to Di Maria.

This is a signal of attack, but it is too obvious.

The entire defensive center of the main team focused on the right, directly locking Di Maria's breakthrough position, and with the help of Mbappe, quickly showed a trend of encirclement and directly isolated Di Maria.

"Quickly surrounded the net!"

The reporters couldn't help but shine their eyes.

At the beginning of the season, Paris always had a feeling of rhythm procrastination. It did not have the posture of the mad dog attack last season.

In this training match, they finally smelled a familiar smell.

There is a taste!

Di Maria, who was caught in the net, didn't support long before the ball was intercepted.

After Kanter broke the ball, he almost subconsciously stopped, turned, and passed the ball. The direction of his passing was exactly where Yi Le was.

"Easy to get the ball!"

The reporters were a little bit excited, and how Yile's status depends on how the ball is handled.

But surprisingly, Yi Le did not pass the ball as usual, but chose to pass back, but he ran to the right.

Dare to attack?

The reporters were puzzled.

On the other hand, an older reporter with a senior qualification said with a chuckle: "It really is the style of Yi!"

Upon hearing this, other reporters were at a loss.

Isn't Yi Le's style aggressive?

How is Yile's style reflected?

"Who said the back pass is a conservative pass!" The old reporter said: "In the midfield, the back pass has two meanings. The first layer is indeed a conservative choice, but the other layer ..."

The old reporter laughed and said: "He wants to control the midfielder!"

Yi Le became active. He constantly combed the rhythm with a one-pass pass. Paris passed quickly and the rhythm gradually became faster.

When the substitute team was desperately pulled by the opponent's rhythm, Yi Le suddenly stopped a ball and took two steps forward, attracting enough power to pass the ball.

A rhythm change almost made the bench vomit blood.

The rhythm became slow again.

The main team is in control of the ball, or they can use the rhythm to suppress the substitute team.

And Yi Le continued to use two wings to test, this is his usual method.

This method also made the two rookie full-backs miserable.

Wag dashed like a headless fly.

The rhythm ... the rhythm is all chaotic!

He didn't even know what was going on, but it felt like he was tired, he could see the ball, but he wanted to break it.

"Damn !!!"

When Mbappe passed the Nth pass, Waag exploded.

The pressure on the middle is not small, which makes him swayed. Should he support the middle or continue to defend Mbappe.

On the other hand, Mbappe is a face of enjoyment. Although he did not really sprint at full speed in this game, he knows that there are always opportunities, and it is a chance to kill.

Yi Le will always open the best sprint path for him ~ ~ On the sidelines, assistant coach Michelle said with relief: "Yi started again!"

Boas also smiled and nodded: "His style is indeed hateful, but you noticed that no, Yi has been active near the middle circle."

After hearing this, Michelle froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "So say ..."

Boas touched his head and grinned: "He is still looking for state!"


Michelle has some sympathy for the backup team. This level of suppression is all about looking for a state. So how terrifying is it when it really breaks out?

Yi Le judged his state while passing the ball.

The meal eaten at noon is almost digested, the touch from the feet is perfect, the whole body is very light, and there is no sign of recurrence of the ankle injury.

Very good condition!

Yi Le couldn't help but smile. After passing the ball to Neymar, he stepped directly into the other half.

Veraty, who had been staring at Yi Le, suddenly shouted in horror: "Return to defense !!"

Verati shouted in time, but Yi Le and Neymar were faster.

The rhythm of the previous drag suddenly soared, Neymar connected the two and directly passed the ball to the middle.

While there, Yi Le bowed his arrow and threw his right leg and smashed it fiercely.

boom! ! !

This is not a pass at all, but a shot.

Long shot!

A powerful long-range shot hit the opposing team like a shell.

The substitute goalkeeper had stretched his body as much as possible, but failed to touch the ball, which penetrated into the dead end at an extremely tricky angle.

Uh! ! ! !

Watching the ball enter the net, Yi Le clenched his fists fiercely, and the depression in his heart spread out.


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