Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 597 Politician’s Face

New York, near Central Park.

A black Chevrolet SUV parked on the side of the road, and Luke and Aamir Khan got out of the car.

Luke looked at a building towering into the sky next to him, "Are you sure the deceased Grace Bloomberg's family lives here?"

Aamir Khan covered his forehead with his right hand and looked up, and said with envy, "Yes, everyone in New York knows that the mayor and his wife live here."

"Sorry, I'm only half a New Yorker." Luke shook his head. He couldn't figure out why a rich man would live in such a high apartment building. "I still prefer the architectural style of Los Angeles."

“Man, this is the Central Park Building, next to Central Park, and surrounded by the most prosperous areas in New York.

Never doubt the vision of these rich people. "Amir Khan pointed to the heights, "It is said that the top floor of the building exceeds 250 million US dollars, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. "

Luke understood that every inch of land was valuable, but he still couldn't understand how to spend $250 million to live on the same piece of land with other people. "Okay, let's take a look at how luxurious this mansion is."

Aamir Khan rubbed his hands and said, "I'm looking forward to it too.

If it weren't for the investigation, I probably wouldn't even be qualified to look at houses in my life. You know, buying such a mansion would cost tens of millions of dollars in agency fees alone. "

Hearing Aamir Khan's words, Luke felt a little uncomfortable, because his villa in Los Angeles happened to be worth 10 million US dollars. For the top rich, his house was just an agency fee for people to buy real estate. This is what he and The gap between the top rich.

Luke changed the subject and said, "By the way, why didn't Michael come and asked you to come?"

Aamir Khan raised his eyebrows, "Because I am the FBI's top criminal profiler.

Sometimes, I don’t need to ask or tell, I can tell many problems just by looking at the other person’s attitude, behavior or tone of voice.

And Michael does not have such ability.

The person we were talking to this time was the mayor of New York, and Michael couldn't ask questions without scruples like he would an ordinary person.

Otherwise, even if he catches the murderer, it will be difficult for him to get promoted again. "

Luke smiled and said, "I asked you why Michael didn't come and let you brag about yourself."

"I'm not bragging, I'm just telling the truth."

"Well, I hope you are as good as you say."

Aamir Khan nodded to Luke, "I've always been great."

"I think you can shut up." Luke was speechless and quickened his pace.

"Ding dong..."

The elevator door opens.

Luke and the two walked into the elevator.

A young elevator waitress stood in the elevator, nodding slightly, "Gentlemen, which floor do you want to go to?"

Luke glanced at Aamir Khan.

Aamir Khan replied, "The 130th floor."

"Sir, do you have a reservation? The 130th floor is a single-family elevator, and I don't have permission."

"Yes, we have made an appointment. My name is Aamir Khan."

"Wait a moment." The elevator attendant picked up the phone in the elevator, dialed a number, and after confirming, pressed the button for the 130th floor.

The elevator moves upwards very quickly and steadily.

After a while.

"Ding dong..." The elevator door opened.

Two men in black suits stood outside the door, looking at Luke and Aamir Khan.

Aamir Khan showed his ID and said, "FBI, we are here to meet Mr. Nasi Bloomberg."

One of the men in black made an invitation gesture, "Please come with me."

The two of them, Luke, put on slippers outside and entered the room under the guidance of bodyguards.

The living room of the house is large, bright and bright, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

The man in black said, "Two of you, please wait a moment, Mr. Naci Bloomberg will be here soon."

Luke nodded and walked to the tall floor-to-ceiling windows. The view outside the window was extremely broad. Not only could he see Central Park, but also half of New York City. It felt like he could see all the mountains at once.

Aamir Khan also came over and said, "You know?

This is the tallest residential building in the world. From here you can overlook the most prosperous area of ​​New York and you can also see the sea in the distance.

Let your mind and vision become broader.

This kind of feeling cannot be brought by low-rise residences. "

"Da da..." Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a white man walked into the living room.

The man is about fifty years old, of medium build, and looks a little tired.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I just finished a video conference."

Amir Khan walked up to him and said, "Hello, Mr. Nasi Bloomberg, I am FBI agent Amir Khan, and this is FBI criminal investigation expert Consultant Li."

Naci Bloomberg sat on the sofa and pointed to the opposite side, "Sit down, please. What would you like to drink?"

"No, thank you." Luke's base is in Los Angeles, and the mayor of New York has the least influence on him.

He went straight to the point, "Mr. Bloomberg, we are very sorry about what happened to your wife.

We, the FBI, are fully investigating the case. We came here today to ask some questions about your wife. "

Naci Bloomberg sighed, “I didn’t expect this to happen.

