Lu Yin Silly Waist

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Departure in the rain

The ball rolled out of the bottom line.

The entire stadium was silent.

Chinese fans covered their mouths and looked at the stadium in disbelief.

Swedish fans patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief, but their eyes were also full of doubts.

Why didn't Yi Le run just now?

On the sidelines, Lippi, Li Ting and others changed their faces.

Why didn't you run?

The answer is clear, but it is ... too cruel.

Yi Le stood with his head down in the center of the court, his figure was very lonely.

He wanted to continue the game, he wanted to continue to fight on this stage, but his body no longer allowed him to continue running.

The ankle started to feel swollen gradually, and the tingling made him unable to run smoothly, which disturbed his ability to pass.

The reason he stayed on the court ... disappeared.

Tick! !

The sky did not know when it became dark, and the rain fell on Yi Le's face, extremely cold.

Uh, uh, uh, uh! !

The rain is getting bigger and the whole stadium seems to be still.

Zheng Zhi and others looked at Yi Le in disbelief, and the Swedish players looked solemnly.

In the eyes of everyone, the statue-like Yi Le finally moved.

His right hand was raised slowly.

Those hands were trembling slightly, as if this movement required a great deal of energy.

The head referee watched all this indifferently. For them, this situation is already familiar.

Neymar regretted leaving in the 14th World Cup.

In the 2006 World Cup, Zidane was lonely and lonely.

The World Cup is indeed a bright stage with stars. There is nothing wrong with it.

But there are also many superstars who are unable to continue their active performance and leave here for various reasons.

This is an extremely cruel thing.

But even if it is cruel, he has to fulfill the duty of the head referee.

Beep! ! !

A sharp whistle sounded.

On the coach's bench, the team doctors and staff members ran over with stretchers.

Yi Le is still standing in the same place, just standing so lonely.

In the stands, Chinese fans were silent, their faces pale.

On the World Cup commentary stage, the three commentators also experienced two minutes of silence.

The expressions of Duan Xuan and others are extremely at a loss. They have anticipated the problem, but they still do not want to believe it.

Zhang Lu glanced at the two partners and said with a heavy face: "Je Yile just failed to run because of injury."

Zhang Lu's words brought the two explanations back to reality.

Duan Xuanqiang endured the sour, hoarse voice: "I am a cruel thing for us, we do not want to believe it, but we have to face it. Yes, in fact, Yi Le's The injury has been touching our hearts, and after 90 minutes of fierce battle in this game, the hero who fought for the country is finally going to fall! "

"This is unfortunate news. There is no news yet, but ..." He Wei took a deep breath, controlled his tears, and gritted his teeth. "Suck! Huh! The Chinese team is going to cheer!" "

On the other side, the Swedish commentary is a bit lighter.

"Yi's body seems to be in trouble, which may be good news for us, but for the whole of China, this blow is too painful!"

"He is a very good athlete, and his performance in the World Cup is impeccable. He led a fourth-team team to the top 16. In this game, he played against us for 90 minutes, even though he is our enemy, But we do n’t skimp on respect for the strong! "

"Regardless of the outcome of the game, in my mind, Yi is the best player in this game!"

"Let us bid farewell to the courage to fight for the country with the warmest applause. He did everything for his country and his team!"

"He deserves our respect!"

Making love! ! ! !

At the scene, Swedish fans got up and applauded.

The strong are worthy of respect, especially in the football field, Yi Le's performance has already conquered them.

As explained in the commentary, even if they are enemies, it still does not prevent Swedish fans from respecting Yi Le.

Under everyone's attention, Yi Le lay on the stretcher. He covered his eyes with his back. Others could not see his expression, but they could see the two lines of tears falling.

Strongly unwilling!

Strong frustration!

This emotion is conveyed to all parts of the world through television.

The French commentary said heavily: "Sorry, I have to announce bad news. After we say goodbye to Messi and Ronaldo, maybe we have to say goodbye to this superstar!

"This World Cup is much crueler than we thought ..."

During the rain, the team doctors and staff left the scene with a stretcher.

On the stands, the fans got up and applauded.

Whether it's Swedish fans or Chinese fans, even Russian neutral fans got up and applauded.

"Xiao Le!"

At the sideline, Li Fei walked over and looked at Yi Ledao with a complicated look.

Yi Le didn't respond, but Li Fei still saw Yi Le's bleak palm.

Not reconciled?

Li Ting raised his head and sighed, letting the rain enter his mouth, his mouth bitter.

Yeah, not reconciled!

It was difficult to reach the top 16, and it seemed that the top eight could be reached.

At this point in time, Yi Le, as the pillar of the Chinese team, fell.

This is a huge blow for the Chinese team and even the fans.

In other words ... the World Cup of the Chinese team is over!

Li Fei gently patted Yi Le's shoulder, as if comforting, as if encouraging.

"Remember, you are only 22 years old!"

Li Fei said, "We have done a good job. Take a good rest. After four years, we will start again!"

The staff carried Yi Le and ran into the player aisle.

Chinese fans looked at this scene, and they couldn't retreat their gaze until they couldn't see Yi Le's figure.

They looked at the stadium and the atmosphere changed.

Yi Le ’s departure was a big blow to the Chinese team,

The last burst of relief!

And this also means that failure is coming.



Time seems to dilute a bit of pain, but for Chinese fans, they still can't forget the unforgettable period of unwillingness.

In the 93 minutes, Sweden suddenly attacked, breaking the Chinese team's goal and winning the quarterfinals.

But after entering the quarterfinals, the Swedish team failed to go far.

Their game with the Chinese team consumed too much energy. In the face of the powerful Croatia led by Modric, the already tired Swedish players had no ability to resist.

The World Cup continues, the top 4 places appear, and the game enters the most ardent stage.

But this has nothing to do with the Chinese team.

On July 10th, some media reported that Yi Le appeared in the Capital Rehabilitation Center and was about to undergo surgical treatment accompanied by his family.

This worries many Chinese fans, who worry that the talented player will be defeated by injuries.

Chinese football can no longer stand the frustration, they do not want to lose this talented talented player.

They also wanted to continue watching him play football, cheer for him, and shout for him.

And Chinese players have begun to change quietly.

The impact of this World Cup is too great, the scene of cheering people is straightforward, but it is more of a strong unwillingness.

This unwillingness will drive them to become stronger.

Or four years or eight years may be longer.

But they believe that one day, Chinese football will eventually rebirth.

At that time, they will challenge the World Cup again to fill this unwillingness!


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