Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 629 Family

Figuero Supermarket.

Val was pushing a trolley to display goods, and a TV hung on the top of the end of the shelf, playing a news channel.

What was playing on the news was the news that the cruise ship had been hijacked. After seeing Luke's picture, Val couldn't help but stop, with a look of concern on his face.

A black employee came from behind and stood beside Val watching the news on TV. He laughed at himself, "You know what? This kind of thing will never happen to me because I can't afford this kind of thing." Tickets for a luxury cruise, haha..."

Val made a silent gesture and continued to focus on the news.

While watching the news, the black employee commented, "I seem to know this guy in the news. Yes, Luke Lee. He seems to be a very powerful Los Angeles police officer. Why did he join the FBI?"

Val replied, "He was originally a criminal investigation consultant for the FBI."

"How do you know?" The black employee looked at Val who was standing aside, and saw that he put his right hand under his chin and made a pose. The black employee frowned and asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

Val smiled and said, "Don't you think we two look alike?"

"You and Luke Lee?" the black employee stared at the TV carefully. "Well, you do look a bit like him, but he looks more masculine and you can tell he is a ruthless character at first glance."

"No no no." Val shook his finger, "It's not that I look like him, it's that he looks like me. I'm his uncle."

"Are you joking?"

Val said with a serious face, "His mother is my biological sister. Believe me, nothing is more true than this."

"Oh my God! This is so surprising. You actually have such a powerful nephew!" The black employee looked puzzled, "Then why do you come to work in the supermarket?"

Val was suddenly speechless and wanted to say that this was his interest, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

"Ding ding ding..." Fortunately, at this moment, his cell phone rang, which relieved him of his embarrassment. He pushed the car to the other party, "I'm going to answer the phone."

"Okay, who gave you such a powerful nephew? But, you really didn't lie to me?" The black employee still didn't believe it.

"Of course." Val pointed to the phone, "Look, the call is from his mother."

Val walked aside with a smile and pressed the answer button, "Hi, my dear sister, what do you want from me?"

Yes, I saw the news too.

You are right, this is a day worth celebrating.

Okay, I know……"

At seven o'clock in the evening.

Palisades Community.

A black SUV with FBI characters on it parked in front of Luke's house.

The car door opened, Luke got out of the car, greeted the driver, and watched the black SUV leave.

Luke opened the door and walked into the yard. The lawn in the yard was neatly trimmed. He hired a professional gardener who would come to take care of it every once in a while.

In the past, Luke often mowed the lawn at his mother's house, but the area of ​​his new home was so large that there was no comparison between the two. If he took care of it himself, it would take him at least half a day.

If you want to live in a luxury home, you must not only be able to afford it, but you must also be able to afford the subsequent maintenance fees.

Luke dragged his suitcase to the door. As soon as he opened the door, the light in the living room came on.


Linda, Robert, and Val suddenly appeared.

Luke smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

Linda smiled and said, "My son has become an American hero. How can we not celebrate?"

Waldau said, "Yes, my manager found out about this and gave me half a day off."

Robert came over and hugged Luke, "My dear child, you are the pride of our family!"

Linda walked over and looked Luke up and down, "How are you? You're not hurt?"

Luke smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm fine.

In fact, this cruise ship hijacking case was not as dangerous as imagined, and everything was under control. "

Val said, "Stop standing at the door. Dinner is ready, let's talk while we eat.

I only had one hamburger for lunch and I was already hungry. "

Luke put down his luggage and washed up briefly. When he arrived at the restaurant, the table was already filled with sumptuous food. "Where's Jack? Why didn't you see him?"

Linda spread her hands and said, "He is at home."

Luke asked, "What's wrong with him? That's not like his style."

Val laughed and said, "Haha, that brat is out of love. No, to be precise, he was dumped."

Robert curled his lips, "This is not something to be happy about. Why are you so excited?"

Val said seriously, "Break-up is the only way for a man to grow up. Only those who have experienced love-break can become real men.

Although there may be temporary pain, in the long run, this is also a rare experience for Jack. "

Linda came over with a plate of salad and directly poked Val, "No, you are just gloating. You don't have a girlfriend, and you don't want others to have girlfriends.

Moreover, Jack only had a conflict with his girlfriend, not a breakup. "

Val quickly shook his head, "No no no, I don't lack girlfriends at all. The female employees and customers in the supermarket all like me, and several of them have even confessed to me."

Linda teased, "My dear brother, now is not the time to sleep and dream. Hurry up and eat."

Robert said, "I quite like Maggie. I hope Jack and her will reconcile soon." He picked up the wine glass and said

“Family, let’s raise a toast to Luke.

Here’s to this American hero who saved hundreds of passengers. "


Everyone drank a toast and started today's dinner.

