Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 861: Rebirth of the Cavern of Light

   Chapter 861 The cave of light again

  Su Chen is naturally unwilling to give up Frostmourne. Since he came to this world, he has relied on Frostmourne many times to save himself from danger, not to mention that Frostmourne's sharpness is still irreplaceable.

   "It seems that you can only use one hand of Tyre..." Su Chen moved his new armguard with some regret. If used properly, it can also work well with Frostmourne in his right hand.

  Su Chen quickly left the Vault of Lights and used the elevator to go to the Throne of the Guardians on the second floor of the Hall of Origins.

  The four huge thrones are still very majestic, but there is no master, only some followers are still here.

Remembering that the first time he came here, he climbed the wall by sneaking, Su Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although the time difference was not long, it was already a different person. He himself controlled everything in the Origin Hall with ease. .

After wandering around the Throne of the Guardians and finding nothing, Su Chen used the elevator again to go down to the depths of the Origin Hall. This is the engine of the Origin Furnace. In addition to supplying huge amounts of energy, it is said that it can also penetrate Going deep underground, it can affect the star soul inside the planet of Azeroth.

Although Su Chen was quite interested in the star soul, it was said to be an undeveloped titan. Like those ancient gods, they were just parasites on the star soul. It was far from something he could get involved in. It is estimated that Only when you reach the level of the Titan Guardian can you fight the idea of ​​the star soul.

Zhinao was extremely excited after getting close to the majestic energy. Su Chen was also very entangled and depressed. He finally had a powerful source of energy, but his body was too weak, so he couldn't use this powerful energy at all. .

  Su Chen finally gave up the idea of ​​using these energies to condense magic gems... With his current level of magic power equivalent to that of an archmage, the magic gems that can be condensed are not strong, and compared to the huge energy in front of him, it is not even a drop in the bucket.

   "Forget it, let's wait until it becomes stronger and then collect this energy." Su Chen sighed melancholy and prepared to leave with regret.

   Before that, he asked Zhinao to restore all the defense systems here by the way, but only took away the guardian of the origin hall, Anhur.

   "If there is a devastating war in the future, this Hall of Origin is a good refuge..." Su Chen couldn't help thinking secretly when he saw the door of the Hall of Origin closed again.

If the    titan guardians are going to reshape Azeroth, they will definitely not include themselves, so Ulduar and Uldum must be able to defend against the life-reshaping device that can destroy all life.

"What should I do now?" After returning to the desert of Uldum, Su Chen was a little confused. Although this trip had some benefits, not only did he create a copycat version of Tyr's Hand, but he also got a The strong guard Anhur, but he failed to complete the task entrusted by the Red Dragon Queen... Those powerful guards have no whereabouts at all!

   It is indeed a troublesome thing to know that several giant Titan creations have suddenly disappeared, and even the dragons do not know their clues.

Su Chen couldn't help thinking of the huge three-dimensional map of Azeroth in front of the Throne of Loken in the Lightning Hall. It could display various things sent to Azeroth. Zadath's clue.

"By the way... I almost forgot. We seem to have destroyed the information collection system there in the Lightning Hall last time, and I don't know if Loken can repair the information collection system..." Su Chen suddenly thought of his last time in the Lightning Hall. The trip caused a lot of damage, and even caused Loken, who was fighting against the dragons on the front line, to leave the battlefield and returned to the Lightning Hall in a rage.

"Perhaps the guardians of Uldum used some kind of Titan technology to hide their whereabouts. Back then, Azadas could also hide and seal himself in Uldaman, and even Loken didn't find him." Zhinao speculated.

   "It should be like this..." Su Chen agreed with this. Those guards were very powerful. Even if Loken wanted to do something to them, he would be a little bit afraid, and it was impossible for him to disappear.

  Su Chen originally planned to return to Northrend immediately, but since he took Anhur out of the Hall of Origination, the huge guardian could not be teleported with him.

   What made him even more depressing was that although Anhur successfully flew into the sky, its original intention was to defend the interior of the Hall of Origination, so Su Chen soon discovered that this guy's flying speed was very slow!

   "Isn't this speed similar to that of a griffin? It would take a month or so to fly all the way back to Northrend..." Su Chen frowned.

  If he were to fly to Northrend himself, then he would not be at ease, because this Anhur was not very intelligent, and he almost completely relied on the commands issued by his brain to attack and fight, and it was difficult to deal with emergencies.

"It seems that I have to find someone to **** it back." Su Chen was very entangled in his heart. Originally, he established a new port in Tanaris, but due to the last explosion in Uldum, the port of Nagajisen was destroyed. It was almost destroyed, although some goblins later rebuilt the city, but now the emergence of Deathwing has caused a huge tsunami, which must have destroyed the port city again.

   "I knew earlier that the city should have been built in the desert inland like in the game..." Su Chen slandered in his heart, it was indeed his own mistake to choose to build a seaport city for the convenience of transportation.

   As a result, he has absolutely no other power in the southern part of the Kalimdor Continent.

"It seems that I can only find a way to find Chromie." Su Chen thought that Chromie should be in the Cavern of Time at the moment, but he could ask Chromie to help bring Anhur to Northrend. By the way, he could also ask Ask Bronze Dragon's next battle plan.

  Because the Bronze Dragon established the Cave of Time in the Tanaris Desert, far from the Temple of Dragon Sleep, the relationship between the Bronze Dragon Legion and other dragon races has also become less close, and even in a state of elusiveness in many things.

   Only because the bronze dragon king Nozdormu is currently missing, the bronze dragon army had to obey the command of the Dragon Sleeping Temple.

   It doesn't take much time to get to the Caverns of Time from Uldum. Even if Anhur flies slowly, it can still be reached smoothly.

   However, when the huge Anhur approached the Cavern of Time, he obviously immediately aroused the vigilance of the Bronze Dragon Legion, and soon several giant dragons that reflected bronze light in the sun flew towards him.

   (end of this chapter)

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