After hearing the news, I felt like the sky was falling.

She is very important to me. We have been married for more than ten years and have always loved each other deeply.

After I confirmed the news, I almost fainted.

I was ready to go to the scene immediately...but was stopped. Naci Bloomberg spread his hands and said helplessly, "If I am photographed at the scene or go to the police station, the news of my wife's murder will be hidden."

Therefore, even if I want to see her again, I must restrain myself for the sake of New York. "

Luke felt that this was a bit exaggerated. Grace Bloomberg’s death might have a certain impact on the tranquility of New York City, but if Grace Bloomberg really loved his wife, he would definitely still Will rush to the scene.

After all, family is the most important thing to America.

Of course, Luke had no intention of delving into which of these politicians' words were not high-sounding, and which family members were the most important. Everything must be questioned in the face of interests.

"Mr. Bloomberg, we'd like to ask you some questions about your wife."

"Okay, you can ask."

“When was the last time you saw Grace Bloomberg?”

"At seven o'clock in the evening on October 3rd, we will have dinner together at home."

“Is there anything unusual about Grace Bloomberg at that time?”

"I didn't see it.

However, we were not very happy during that meal. We had a quarrel, and then she left angrily. "

"How did she leave?"

"In her red Porsche sports car."

"Why did you two quarrel?"

“She wanted me to go on vacation to Hawaii with her, but I had work and couldn’t leave.

She was very unhappy and felt that I didn't value her.

I've been very busy at work recently and under a lot of pressure, so I got into a fight.

She slammed the door and left the house. Naci Bloomberg sighed, took off his glasses and wiped them, "After that, I called her, but her cell phone couldn't be reached. I thought she was still angry. Who knows...

I regret it now...

My work is important, but my family is more important. I should accompany her on the trip, maybe this kind of thing will not happen..."

Luke touched his chin. He vaguely saw signs that the other party was lying, "Has your wife offended anyone recently?"

"As far as I know, no. She is a very simple person and easy to get along with. Her friends like her very much.

I can't think of anyone who would do such a terrible thing to her. "

Luke felt that he still didn't mean what he said, "What does your wife do? Has she ever had any conflicts with others at work?"

"She is a director of a company under my name, and she often participates in some charity work. These are very simple tasks, and she gets along very well with the staff. I don't think there is any connection between the two."

"Could her death be related to your work?"

Naci Bloomberg thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't think so."

"Then do you have any enemies?"

“Wow…this sounds a little complicated.

I do have many competitors, both in business and politics...

However, I don't think they would do such a low-level thing, because not only will it not defeat me, it will also make me tougher. "

Luke continued, "After Grace Bloomberg was killed, her arm was chopped off by the murderer. Do you know why?"

“Cut off the arm!

Damn pervert..." Naci Bloomberg seemed to have thought of something, "Bloody Mike, isn't this his way of committing crimes? That pervert made New York a mess a few years ago. "

Aamir Khan reminded, "Sir, the FBI arrested Bloody Mike five years ago. He is now in a New York prison and it is impossible for him to commit another crime."

Luke said, "Mr. Bloomberg, the FBI will review the matter of Bloody Mike.

What I want to ask now is, is there anything special about your wife’s arm? "

"My wife has beautiful fingers, and she is very good at playing the piano." Naci Bloomberg pointed to a black piano on the right side of the living room. "Whenever she is in a good mood, she will play a song.

And every time she attended a party, the party host would ask her to perform the piano.

She is well-known in the circle. "

Luke asked, "So, do you think Grace Bloomberg's arms were brutally cut off by the murderer because she was good at playing the piano?"

Naci Bloomberg spread his hands and said, "I don't know either."

Luke stopped asking and recalled the previous conversation between the two. Although Naci Bloomberg kept answering questions, he did not provide any valuable clues.

Very typical politician's face.

Luke said to Amir Khan on the side, "Contact Michael and see if there is any progress in his investigation."

Aamir Khan was stunned for a moment, glanced at Naci Bloomberg, then stood up, walked aside and made a phone call.

Naci Bloomberg looked at Luke.

Luke said, "Mr. Bloomberg, I am not a politician or a rich man, and I am not interested in things in your circle.

I know you hid something and even lied about some issues.

I don’t want to dig into it, and I don’t want to find out something I shouldn’t know.

But if we don’t investigate anything, it is likely to delay the investigation progress of the case.

So, I need a name, someone you think might be helpful to the case. "

Naci Bloomberg stared at Luke and pondered for a long time, "Mia Carioca.

She is my wife's friend.

She often went to Mia Carioca to talk to her after we had a fight.

Maybe she'll know something. "

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