Luke had been busy at the FBI office all day and didn't eat much. He picked up a piece of steak and ate it big.

After the four of them ate for a while, Robert put down his knife and fork and took a sip of red wine. "Luke, tell us about what happened on the cruise ship. I can't wait to know what happened."

Val echoed, "Yes, I also want to know how you rescue hundreds of passengers on the cruise ship, it is incredible."

Linda also looked at her son with a look of relief.

Luke did not disappoint and began to tell the story of the cruise...

Everyone chatted until very late before leaving.

The next morning.

Luke sat on the patio in his pajamas, drinking coffee and scrolling through the Los Angeles news on his phone.

The cruise ship hijacking case still occupies the headlines of major news pages. Luke feels that CBS TV station should be behind it. After all, this time they have obtained first-hand interview information.

Nami Inoue also stole the show with this interview. Her beautiful appearance and professionalism left a deep impression on the citizens of Los Angeles.

"Jingle Bell……"

Luke's cell phone rang, and Director Red's number appeared on the screen.

Luke originally wanted to take a day off and adjust before reporting to the police station. He pressed the answer button and said, "Hello, Chief."

"Luke, when did you become the Deputy Director of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division?"

Luke replied, "When the cruise ship was hijacked, Director Ayesha Garde thought it might be a terrorist attack case, and this identity was more suitable for handling terrorist attack cases.

However, this is only in name and will not affect my work in the Detective Bureau. "

"That's good, where are you now?"

"at home."

"You kid has taken so many days off, but you still have the nerve to stay at home. Come to the police station to report quickly. I want to see you within an hour."

"Director, don't be so stingy. I just arrested a group of robbers. Let me rest for another day."

"I also want you to rest, but there is a case that you need to investigate."

"What case?"

"A murder occurred two days ago."

"Since it has been two days since the incident, who is responsible for investigating the case?"

"Second Squadron."

Luke said, "Then there is nothing to worry about. Captain Klin of the Second Squadron has rich experience in handling cases, so why should I be involved in the investigation?"

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about. Come to my office and we will talk face to face."

"Okay, you're the boss." Luke hung up the phone, packed up briefly, and drove to the police detective station.

Luke drove into the parking lot and received warm greetings from everyone as soon as he got out of the car.

"Captain Li, long time no see.

I saw your news, you did a great job, especially the scene where you killed the robber in the restaurant, it was super cool. "

"Good morning, guys." Luke greeted with a smile as well.

"Hi, America's great hero, I heard that you are going to be transferred to the FBI."

"Don't be stupid, I'm not going anywhere."

"Luke, you are in the spotlight this time. All the TV stations are broadcasting your news."

"Is there not enough news about me? You should be used to it. Haha..." Luke chatted with everyone for a while, agreed to invite them to the bar for drinks in the evening, and then went to the director's office.

"Dong dong."

"Come in."

Luke pushed the door open and walked into the office, "Director, I came immediately after receiving your call."

Red stood up, walked to the sofa, and asked Luke to sit down, "Want something to drink?"

"No, let's talk about the case directly."

Reid nodded, "The crime scene was at No. 104 Wilson Community, and the deceased were the homeowner Blanche Crook and her boss Gary Coffey.

Garian Coffey is the current chairman of Coffey Company. You should have heard the name of this company. "

Luke said, "I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it."

"Coffey Company was founded sixty years ago. It was originally just an investment company. After sixty years of development, it has spanned many fields such as finance, real estate, technology, shipping, tourism, sports, and charity. The company has a large scale. .

Moreover, the Coffey family has a good relationship with the Los Angeles Police Department. Last year alone, it gave the Los Angeles Police Department $3 million in charitable donations.

The news about you has been on TV in the past two days, so they are very optimistic about your ability and hope that you can take over the investigation of the case. "

Luke gave a wry smile. Being famous is certainly a benefit, but sometimes it also brings corresponding responsibilities.

"What about Klin? I don't want him and the Second Squadron to think that I'm robbing their case.

I would rather not take over the case if it affects the relationship between the two squadrons. "

"I will communicate with the Second Squadron and won't make it difficult for you."

Luke touched his chin, still seeming hesitant, "I don't really like Coffey's company's interference in the work of the police station."

Red continued, “Me too, so I said no at first.

However, in order to show sincerity and apology, Coffey Company is willing to offer a reward of one million US dollars as a reward for solving the case.

I am going to let the First Squadron and the Second Squadron form a joint investigation team, so that the Second Squadron will not have much objection.

Of course, the investigation of the case is still focused on you, and I will let Klin cooperate with your actions. "

Red added, "When the murderer is caught, I will give you a long vacation."

Luke smiled, "Sounds good."

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